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  • If I remember correctly, about 10 years ago (plus or minus a few years) that so laboratory or university or something succeeded in backwards time and space travel of non-tangible matter such as sounds and voices to be sent to the past and future. Did I see that on the history channel or Daillymotion or something? I don't remember.
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    I just read the other day that scientists have successfully transported an entangled quantum particle back in time. But it was just one particle. No knowledge yet on how to scale that up exists. It was an MSN site though. Very low credibility of that even being true.
    Hello, sorry to bother you. Have you developed the time machine? Sorry, my question is rather strange. Last year, in an accident, my body was seriously injured. I want to go back to a year ago and change my mistakes. I have been looking for a way to travel for a long time. If you have developed a time machine, please help me! I really need help.

    TimeFlipper sent me. Are you still building coils for the Preston Nichols-designed DTG, using SBTs ? If so, how much for two w/ shipping? Thnx.
    Hi Einstein, how are you? It's been a long time since I've been on here.... hope you are well
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    hi Einstein this is Stanley do you know what material Steven Gibbs was using to attach the Rectafier Diodes and the Capacitor that white plate on the bottom of the Hyper Dimentional Resonator
    At the time I built mine, I assembled all components onto a perfboard. I used 1/4 inch spacers epoxied to the HDR box. The spacers were tapped to accept a screw. See pic.

    Hello Einstein, you're still at it? LONG time no see. You must be the go to guy by now. I still plan on waiting until I retire, when I have some time, to go back to experimenting. But I still read every article and redesign by plans/ideas in my head. What do you think of Chip Scale Atomic Clocks? (CSAC)
    Hey! Long time no see. I don't think atomic clocks actually measure the flow of time.
    Hi E, I would still like to have an atomic clock just to make preliminary (less time required) tests - then an organic (yeast? plant?) in followup experiments.
    You said something that has brought me headche for the hole last year, the question of "what time really is".
    I've questioned it myself lots of times,though so many hypotheses, but I couldn't reach the answer.
    Of course there is a lot of questions like.
    What is the mechanics of time?
    Is time energy or matter?
    If gravity is capable of "slow down time", then what time is composed of ?
    I used to think of T as motion. If you go really fast (SOL) then T stops - you have just matched "the speed of time" and If you go even faster (FTL), or faster than T, then T goes in reverse. The faster you go the slower your T....Hmmm....
    I thought a few months ago particles could be divided into smaller parts infinitely, but I realized nothing can move itself therefor those infinite amount of parts can't move themselves in a medium of nothing, and can't interact with every other part. I think time is the cause of the ability for things to move, but at the moment I can't describe its properties besides it being labeled as a something.
    Time Travel in my openion has no practical use. It can be done! It has scientifically been proven it can be done and in some very small compacities it's been done in the medical community. Only a fool would think "NO its never been played with." Military groups around the world have played with it. The problem is, it has no practical use! Let's pretend and say i have time machine. The problem is, my machine will not transport you on Linear Time. Meaning you cannot travel forwards nor backwards on this now current time line. You can only jump time lines. What good is it? Jumping time lines I am talking about the multi world time line theory. The whole grandfather paradox doesn't apply in this theory. Thus, you cannot change any aspect of your life or avert anything from taking place in the future for yourself. You can only manipulate what is not origional to you and your existence within another timeline.
    Hello Einstein, I am interested to build a time machine, for that I am currently studying mechanical engineering, as you I am seeking the way of engineer lol, so I'd like to ask you, with our knowledge now a days are we able to build a time machine? And if so, what do you recommend for me to study to achieve this objective, if you want to ask me why I want to travel in time be free to ask :v.
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    I would recommend studying mechanics, physics, chemistry, and all of the mathematics courses. I don't believe you will be able to acquire knowledge on how to invent something. That is a skill that is best learned through trial and error. Personally I don't believe there is enough information on what time is, or how to manipulate it. Although there is some interesting info on the weak force that has peaked my interest
    Thanks for you comment, but if you don't mind I have more statements that I will do.
    you can boost your creativity level by exercising, eating healthy foods, boosting your IQ for example one study showed meditating for 20 minutes a day for a week increases your IQ by 23%, believing mentally and emotionally anything is possible, and getting into a "creative state" that nikola tesla talked about while being interviewed.
    Einstein, Have you done any more experiments with you HDR, and have you built any other devices? E.Fermi...
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    No updates with my HDR. I haven't done any experimentation in quite a while.
    I started working on another HDR about a year ago but, haven't finished it to many project so little time....E.Fermi
    Hey I'm new here. I want to write novels about time travel. Also I follow alot of your post. Before this I researched into radionics.
    DO you sell the HDR device? I'm from Asia
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