🛡️ Debate 2012 ELECTION: Mitt Romney vs. Obama

Just one more thing to me at least. Saving Medicare is costing more. Part A is 20% hospitals. Now, Part B is also 20% plus a premium that if you do not sign up, goes up by 10% a year, like a penalty. I fail to see Obozocare as anything but wrecking older people of which I am one. In fact, I would only save $45-55 dollars with what I have to do - have heart disease (failure) and must take a test so often and take medicine. I do not want Medicare to change to what it was before, but I also want military spending cut - some of that is just waste and that is all. I see neither political party as getting along and it has been that way for a long time, but the Republicans will lower prices and provide more gasoline at a lower price but if the Democrats win they expect everyone to do what they say, and I see no sense in what they are doing most of the time. This has caught me before because I did not make much money, and now prices are going up, and I had to retire early. That is all I will say because neither political party is worth that much to me and worth knowing, but still people will equate to the Democrats which will not end up being as good as far as I am concerned. False money is false money and paying more and making more does not make it better. In fact I am not trying to convince anyone, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I fail to see why only two political parties, yet they both will say they are going by the majority. I suppose they are, just some people are not treated the same (by other people) and trying to common everyone probably won't work either. Blah...............................
The Final Presidential Debate will be held this Monday, October 22, 2012 at 9 p.m. Central Time from Boca Raton, Florida.

I'll be watching!
I don't care what the biased Media says, Obama did not win the debate last night. No way! Obama kept interrupting Romney throughout the entire debate. When Obama spoke, Romney sat politely and waited his turn. But each time Romney had his turn, Obama kept rudely interjecting, as if they were in an exchanged conversation. Romney kept his cool, and Obama kept on attacking and interrupting. He was rude.

Obama spent all his time pointing the finger. Romney held back from engaging in arguments, because he wanted to focus on 'what he would do, if president'. It was obvious to me who the winner was...hands down, Mitt Romney.

Afterwards, Polls reported on major networds favored Obama. One station said the poll was 78% in favor of Obama! I don't buy it. Yahoo also always makes Obama the winner, even when he's not.

But several Polls where people could vote on the Internet showed Romney winning from 2-4 points.

I tell ya, I'm sick of the lying, biased Media that feeds sheeple propaganda. I wish people would stop watching TV, TV News, and Commercials (everywhere) and keep up with news and events on their own through the Internet. That's what I do. I watch Netflix and DVDs to avoid commercials. It's a great relief to have them as alternatives.

P.S. And in the previous debate that he so-called 'won', Obama was caught in a flat-out lie about Libya! So that blew him out of the water, but the Media had the gall to say that he won. No way again! It's Media Propaganda.
