Debate 12,000 Year Old Structures in Kurdistan


Structures that date back 12K years conflict with the current understanding of human history. This would be indicative of civilization existing during/prior to the last ice age. These would have been built 7K years before the pyramids. There is a big chuck of history missing here.

Before It's News

I do remember something about this when they first started the excavation. This video is after 13 years on this project. Many things here that make you go Hmmm.
Thoughts and comments?


I located a National Geographic article on the Göbekli Tepe site.
It covers what the world was like at that time and the beginnings of spiritual awareness.
It does not explain how they were built.

Göbekli Tepe - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

"At the time of Göbekli Tepe's construction much of the human race lived in small nomadic bands that survived by foraging for plants and hunting wild animals. Construction of the site would have required more people coming together in one place than had likely occurred before. Amazingly, the temple's builders were able to cut, shape, and transport 16-ton stones hundreds of feet despite having no wheels or beasts of burden. The pilgrims who came to Göbekli Tepe lived in a world without writing, metal, or pottery; to those approaching the temple from below, its pillars must have loomed overhead like rigid giants, the animals on the stones shivering in the firelight—emissaries from a spiritual world that the human mind may have only begun to envision."


We really don't know that much about humanity 12,000 years ago. Don't worry though, I won't suggest aliens helped them.

A lot of people theorize that the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx are much older than science says they are. Many will tell you that they are in fact 12,000 years old, which makes them about as old as Göbekli Tepe's constructions.

There's no way to know what our ancestors were up to many thousand years ago, how evolved civilization was, etc. All we can do is come up with theories and estimate how advanced they were. As we have no real idea how old civilization is, we're likely to find more and more ancient and older buildings, temples, cities buried deep underground, or perhaps underwater.

I guess the most well preserved ancient constructions are more likely to be found underground, like Göbekli Tepe. It's been buried for 10 thousand years.


New Member
This is something I have always been interested in, especially the reference to the great flood. I always have been a fan of the ancient myths and I do a lot of research into trying to understand them. What these people found may be a link between many of the worlds cultures and could bring everything we know about history into question. Good find! If you find out anymore about this please post about it, I would love to learn more.


Could man have had advanced technologies 100000 years ago only to be thrown into an icy dark age. This is very intriguing to me. How many times can great civilizations crumble and how can we prevent it in the future? I guess it's just another cycle of life...


Civilizations that lived during the height of the last ice age, would have had sea levels hundreds of feet lower. Around 90% (educated guess) of the world population would have lived within 100-200 miles of a shoreline. As the ice age came to a close, the water would have risen and submerged their society. With all submerged, discovery of evidence would be long in coming.

I have read where the end of an ice age can happen rapidly. Conditions occur that change the weather in a short time. For us, the arctic ice melting could disrupt the warm/cold water exchange system in the oceans. The currents would slow to a stop and the effect on the climate would be major. It does not take much to destroy a civilization. Nature just may have a knack for it.


Active Member
I watched the show Ancient Aliens. They did a whole show on this. It's actually in Turkey. I work in this part of the world, and you have to be careful throwing around the word Kurdistan. Really incites a lot of hatred and fury. But if you haven't seen any of the Ancient Alien shows, there are quite a few sites in this area that are under scrutiny now for their age and purpose. According to the show it's due to aliens.. but regardless of what you believe, the dates they are assigning to these sites are almost beyond belief.
