2011: A New Year Begins for Paranormalis.

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🖥️ Staff
Dear members of Paranormalis,

Happy Holidays to all of you guys! :)

May this new year be good year for everything and everyone you care about. I wish you a great time with your famillies and loved ones during this Holidays period.

I've revamped the site a little bit in the last few days, and I'm looking forward to see more activity on the forums in the coming weeks. I've been away for the last few months and I'm now back in action to make Paranormalis active again.

Paranormalis is currently lacking active members. We need you to discuss weird and awesome stuff !

If each one of you guys visit the site on a daily, or weekly basis, and post one message on every visit, it would boost the site's activity in a massive way.

I'm going to post bunches of articles and lots of new content again everyday, so make sure you don't miss anything on Paranormalis Forums !!!

In 2011, let's make Paranormalis active :)

Have a great Holiday, and take care. I'm looking forward to discuss with you on the forums.


Happy New Year to you too :)

See you soon!

I know I am late, but its better late than never! Happy Belated New Year wishes everyone!

I am sure with a bit more advertisement, we will spiral up the activity
I'm here. I've been watching the progress of Paranormalis for a while now and it doesn't appear to have taken off as much as most had hoped.
There is a over abudance of Paranormal forums out on the internet. If we are to suceed in making Paranormalis anything more than a failure from a great idea, then we as a whole must come together and create content users want to read and or discuss. This includes controversial topics.

I wish you well. I will try and bring content to the forum.
You are very welcome to contribute in our community Topics! :)

In many occasions I didn't take enough time to take care of this baby, or I didn't made the right choices, so I'm aware that a big part of the numerous failures Paranormalis went through in the last year are my fault! :(

But, I learned long ago that always looking back at the past wasn't a good thing, so I'm looking forward at making Paranormalis a great place, here and now, in 2011. I've been working a lot for the last few weeks and it seems that up to now, we're moving toward something!

Let's continue the good work, thank to you guys! :)
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