Recent content by LordLammi77

  1. LordLammi77

    Is this photo legit?

    No. Looks fake.
  2. LordLammi77

    Childhood memory

    All of this happened when I was still wide awake.
  3. LordLammi77

    Childhood memory

    I've posted this before in /x/ but didn't get many answers. When I was 10 years old, on a night when I was seeing faces in the bushes outside and hearing unintelligible voices that sounded half way between being in my head and being real, I saw a small man fade into existence sitting on my bed...
  4. LordLammi77

    Steven Spielberg Theorizes That UFOs Could be Humans From the Future

    Many people have theorized this
  5. LordLammi77

    Thoughts on what Bigfoot really is?

    What makes you believe that?
  6. LordLammi77

    Photographs of another planet and of two grey aliens

    Where is the photo of the greys from?
  7. LordLammi77


    Does anyone have any idea what their intentions are? How could we even guess?
  8. LordLammi77

    Anyone else find this strange that we're only just now doing this?

    Also isn't some of the footage 20+ years old but just recently leaked? There's definitely more we're not being told.
  9. LordLammi77

    What do you think aliens are?

    I think some could be from outer space, but others from underground or the deep sea. So a combination, really.
  10. LordLammi77

    Thoughts on what Bigfoot really is?

    A rare, undiscovered bi-pedal ape.
  11. LordLammi77

    What are Black-eyed Children?

    The idea of children with all black eyes doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. It could just be a rare, undiagnosed disease.
  12. LordLammi77

    What are Black-eyed Children?

    From what I've heard, which is quite little, they have been seen with men in black, so they could have been created by the government.
  13. LordLammi77

    Face masks make people look more attractive, study finds

    only if the lower half of your face is ugly lol
  14. LordLammi77

    Octopus from space

    Would this make other cephalopods from outer space as well? Are all mollusks aliens that evolved from that meteor?
