In 2019, I made my first (and only) post here about a situation that happened to me. I guess it could be found in my profile (Because It Happened) and I was just wondering if I could get some more replies or answers if I shot it out there again. Please re-read and help me out? I'll answer any questions you might have. This really happened.
Aside from all opinions that have been given by other members on your post back then, I'd like to say my own opinion concerning this particular paragraph of the post:
_ _ _ As I was happily headed towards the other exit south (avoiding all the vehicles and mourners,everything behind me)my head,stomach, everything began to spin and I felt lost and disoriented(in this tiny place I've been to countless times....only a few roads!)I actually said wtf is happening like I was about to pass out_ _ _
If I may say it, my opinion on it may be heard as weird and unthinkable-not to mention, unrelated to time or space travel.
I'll just say it however, based on my own experience and also the experience of a few people I trust, here in my place.
By your descriptions on that particular paragraph, especially when you mentioned that at the time, you felt as if you were about to pass out... I wonder if you also had cold sweat and your vision turned yellow-ish upon the occurence.
Anyway, it sounds to me that instead of a portal, you came across a presence, the strong presence-of a strong one, if you know what I mean.
A presence, with the opposite energy type to your own, and then you had both of your energies collided.
What you felt at the time, was the 'product' of this energy collision.
It's just the same with having goosebumps, only with goosebumps, you'd usually have a light, weaker, or uninterested presence, which can be easily shrugged off.
With your case however, depending on what you chose to do after having the sensations, also depending on your physical fitness and mental state at the time, you might just simply have lost consciousness on the very spot or maybe even, worse.
While it can be such a weird, even frightening experience for some people, upon having it could also open one's mind, consciousness, and eye, toward a broader, new view concerning life itself and it's many aspects-a veil opener, if you will.
FYI, I have my own share of experience of having some encounter situations myself where I had the same sensations like you've mentioned on your post, plus having cold sweat and my vision turned yellow-ish.
I have to say however, that I'm afraid not even one of those situations was good.
Well, I guess that's all I'd like to say for now and I hope it can be of some help with your case.
And I'm sorry if you feel my English is rather funny-I'm not a native speaker.