🧲 Schematic Delta Time Generator

@heka2015 I had forgotten that a very kind member had re-drawn the DTG circuit for me(y)..
If you cant get hold of the SBT 588, you could ask for an equivalent one or the company might offer you an alternative one..the particular SBT i used was useful for RF AF and IF applications, dont forget to send a message to @steven chiverton...

Germanium transistors were used widely in the 1950s and 60s until they started using Silicon, and i believe SBT`s were used a lot too especially in the Blue Streak missiles and Submarines plus the Radio`s of the day....For more durability and frequency range, mixing Germanium and Silicon together was began in the very late 1990s for producing IC`s, and pushed up the price of Germanium as a consequence..:)

Germanium does have a problem though...after 25 years it can start to sprout "whiskers" which could short out the transistors...
The concept of the DTG is that the quantum tunnelling opens up a wormhole or vortex to other dimensions when tuning it..
Regarding coiling, it takes a lot of patience if youre doing it by hand...take a look on You Tube for any info on it, or have a word with our member @Einstein who has produced several beautifully constructed larger Tesla Coils (y)..

Everytime i switch it on i get brief flashes of something which i cant describe easily, sort of like a feeling of past and future perhaps ...Sadly nobody on here has said they have built a DTG, i think the thought of winding the miniature Tesla Coil turned them off it...have fun building it and let us know when its completed :D..
Hey @TimeFlipper,
found some SBTs :eek:.
Lets see if i can get myself paying 8 bucks for two transistors with 13 bucks of shipping.
And then patiently wait a month and a half for them to arrive. LOL
I hope i find one locally though, before that.

A good thing i figured out as well:
Vintage germanium transistors are an item of special interest among effect pedal freaks.
There is a huge market out there with all kinds of different GE transistors.
Now I can buy a box of vintage germanium SBTs and still not feel guilty.

Due the double use, I was thinking to socket the transistor.
I would be able to change the SBT 2N588 for any other SBT to experiment further.
As far es the coil part I would like to do the same - pluggable.

Any objections occur to you, about doing this @TimeFlipper?

Somehow I have to fill up those two month now X_X
BTW: I had a rough time to find an SBT 588 or N588.
As far as i can see, from that museums site and everything else, this transistor is called SBT 2N588 by philco, and the pic above is the only datasheet I found.
Have to look if i can get a hold of one of those electronic catalogs from 1999.
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Well done for locating those SBT`s, and thanks for the spec sheet on them (y)..
The 2N588`s were made by Philco, and a company called Sprague also used to make them for the US Government..

I became aware of the SBT`s being used in pedals during the 1960s, and then there was a resurgence of them being used again in the 1980`s and the 1990`s..It was all down to their frequency range (very useful for harmonics) and the durability of them and also the 9 volt internal battery supply...During the 1990`s valves or tube pedals also had a resurgence of popularity.
I was playing Bass Guitar during my time in bands from the 1960s upto the 1980s, so i had no real use for pedals..:cool:

Be aware that the SBT you decide to use is produced to be suitable for Radio Frequencies (RF)..Audio Frequencies (AF) and Intermediate Frequencies (IF)...Iam not certain if they have anything to do with the Quantum Tunnelling effect, but i think they were the type of SBT used originally by Preston Nichols, who came up with the concept of the DTG..:)..
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The Transistor Conundrum Part II

Here is the source of this datasheet. Thanks for making me find this usefull gem.
Ranges and Data-Tables for Semiconductors
Interresting page, it is a SEARCHABLE datasheet database for OLD components.
The "similar search"-link you can see on the pic leads to 30+ germanium SBTs.
Don't get too excited it'll be the same to get a hold of them...discontinued for sure.
The 2N588`s were made by Philco, and a company called Sprague also used to make them for the US Government..
Those are the original manufactures:
- Philco (developed '55)
- Sprague Electric Company (licenced '56)
- Semiconductors Limited, a division of the British-based Plessey Company (licenced '57)
- General Transistor Corporation (licenced '59)

Be aware that the SBT you decide to use is produced to be suitable for Radio Frequencies (RF)..Audio Frequencies (AF) and Intermediate Frequencies (IF)
Yep I am aware of the different uses. Thanks for reminding though.
I am trying to get my hand on a box of a mixed collection of vintage germanium transistors.
I prefer locally, but ebay is always a possibility. Maybe some russian military grade ones?LOL
vintage germanium transistors | eBay
Nevertheless I'll get some 2N588 separately, now i know what to look for.
The plan is to build the device exactly like yours first, with Philco SBT 2N588, because that is what the schematic says, period.
I want to socket the transistor and a connector for the coil to change those without a headache.
That would be the only thing.
I hope i can get the other parts cleared up soon to finally build that puppy.
Working on it!

...to be continued
Oh yeah, no problem to buy those, after clearing up the naming.

What sucks with those is I have to pay double the shipping than actual cost.
So I'll scavange locally first, I have a budget on those things,jajajajaja.
15 bucks in components is a lot, but you sure know that.

I can buy microcontrollers just for what i pay shipping:eek:...
...but i have the feeling they don't do so good in time distortion, don't they.:borg::XD:

1-0 for Transistor... so far
The hardest part of the DTG is making the Tesla Coil, and i suggest that you ask our member @Einstein to make it for you and then send it over to you...He might charge you a few bucks for doing it :D..

The other few parts you need are very easy to get hold of and cheap, try out Maplins or your nearest private electronics shop for them..(y)
I started to get a part list together.
This is a lot of assuming here.
I really want to build this thing.
I hope you gonna work with me to get a reproducible DTG here @TimeFlipper.

Let us clear some stuff up please, once and for all, for everybody, so this gets easily buildable.
I know most of the answers, but just to make sure.

IC N555
Looks like PIN 5 is not in use (not present in the schematic). So is it open or grounded with a capacitor?
Obviously open, but just to throw it out there.
In the event the control-voltage pin is not used, it is recommended that it be bypassed, to ground, with a capacitor of about 0.01uF (10nF) for immunity to noise, since it is a comparator input. This fact is not obvious in many 555 circuits since I have seen many circuits with 'no-pin-5' connected to anything, but this is the proper procedure. The small ceramic cap may eliminate false triggering.

There are two ground symbols on the schematics.
In my world of electronics those symbols are chassis ground.
The only other thing I see connected to a chassis ground is the LED.
Now arises the question if this is wanted and the inventor planned a metal case or something and you hold it to get the ground earthed?
Or do I just overthink this, and it was ment as simple ground, to not cross lines on the schematic and thats it?
Doesn't make sense either cause there wouldn't be the one in the lower left.
Confusion i would like to clear up.

If we want this to be copied and build by more people to share experiences, there should be fixed led in there with his respective resistor.
Just saying, people can figure out what to change if they have the urge to change schematics.
It should be a common basic red LED 5mm 1.8-2.2VDC Vf/ 20mA IMHO

I ASSUME im alright with 0,25W Resistors, but I don't like to assume at all. lol
The 150Ω Resistor at the transistor collector base. Do we put it or not? Why the maybe for a penny item?

Any reason why this is noted?
Shouldn't this be all correctly calculated already?

I know it really doesn't matter that much here.
One capacitor says 16V the rest says nothing. That confuses people. So 16V all of them and confusion eliminated?

I really want to make a sound schematic and a corresponding parts list.
Foolproof so to say.
But those are points coming up doing it.
The most confusing part are the chassis ground symbol.

P.S.:I hope I do not stress you too much @TimeFlipper, and if, tell me and i''l shut up.
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The hardest part of the DTG is making the Tesla Coil, and i suggest that you ask our member @Einstein to make it for you and then send it over to you...He might charge you a few bucks for doing it :D..

The other few parts you need are very easy to get hold of and cheap, try out Maplins or your nearest private electronics shop for them..(y)
Nah I am confident that I got the actual coiling part.
Wouldn't be fun for me without learning something!
Coiling is mine. LOOOOL
I have all the parts lying around. I don't have to order anything at all except coiling wire and SBT

About the confusion I have with the coil I let you know if you are still wanting to assist after my last post.:eek:
It's not clear at all, let me just say that for now.:sneaky:
I really appreciate your time. Thanks
