“The Hum” Heard In Costa Rica


I stumbled upon this article while looking for more info on the French psychic from 80s on the Internet. I've seen a lot of topics on various forums about people hearing some humming sound around the world.

On the 9th of January, 2012, Costa Ricans awoke to a strange loud sound that emanated from the sky. The frightened Ticos called the authorities to report the apocalyptic-sounding hum. The explanation they received, left many of them suspicious. No way was the thunderous sound anywhere near what fireworks sound like. The authorities though, remained steadfast in pushing their fireworks explanation to the nervous callers.

The same night at the precise moment the reports began, the Zapote Fair was having it’s closing ceremonies whereas they set off some 150+ high powered fireworks in to the sky. - CostanRicanNewssite

The strange sound heard over Costa Rica is somewhat of a global phenomenon. For the last few years (more so these last few months) there have been reports of a strange, and very loud, sound that appears to come from the sky. It’s been reported and many countries like Ukraine, Canada and different parts of Europe. Now, we get the latest reports from the small country of Costa Rica. Just what exactly is going on?

I’ve been following the reports of the strange hum and posting the findings here on GhostTheory for a few months now. I’m not really sure what this sound is to tell you the truth. I’ve read plenty of forums where people link the sounds to some diabolical HARRP project. Some of them make sense, others sound just to out there to be real. For example, one post mentioned that the sound was a “testing phase” for some secret military “earthquake machine”. OK, I can see how that is a conspiracy theory, but the question that we would have to ask ourself (if we went that route) would be: What government?

Of course, these sounds are not the sounds of “150+ high powered fireworks“. These sounds similar to those sounds heard in Ukraine, Belarus and Alberta.

What are these strange sounds? Some government death ray/sound machine? Earthquake machine? The more of these reports come up, the more I concerned. Whatever these sounds are, they sure as hell sound ominous.



I wonder if it could be a government, or whatever else powerful organization, testing a crowd-control machine, using auditory subliminal stimuli... :cautious: Or maybe I watched too many cartoons!


Junior Member
I think I read or heard something about this phenomenon some time ago last year, not sure where though.

I searched a bit on the net and found a dutch forum with a thread on this subject. It's a long thread with posts starting in 2007 until this year, so will have to make some free time to read it all. From first glance however from what I read in there it's still a mysterious thing and people aged 50+ are more sensitive for this humming.

If I come across something noteworthy I'll post it here.


Active Member
I also recall reading similar stories relating to this topic. Only, they are UFO related. I believe I read a story of strange humming sounds in Brazil (or one of those S. American countries) that were followed by crafts disappearing into mountains or the ocean. I do not think they are related, but it still intrigues me nonetheless. These are indeed strange times in which we live. It will be interesting to see how this year progresses with these types of phenomenon.


Junior Member
Did some searching again to find where I had heard about a hum here in Holland. It was in the newspapers last year about research to where it could come from. Apparently the people here that hear the sound: some claim it coming out of the ground, some only hear it occasionaly.

So far it concerns something about a low frequency sound and tried to tie it to the mining for natural gas here in the region. The conclusion from the investigation however they couldn't tie it to that. Or at least say it isn't because of the mining for natural gas.

Furthermore there was a study about low frequency sounds in the 90s but unconclusive and soon after forgotten. The study concerned about people hearing a low frequency sound near areas where there would be (heavy) industry.

I don't know if it's the same sound heard in Costa Rica, but still I wanted to share what I found about the sound here. So far what I know there haven't been UFO-sightings near here.


Many believe it has to do with HAARP. It may.

Do you think it may by the Earth itself? In other words, it's not made by any technological mean?


Junior Member
Well I can see why they would investigate industry as cause of the sound. The only thing is in the northern part of the Netherlands it's more of a rural region, not much (heavy) industry here. Only in the few cities we have you would really find heavy industry. So it's a small step to investigate the company mining for natural gas.

Because of the mining causing the land itself to sink we have minor earthquakes. So it could be it's the Earth where it comes from. Land always moves. But that's if it would be possible to hear when Earth is moving slightly, not sure about that.

What I remember from the posting of one person, they even heard the same sound while on vacation on one of the islands (most western one) which is not very close by (by dutch standards lol). There is no mining of natural gas on the island, but all of the islands move east very slowly. This because of the sea taking away land from the west, depositing sand to the east.

Two different forms of earth moving, so not sure if it could be tied to that either.
