Recent content by Enigmatik

  1. Enigmatik

    Forum Game LADIES: The SEXIEST Men Alive!

    Oh my...this thread is relevant to my interests...... I want to second Robert DeNiro, and add my faves: Trent Reznor Jason Statham and Colin Farrell
  2. Enigmatik

    The Bacon Thread

    I think the poll at the top of the thread should be amended to add the choice "More bacon."
  3. Enigmatik

    Hall of Records

    I hope this link works, I can't find the option above to use a hyperlink. The book is Plato Prehistorian by Mary Settegast. It's not a light read, it goes rather...
  4. Enigmatik

    Hall of Records

    I think the Hall of Records is a shared heritage of knowledge, not in the form of documents we could never translate after 10,000 years but information kept by a select few and handed down over generations by groups like the rishis of Vedic culture and the Seven Sages mentioned in Egypt. For...
  5. Enigmatik

    Hall of Records

    I tend to stay as far from discussions about this topic as I can (so many bad experiences on other sites), but I'm going to throw in my opinion here: it's not an actual physical location so much as a concept.
  6. Enigmatik

    Oklahoma: Bill Would Ban Aborted Fetuses in Food

    I don't believe it's happening. I agree with the quote in the article that this is just an attempt at undermining reproductive rights and stem cell research.
  7. Enigmatik

    What Is Your Favorite Song?

    It's hard to pick a favorite song; some I love are tied so deeply to things that were happening in my life when I first heard them, while others lose meaning for me over time. Here's a few I currently love: This is my personal anthem:
  8. Enigmatik

    Heart Attack Grill: Taste Worth Dying For

    I know I should be appalled, but 24 slices of bacon on one sandwich sounds heavenly. Just don't tell my doc I said that!
  9. Enigmatik

    ALERT: Police Think a Serial Killer is Targeting Homeless Men in Southern California

    Here's hoping this indeed the person responsible.
  10. Enigmatik


    My background is in anthropology, so anything concerning that, archaeology or history mostly. I'm also deeply interested in cryptozoology and stories about missing time events and time travel. And urban legends.
  11. Enigmatik

    ALERT: Police Think a Serial Killer is Targeting Homeless Men in Southern California

    I recall some years back finding a website that tracked possible and known serial killers throughout the US. The site's author stated that the FBI believed that every major metro area has between 2-4 serial killers operating at any given time, but it's not publicized to prevent panic. I hope...
  12. Enigmatik


    I'm new here...I found a link from a web search and decided to join because I like what I'm reading in the forums. My name is Grace, and I'm from the southeastern US. My current job and other obligations don't permit me a lot of free time but I do hope to contribute positively to the...
