41 Dancing Bunnies and Time Waves


Active Member
Over the past week, I've been coming up with Temporal Wave Theory to try and empirically explain some observations in the Mandela Effect. Unfortunately it won't explain everything, but it does bring up some interesting ideas that could mesh with other theories. You'll probably have to read this post twice to understand it. The concepts seem scattered but come together towards the end.

The Mandela Event:
"Luck (2022)". This is crApple's first attempt into feature length animation. As I've always enjoyed 3d animation and trying to bring my concepts to life, I gave it a view... and then gave it a mediocre rating. BUT, there was one part that stood out to me in the middle, the 41 dancing bunnies. With my health problems constantly getting worse, I tend to keep video clips around I consider funny to help break me out of those dark days. Last week I was down, so I was going through the funnies playlist.
In the old days, our main "music sharing" app was known as Public Terrestrial Frequency Modulated Broadcast Radio. While technically illegal, it was dominated by "payola" (and still is), and Madonna's "Lucky Star" was played quite a bit when it came out, so I'm somewhat familiar with it from my early youth.
Fast forward a few decades and enter "Luck (2022)". Madonna's song shows up again. Apple's version isn't bad, but I wasn't too thrilled to hear it again. I guess I should have expected it from the start given the movie title. So my brain goes into deep automatic mode with the song, but then I noticed something was missing:
"Shine your heavenly body tonight, cause I know you're going to make everything alright."
Given Madonna's history, I figured this was just too slutty for the "first" release of the movie. Since I grew up with this song on the radio a lot, it really bugged me that these 2 lines were missing, so one of the little voices in my head would fill them in to make the song feel less empty.
Now jump back a week, a usual down day in my life. I'm playing the funny list, I come to the dancing bunnies, my brain fills in the missing 2 lines, BUT THEY ARE THERE NOW!
*Total freak out moment.*
I wasn't expecting to find a Mandela Effect within the past 2 years.
I'm having trouble processing this, but the following are the ideas that have come up so far.
Maybe in the second, third, fourth, or who knows how many time iterations, the producers of "Luck (2022)" realized they could get away with the slutty lyrics and did so. (If they were going to fix something in that movie, they should have started with those awful dance moves.)

When Nelson Mandela originally died in prison, maybe the second time around either he remembered what not to do or the killer(s) remembered the backlash in a type of "deja vu" and decided to let him live (it is unclear what he originally died from but it was probably some type of infection). Perhaps my original theory in another post of humans doing a time jump to save him was wrong. Maybe it was just another natural time wave.

Moronal physics states that there's nothing preventing time from flowing in reverse, at least in the incomplete math models.
As beings locked into the laws of this universe, for whatever reasons, we cannot perceive reverse time... but we seem to have some sense of duplicate forward time.
Occam's Razor: The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Time travel theories can't be overly simple given the complexities of time, at least in physical implementation devices, but the core theory shouldn't be several chalkboards of non-understandable math.

I'm proposing in Temporal Wave Theory that time mostly flows forward, but there are also imperceptible reverse waves that somewhat regularly go back a certain distance and then forward again. Given the irregularity of natural waves, sometimes there's also a much longer reverse wave. It is unclear how many reverse waves there are and how much they overlap.

If you've ever walked on the beach of an ocean right on the edge of where the water comes up to, you'll notice that the waves are at mostly regular intervals and the same distance from your feet. But every now and then there's a wave that really comes in and gets you wet. Time waves may be mostly regular, but there's probably a rogue wave that hits every now and then. This could explain the longer time waves that really roll us back.

Trying to define the Mandela Effect based on empirical evidence is rather difficult as "those who know" don't want "those who don't know" figuring out the true nature of time... BUT we do have some subjective hints:
* Intuition. Maybe intuition isn't really a thing, but it's remembering the previous tries of something that worked or didn't work in an early time loop.
* Deja Vu. Maybe deja vu isn't really a thing, but more strongly remembering intuition in later time loops.
* Dreams of the future. Maybe this isn't a thing but a higher clarity version of deja vu.
None of these are actually seeing the future, but they're a form of remembrance of what we've already been through in the future as a reverse time wave starts moving forwards again.

Some further thoughts:
* If time behaves as a wave, that would seem to indicate it has a finite speed.
* If time has a finite speed, that would lead to the possibility of interaction with "something".
* If time can interact with "something", that would lead to the possibility of standing waves.
Can standing temporal waves explain why some people remember the event one way and others another?

There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but TWT provides some framework upon which questions can even be asked.

Why don't we remember the changes sooner? Is it only at the peak or trough of a time wave?

How do we know how many time waves we've already been through?

Time travel theories usually center around frequencies. Maybe there isn't a true set and fixed frequency for time travel, but more along the lines of locking into the frequency of the wave of the time period we want to travel to. Some of the more credible time travel explanations say that some time machines have a limited range, but other machines don't. Maybe the more advanced time machines can automatically lock on to a different wave at the end point of a current wave and make a much longer time jump? Is this concept the (re)birth of the Temporal Surf Drive?

To make things more complicated, there are likely long time waves and short time waves, forming mixed and complex waves. Do these waves form purely from diverting around and reflecting off objects, like in a river? Or do these waves form more like in a wave tank, like impedance changes at the edge of the universe?

Maybe standing time waves account for time slips. Some are more standing than others. Some time slip locations seem to stay open longer than others. Perhaps standing time waves contribute to the vortex phenomon and portals.

Maybe standing time waves can account for the minor fluctuations in radioactive decay rates.

It is unclear if physical motion plays any part in this. Earth is spinning. Earth is orbiting the sun. The sun is in a complex orbit in the galaxy. The galaxy is moving relative to other galaxies. Since the Mandela Effect can be seen on at least the year time frame, shorter movements might indicate something. Is there a time of the year when more Mandela Effects happen than others?

Multi-Mandela Effects seem to happen when people think there are not 2 versions of history but many. Could this be explained by going through multiple reverse time waves that significantly overlap? I, and many others, remember Mandela dying in the later 1980's. Some people reference a South African textbook that states Mandela died in 1991. In the current timeline, Mandela really died in 2013. I've also heard of Pastor Billy Graham dying in 2004, 2012, 2016, and finally 2018.

Some people have stated that the Mandela Effect can shift back and forth. History starts out one way, shifts to another, and then shifts back to the original. A continually overlapping reverse time wave where someone is making a decision that could equally be considered 50/50% could account for this. Maybe someone had 2 equal ideas and just flipped a coin to make a decision.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall..." to "Magic mirror on the wall..."
When I was a little kid, "Snow White (1937)" was "Mirror, mirror". I have vague memories of some of my female classmates in early elementary school saying this to mirrors. None of us read the original German story. To remake a movie going decades back would require a time tsunami. The Mouse Mafia seems to have an obsession with the occult and sorcery. Maybe the first incarnation was deemed "too much", but when time rolled back again nobody complained as much as they thought they would, so they were tipped in favor of the more occult line?

Mona Lisa's smile changing would also require a massive time tsunami. This would be better explained by some kind of other time anomaly. Many, many years ago, I do remember watching some documentary where a bunch of art critics were endlessly arguing about Mona Lisa's gloomy look, and talking about mirroring her face down the middle where one side was a frown and the other side was a smile. Given the temporal rewrite, I wonder if that documentary even exists anymore?
There's also King Henry VIII and his missing turkey leg painting. Art historians used to argue over that. I guess in this timeline, King Henry ate it before posing for the portrait... or maybe a hungry time traveler ate it before King Henry could...

Has anyone noticed that when a Mandela Shift occurs that it tends to go more towards stupidity than intelligence? Well, at least in advertising and things in print. Is this some sort of deeper message from beyond?

I still don't know how to temporally protect media from Mandela type changes. I can't even protect my own home computer from a time shift.

Who knows if all this holds some truth or is just the ramblings of a madman, but it's an interesting view of the topic.

As a final note, my initial "Top 10 Mandela Effects" youtube video I downloaded is missing from my hard disk. I know I didn't delete it. I tend to keep the more mind blowing videos around in case they get scrubbed and disappear from Internet. In this case it disappeared directly from me. At least youtube has a hundred others to replace it. Temporal anomalies are maddening.
I absolutely do remember "mirror, mirror on the wall..." I had to double check to see that it was different. I had no idea that it changed until you pointed that out to me. I wonder how many other things have changed that I am currently unaware of their changing... Great post, MODAT7.

"Moronal physics states that there's nothing preventing time from flowing in reverse, at least in the incomplete math models."

Maybe something like this helps prevent unsolvable time paradoxes.

I absolutely do remember "mirror, mirror on the wall..." I had to double check to see that it was different. I had no idea that it changed until you pointed that out to me. I wonder how many other things have changed that I am currently unaware of their changing... Great post, MODAT7.
If you search "Mandela Effect" on youtube, you will find a lot. Another one that got me is the rich guy on the Monopoly board game no longer has a monocle. Some of the youtubers are misremembering and just looking for attention. The rest have really found some things that have freaked me out.

I also remember "mirror, mirror on the wall..." i never heard the other one.

Has there been any consideration put into its nothing to do with the effect more some other reason by the company involved?
The one I found from "Luck" is pretty recent and a video clip I saved on my hard disk. I have pretty good security on my home network, and they don't have access. Nobody else has access.
Maybe something like this helps prevent unsolvable time paradoxes.

If you search "Mandela Effect" on youtube, you will find a lot. Another one that got me is the rich guy on the Monopoly board game no longer has a monocle. Some of the youtubers are misremembering and just looking for attention. The rest have really found some things that have freaked me out.

The one I found from "Luck" is pretty recent and a video clip I saved on my hard disk. I have pretty good security on my home network, and they don't have access. Nobody else has access.
So, are you saying that the "Luck" video clip that was saved on your hard disk had its memory altered to be consistent with the altered timeline but our brain memories are still holding onto the memories of the former timeline?
If so, then this timeline mechanism may be able to alter independent, physical, static, nonvolatile memory but not interdependent energetic quantum brain memory. If so, that is kind of a significant clue as to the nature of reality. Maybe.
I absolutely do remember "mirror, mirror on the wall..." I had to double check to see that it was different. I had no idea that it changed until you pointed that out to me. I wonder how many other things have changed that I am currently unaware of their changing... Great post, MODAT7.

It has NEVER been "Magic mirror on the wall" despite what some websites say!
So, are you saying that the "Luck" video clip that was saved on your hard disk had its memory altered to be consistent with the altered timeline but our brain memories are still holding onto the memories of the former timeline?
If so, then this timeline mechanism may be able to alter independent, physical, static, nonvolatile memory but not interdependent energetic quantum brain memory. If so, that is kind of a significant clue as to the nature of reality. Maybe.
Yep! The Mandela Effect acts like something was altered in the past, so everything you own gets changed from that point onwards. Yet our memories somehow hold on to the "original" version, so when we see the "new" version, it comes as quite a surprise. It's unclear if this is truly a change in the past or worldlines merging as some people remember the "new" version from the beginning instead of the "original" one. This is where the controversies come in, as in "Mirror, mirror" vs. "Magic mirror".

Here's one of the better videos thats only 10min long. For the record, my FOTL underwear as a child ALWAYS had the cornucopia.

Yep! The Mandela Effect acts like something was altered in the past, so everything you own gets changed from that point onwards. Yet our memories somehow hold on to the "original" version, so when we see the "new" version, it comes as quite a surprise. It's unclear if this is truly a change in the past or worldlines merging as some people remember the "new" version from the beginning instead of the "original" one. This is where the controversies come in, as in "Mirror, mirror" vs. "Magic mirror".

Here's one of the better videos thats only 10min long. For the record, my FOTL underwear as a child ALWAYS had the cornucopia.

The ones with photographic evidence are simply product changes, but there are some good ones in that video.
The spelling of the word "grateful" changed on me in my lifetime. It used to be "greatful", which makes more sense.
Ringo Star died a few times from cancer, too.
