Recent content by TexDanm

  1. TexDanm

    Media Why The Sun May Suddenly Destroy All of Our Electronics

    What most people don't understand is that the electromagnetic pulse of a solar flare is in itself not all that destructive. The Earth has been hit many times in the centuries that man has been around. in the past about all that it caused was some wild looking night sky as the aurora effect...
  2. TexDanm

    Atlantis - Real or make believe? (Or somewhere in between?)

    I wasn't around then so have no personal knowledge or information other than what I have read so I guess that I have nothing that this idiot would accept. TA TA!!
  3. TexDanm

    Media Why The Sun May Suddenly Destroy All of Our Electronics

    I take it that you either didn't read or failed to understand the post that you quoted. I don't have to know you to conquer you. All i have to do is force my will on you and mostly begin to control your ability to harm or resist me. We have all most wiped out the major preditors that in the past...
  4. TexDanm

    Media Why The Sun May Suddenly Destroy All of Our Electronics

    We as a species have conquered every beast and every continent and every environment on the Earth but one. That would be us. Until we learn to either conquer or make peace among ourselves we are at risk. At our current level of technology, we are a lot like a child with a gun. We are a huge...
  5. TexDanm

    Media Why The Sun May Suddenly Destroy All of Our Electronics

    Sometimes I think that a reboot may be the only thing that can save the human species. We seem to have become stagnant and are no longer moving forward. A reboot that doesn't wipe us out would offer us another chance.
  6. TexDanm

    Media Why The Sun May Suddenly Destroy All of Our Electronics

    This is one of those things that isn't IF it happens it is WHEN it happens. The Sun regularly throws off huge coronal mass ejections that would mess up our electrical systems. Depending on its level it could be a small piece of the planet like the one that hit Eastern Canada a few years ago. If...
  7. TexDanm


  8. TexDanm

    Do you have a power generator?

    If you wait until it is necessary then it will be like toilet paper is now. None to be had and if you do find one it will cost you an arm and a leg. Preppers are looking pretty smart right now. their entire philosophy is about doing things BEFORE they are an absolute necessity. I rolled into...
  9. TexDanm

    How prepared should I be for COVID-19???

    COVID19 isn't a Pandemic so much as it is an Epidemic that is mostly a danger to people in the mega-cities. What you mentioned about Illinois is true all over the country and then it slowly spreads first along the Interstate Highway system and then even slower along the state and local highways.
  10. TexDanm

    How prepared should I be for COVID-19???

    Basically, the COVID-19 virus is a paper dragon and a created disaster. It is by far the least deadly "pandemic that the world has ever seen. The reality is that it is probably little if any more deadly than the regular flu. The numbers that you are seeing are not very informative because most...
  11. TexDanm

    How to do magick without complex rituals

    I well understand what you are saying. I think that I reacted as strongly as I did because I have been where Mr. Unknown is now. Depression is a bottomless pit of misery that doesn't go away easily and all prayer did for me was make me feel even more abandoned and miserable. I went ALL THE WAY...
  12. TexDanm

    How to do magick without complex rituals

    " You make me sick" Is neither loving nor helpful. Nor does it reflect the loving-kindness and forgiveness that Jesus taught and many Christians have walked away from. Judge not lest you be judged, Love thy enemy as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Since you evidently...
  13. TexDanm

    How to do magick without complex rituals

    It was the loving and kind people like you that drove me away from the Christian faith.
  14. TexDanm

    How to do magick without complex rituals

    Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz I read this when I was young and lost and used the techniques to shape myself and my life. It works on a sort of controlled self-hypnosis based on the theory that in the end, you ARE what you believe you are. It has some parts that made me think a lot of...
  15. TexDanm

    Why do men like to kill men?

    Humans, especially males are relentless killers in nature. Mankind is slow, hairless, thin-skinned, with no claws, small dull teeth and proportionally weak. The only places where mankind excell are intelligence, ability to run long distances, specialized coordination and being a relentless...
