‘Aliens’ Tamper with Computer in Hawaii: ‘They Implanted a Picture’


Think outside the mind
WAILUA HOMESTEADS, Hawaii — One person in Kauaʻi County says “aliens” implanted the photograph of an “entity” inside his home computer.

The anonymous man said Saturday that he was “clearing out” his computer of “useless folders and files” when he found the mysterious selfie.

“I found a folder that I did not create within my computer, and noticed an image inside of the folder I had never seen before,” the man reported on the Mutual UFO Network.

He says he was unaware of the existence of the folder and that he was “surprised and intrigued” when he saw what was inside.

The image, a JPG file with a size of 18.1 kilobytes, doesn’t initially appear to have been doctored according to its EXIF metadata and shows a humanoid shape with an intensively illuminated white background.

Credit: MUFON

The man believes the picture could be some sort of response from the “aliens” because of his interest in the subject and the additional claim that he witnessed a “few crafts” around his house at the time of the technological “implant” occurred.

“I have run the photo through a few tests , such as checking the internet for matches of the image to verify its uniqueness. As well as running it through Photoshop checking programs to confirm that it has not been tampered with,” he said.

Last June, a newspaper deliveryman captured a controversial video of similar “extraterrestrial being” at a cemetery in Florida.

Wailua Homesteads is a census-designated place with a population of 4,700.

The post ‘Aliens’ Tamper with Computer in Hawaii: ‘They Implanted a Picture’ appeared first on Cryptozoology News.


Senior Member
Perhaps this is a test case for aliens to create baby entities of themselves within computers from which they adapt and learn everything about our world..
Each computer is analogous to a womb...a small unrecognisable virus gets into every computer in the world and slowly develops into the baby alien entity, completely disguised and safe within the computers..The virus will contain the aliens DNA.

When they are at a certain age, they will be teleported to their mother ships surrounding our world, unseen..
There they will undergo a further growth process to make them appear exactly as human beings, and then start to populate our earth..
I dont know if they will be here for good, or bad purposes..


It looks like it was a photo taken under water, looking up. Personally, the odds that it is a hoax are too high. I'd need more proof before I believe it was an alien.


Maybe the alien/creature has wings like an angel. That's the bright areas of the picture.

"The alien did it" is indeed a great explanation for quite a lot of things! It's very convenient but not very convincing in that case.
