41 Dancing Bunnies and Time Waves


Ugh, I missed this one. A "grate" is a drain cover... so grateful is being full of drain covers? Grateful should be a derivitive of the word gratitude. This makes me wonder if it once was but now has been lost.

The advertisements were just a short example. Here's another video that's longer and more in depth than most.

It's more along the lines of the past affecting the present and the present leading into the future. It seems we don't all have the same pasts when we "should". So would this create a fragmented future? It would seem so.

I've never liked the name "Project Solar Warden" for that reason. Manipulating time to destroy advanced technological breakthroughs would be rather effective in keeping us trapped on this planet. There's also the possibility that we're not prisoners per se, but more along the lines of a trapped experiment or just a simulation to see where it ends up. Earth has also been called a training ground.

But does the reality observer need to be simple or complex? I've often pondered this. Does the observer need to be minimally sentient or have a full level of consciousness? Is an animal enough to be an observer? If not, I'd hate to be that constipated bear. If you can talk to vegetation, wouldn't that be enough for minimal observation? I've often wondered if simple cell life is enough to be an observer. Things happen in my private home with nobody else being around and me not observing them. They may not come into full reality until I observe them, but they are still there. Things happen on the lifeless rocks in our outer solar system. For observer theory to work, there would have to be a "God Level" observer everywhere and at all times.
As an example, this kinda reminds me of non-visible parts of a video game. Those parts are still being tracked by the computer, but they aren't drawn until viewed by a camera object. Those non-visible parts can also interact with the player from behind.

I believe that there are constant movements across the entire universe, such as the quantum foam/aether theory. I have trouble believing that the universe or things in the universe are blinking in and out of existence. If we really are in the matrix, then maybe the matrix isn't updating everything for every Planck tick. There's also a theory that the universe is created and destroyed every Planck tick. That would require a phenomonal amount of energy. I don't care for the quantum theory that for every decision we make that a new universe would be created for the counter decision. That would also require a phenomonal amount of energy. Then all those universes have 8 billion people each making decisions that split the universe again and again and again. It's beyond getting out of hand... it would take far more energy than originally formed the universe. But it does lend credence to free energy devices.

I prefer observable simplicity. When an object is moving, it will move a certain distance for each Planck tick. The minimum unit of motion is a Planck length. The movement will follow a vector like path and be influenced by the environment around it. If there are ways to split the universe and form a new timeline, it doesn't get out of hand for both size and energy. This lends credence to free energy devices again.

Years ago I found a story about aliens abducting people, partially killing them so their spirits left, and then installing a new spirit into the body. I'm not sure how true it is, but it brought up an interesting point. The new spirit didn't know everything that the person originally knew. This would seem to imply that part of our memories are stored physically and part of our memories are stored in our spirit. Maybe the spirit is able to remember some things outside of time, but the physical body is only able to remember things within the timeline.

To complicate things more, if temporal waves do exist and multiple timelines are somehow merging, it would form a complex wave pattern. By being located at certain points within the pattern, maybe that's why some people remember one way or the other. Merging timelines would also imply overwriting previously stored/remembered information.
This video here makes mention of "the rock", "can you smell what the rock is cooking?", is what people remember, but this new timeline has something different. "are you smellin what i'm cooking" I think the video said it was now.

Well I just found proof that it really was "can you smell what the rock is cooking"

Crocodile dundee 3, 42 minutes in...Dundee's kid mikey makes a reference to the original timeline...
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