2012 Movie Trailer


🖥️ Staff
2012 Movie Trailer

This movie looks like "The ultimate end of the world" movie.
The CGI is at it's best ever, it looks pretty freaking hot, waaaaay more spectacular than Knowing. I thought it was an ordinary doom movie, but this is the one. It's beyond what I was able to imagine about an end of the world movie.

2012 trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies

Just amazing.

Re: 2012 Movie Trailer

I will navigate my thought process during this clip.

This looks cool...

Oh John Cusack, he's gonna learn a lesson about paying more attention to his kids or something through disaster.


Is that... Noah's Ark...?

A scene with John Cusack with some women who was probably part of the lesson he needs to learn in this movie.

I hope there are sea monsters at some point.

The end :)

I would like to see this.

The articles on google are pretty freaky too man. This movie is actually one I m waiting for ... The movie seems to be promising too ;)
