911 Attacks: 13 years later


Temporal Engineer
None of the facts about who did it, add up to who got blamed for it. That would be a false flag operation.


where the wild things are
Iraq was a stabilized country ruled under an iron fist dictator which hadn't posed any threat to us since the end of the Gulf War. And didn't we give him aid and weapons at some point? My take on it that 9/11 happened for a variety of reasons, and it comes down to furthering the United States into a police state and further evolving the NWO. I believe our government knew where Osama was, knew he wasn't in Afghanistan after the bombings happened. However, we launched a full scale invasion of Afghanistan to draw our attention away from the problem at hand, that was invading Iraq, under the facade of them having WMD (that we technically gave them at some point in history)

Kind of ironic how these tragedies happen one right after the other, and each time something happens, we find ourselves further and further into a police state. TSA didn't exist until after 9/11. Gun Control which has been debated for decades, didn't gain a lot of ground until after the Aurora/Sandy Hook massacres. Think of it as the governments way of slowly chipping away our rights, and by doing this, creating mass murders elsewhere to draw our attention away so we don't notice our rights being chipped away and when we do, we're just told its to protect us and our homeland.. I'm willing to bet you that the Malaysian airlines crash in March was our doing, to draw the world's attention away from the scrutinized NSA so they could continue to spy on us and other countries...

So was 9/11 done intentionally? Of course it was, it was exactly what got the ball rolling down the hill. The ball was already rolling, back before then, but it finally started down the hill when 9/11 happened. Those towers were built pretty steadily. How does an airplane, crash into a tower and cause it to collapse? Those towers collapsed, they didn't fall over, they imploded onto themselves. Anyone who like myself who is experienced in demolitions knows, that you have to place demolitions in key parts of a building, on the support structures in order to have it implode. And that is what those buildings did, implode. If it had been any other way, they would have exploded, or fallen over. But they didn't.

That tells me that bombs went off inside the towers, at the support structures at key areas of the buildings. Obviously done by someone who had extensive knowledge of the architectural design of the building. So back to Iraq and Afghanistan. In order for the president to make a declaration of war or invade another country in a war setting, he needs approval from congress. Its in our constitution. What better than to stage a terrorist attack, and put us all into a suspended state of belief, and then have congress authorize the declaration and stage a war with afghanistan. While we our attention is drawn by afghanistan, our rights and liberties start being stripped away, oh how do we not notice? Because we go to Iraq!

One event after another. All in the name of hoping we don't take notice and at this point, this country wont take notice. We're too stupid, fat and lazy, more comfortable sitting at home watching reality shows, instead of picking up a rifle and showing the government why taking away our guns and rights is the wrong move to make.

My two cents.

In the end, you might think or believe our government wouldn't purposely kill people. In truth, they would. We are expendable to them. Anything to do to further their agenda, they will do. I have a belief currently that Ebola was purposely let into this country and those patients and people infected, were purposely placed in certain locations of the country in order to expose others to the Ebola virus.

They quarantined a plane by the way. In Newark, New Jersey, because someone was vomiting and they suspected he had Ebola. This is just the start of it folks. Pretty soon you'll be having rectum examinations in your front lawn, to check for more than just Ebola.
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Active Member
I was kinda thinking we don't go far enough with some things. For anyone that does much traveling in and out of the country, you'll realize that as Americans we can walk into a lot of countries untouched. What I mean is that a lot of times I will be rushed to a line to have my passport stamped then out the door. No checks of my bags not much of anything. When you come home, that's when the problems start with all the checks. But with sicknesses it's like nobody cares. When the pig flu hit back in.. '09 I think. I flew into an Arabic country that had a giant body temperature scanner setup. If you scanned being anything over 98.7F you were herded into a crowded room and the door locked so nobody could get out. Then buses would come and take them supposedly to the hospital. but you wanna talk about sweating bullets. None of us wanted to be herded in that room. Also, fly from any country in the world to any other country. See what checks you go through. Next to none. But, no country out there wants to be blamed for letting terrorists into the US to blow anything up so the checks when you're boarding a US flight are usually horrendous.

I've always kinda wondered why we don't take more precautions like that at home. Not to that extreme maybe, but the temperature scanner at least. Anyways, not that I'm trying to derail the thread, but to bring it home.. Khaos' point about everything over the last few years bringing things around to a police state would make my wonderment make sense.


Senior Member
Iraq was a stabilized country ruled under an iron fist dictator which hadn't posed any threat to us since the end of the Gulf War. And didn't we give him aid and weapons at some point? My take on it that 9/11 happened for a variety of reasons, and it comes down to furthering the United States into a police state and further evolving the NWO. I believe our government knew where Osama was, knew he wasn't in Afghanistan after the bombings happened. However, we launched a full scale invasion of Afghanistan to draw our attention away from the problem at hand, that was invading Iraq, under the facade of them having WMD (that we technically gave them at some point in history)

Kind of ironic how these tragedies happen one right after the other, and each time something happens, we find ourselves further and further into a police state. TSA didn't exist until after 9/11. Gun Control which has been debated for decades, didn't gain a lot of ground until after the Aurora/Sandy Hook massacres. Think of it as the governments way of slowly chipping away our rights, and by doing this, creating mass murders elsewhere to draw our attention away so we don't notice our rights being chipped away and when we do, we're just told its to protect us and our homeland.. I'm willing to bet you that the Malaysian airlines crash in March was our doing, to draw the world's attention away from the scrutinized NSA so they could continue to spy on us and other countries...

So was 9/11 done intentionally? Of course it was, it was exactly what got the ball rolling down the hill. The ball was already rolling, back before then, but it finally started down the hill when 9/11 happened. Those towers were built pretty steadily. How does an airplane, crash into a tower and cause it to collapse? Those towers collapsed, they didn't fall over, they imploded onto themselves. Anyone who like myself who is experienced in demolitions knows, that you have to place demolitions in key parts of a building, on the support structures in order to have it implode. And that is what those buildings did, implode. If it had been any other way, they would have exploded, or fallen over. But they didn't.

That tells me that bombs went off inside the towers, at the support structures at key areas of the buildings. Obviously done by someone who had extensive knowledge of the architectural design of the building. So back to Iraq and Afghanistan. In order for the president to make a declaration of war or invade another country in a war setting, he needs approval from congress. Its in our constitution. What better than to stage a terrorist attack, and put us all into a suspended state of belief, and then have congress authorize the declaration and stage a war with afghanistan. While we our attention is drawn by afghanistan, our rights and liberties start being stripped away, oh how do we not notice? Because we go to Iraq!

One event after another. All in the name of hoping we don't take notice and at this point, this country wont take notice. We're too stupid, fat and lazy, more comfortable sitting at home watching reality shows, instead of picking up a rifle and showing the government why taking away our guns and rights is the wrong move to make.

My two cents.

In the end, you might think or believe our government wouldn't purposely kill people. In truth, they would. We are expendable to them. Anything to do to further their agenda, they will do. I have a belief currently that Ebola was purposely let into this country and those patients and people infected, were purposely placed in certain locations of the country in order to expose others to the Ebola virus.

They quarantined a plane by the way. In Newark, New Jersey, because someone was vomiting and they suspected he had Ebola. This is just the start of it folks. Pretty soon you'll be having rectum examinations in your front lawn, to check for more than just Ebola.
I usually skim thru long posts but this was a good one! Well said...it all makes sense.


Junior Member
The issue surrounding the attacks that took place that has always bugged me is dick cheney's response to the on-going election re-count that was taking place in Florida. In the past, there has never been any rush to do anything that involved the transfer of the reigns or government from one administration to the next. For some reason, cheney felt it imperative that he rush off to Washington D.C. and open an office devoted to the details of transitioning to the not-quite-elected bush-2 administration.
My question from the day that was announced has been, "What's the rush?"
Looking back, we know it was about the war against Iraq the neo-Cons were conspiring to start.
When the National Socialists came to power in Germany, there was a mysterious fire that burned the Reichstag building. The Nazi's blamed it on the Jews. History has shown it was the Nazi's themselves who started the fire as a excuse for instituting the policies that did away with the German Constitution and set the stage for the horrors the thugs wearing the swastikas set into motion.
In the USA, the bush/cheney administration used the attacks as their excuse to start their war, even when the facts known beforehand contradicted the official story (lies) they were creating on a daily basis. After the phony war got started, bush-2 addressed the nation: "Go shopping," was his prescription. In other words, along with the conquest for oil domination in the Middle East, the war was about "taking advantage" of the lost interest home loans Secretary of the Treasury Paulson arranged for. It was all a sleight of hand trick to transfer the wealth they possessed in the form of equity in their homes to the Wall Street bankers, of whom, Paulson was amongst the biggest of the lot.


Junior Member
I was kinda thinking we don't go far enough with some things. For anyone that does much traveling in and out of the country, you'll realize that as Americans we can walk into a lot of countries untouched. What I mean is that a lot of times I will be rushed to a line to have my passport stamped then out the door. No checks of my bags not much of anything. When you come home, that's when the problems start with all the checks. But with sicknesses it's like nobody cares. When the pig flu hit back in.. '09 I think. I flew into an Arabic country that had a giant body temperature scanner setup. If you scanned being anything over 98.7F you were herded into a crowded room and the door locked so nobody could get out. Then buses would come and take them supposedly to the hospital. but you wanna talk about sweating bullets. None of us wanted to be herded in that room. Also, fly from any country in the world to any other country. See what checks you go through. Next to none. But, no country out there wants to be blamed for letting terrorists into the US to blow anything up so the checks when you're boarding a US flight are usually horrendous.

I've always kinda wondered why we don't take more precautions like that at home. Not to that extreme maybe, but the temperature scanner at least. Anyways, not that I'm trying to derail the thread, but to bring it home.. Khaos' point about everything over the last few years bringing things around to a police state would make my wonderment make sense.

Many of the so called security checks that have been instituted in this country since the year 2000 seem like a farce to me. IMO these checks have much less to do with security issues than they do with creating a herd mentality in the public at large. The goal of this orchestrated tightening of the noose appears to be an unconscious response of obedience to authority; it's an experiment being carried out on a massive scale that mimics what Pavlov did with his dogs.
As for the security checks at airports in foreign nations for flights boarding and headed to the USA, I believe those checks are required by the USA. No security check, no permission to land at an airport in the USA.
The mayor of Dallas, Texas was interviewed on one of the television info/news/entertainment channels this afternoon. He's under pressure to put measures in place that would identify and probably quarantine those individuals who have come into contact with any of the Ebola victims. It is reasonable, out of medical necessity, to quarantine individuals who have been in contact with Ebola patients, and those coming into this country from countries where the outbreaks remain unchecked.
On the one hand we've got government agencies conducting illegal searches that violate the Bill or Rights and do little good by way of screening for terrorists. On the other hand, where extreme cautionary measures are called for, our government hesitates to protect the Citizens of this nation against the potential spread of a virulent viral outbreak -- because, they say, they don't want to interfere with the free movement by individuals traveling for legitimate reasons.
It's one more example of government doing things backwards. It's not accidental or a simple oversight. Bureaucrats love to exercise authority any time they can get their hands on it.


Active Member
One thing people don't commonly know is that after the first gulf war, we never left Iraq. We re-established our embassies there, and instituted no fly zones over certain portions of the country. The no fly zone that was in place had restrictions on no only actual planes, but anything that could deter anyone else from flying there such as AA weaponry. Saddam would put AA weapons in place and we'd blow them up. So we never really stopped bombing Iraq since the start of GW1. There are just so many misconceptions about why we invaded Iraq that people will never believe the truth even if they had a time machine to go back and sit in on the briefings with Bush. Was 9/11 a setup.. probably/maybe.. But I will say for certain that if you believe anything I say, then believe that Iraq had nothing to do with oil.

But I do agree that our government does everything backwards. They let it happen. I've seen the infamous $100 hammer. It happens because when contracts are put in place, those companies reserve the right to make parts that need exact tools in the manuals, so they convince uncle sam to buy the expensive priced tools so the job can get done right. Things happen all awkward and backwards not because of Bush/Cheney, but because of the people pulling the strings. No POTUS has had any real power or decision making ability for a very long time. POTUS is a figure head. That's why I always laugh when people say.. F*** Obama, or F*** Bush.. WHy? they don't make any real decisions or do anything other than act as a figurehead for the people that really make them. I'm not saying Illuminati, just saying that certain members of government are not elected and those members are the ones that make the real decisions.


Senior Member
In other words, along with the conquest for oil domination in the Middle East, the war was about "taking advantage" of the lost interest home loans Secretary of the Treasury Paulson arranged for. It was all a sleight of hand trick to transfer the wealth they possessed in the form of equity in their homes to the Wall Street bankers, of whom, Paulson was amongst the biggest of the lot.
"...conquest for oil domination in the Middle East.."???

Where in the hell did that come into play?

The US is about to become the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, and even at today's low oil prices, pumping of crude in the US is on the increase.

The Iraq war resulted in decreased oil output, and nothing at all for the US in that regard, despite the fact that we held the oil fields.

Are you a parrot?



Junior Member
Today I came across an interview conducted by Whitley Streiber last year. It's an audio recording posted on YouTube of his conversation with Jim Marrs, the well-known investigative reporter who has published a number of books that cover the range of subjects that range from secret government to UFO's to the assassination of President Kennedy.

It seems the topic of the discussion was supposed to have been the Secret Government. From the outset, Marrs took control of the interview and directed it back to the events of September 11, 2001, as he views that to be a handy date from which to examine the changes that have occurred in the United States of America, as well as where we stand today. Streiber seems to have been pleased with impromptu change to his agenda, and eventually they did get into the Secret Government, the inception of the National Security State, the National Security Council, on up to manner in which FEMA prevented any investigation of the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001.

What caught my ear early into interview was he comment Marrs made about the terrorist hijackers of the planes used to carry out the attacks ... if you buy into the distorted version of history invented by the cheney/bush administration at the time. Like many of you, I am supposing, I heard the report about the alleged hijacker who had come forward and repudiated the story that he was one of the hijackers. In this interview Marrs makes the comment that six or eight of these alleged hijackers have been located, alive and well, apparently living non-terrorist lives in different countries around the world (I forget the exact number he mentions; you'll have to check that out for yourself if you're interested).

The discussion ends with the state of the current U.S. economy, in which all the cash is flowing into the hands of the banks and the corporations. This is described as corporate socialism backed up by the appeal to pseudo patriotism that is nothing more than an attempt to create a fervent sense of nationalism.

The old adage applies, if you want to know what happened, follow the money. Who gained the most from the "terrorist" attacks? IMO, it was the terrorists who hold the reins of power in this country. When I stopped in at my bank a couple of days ago, there was a sign on the manager's desk:


Talk about following the money. Yes, there were requirements before 2001, but now, it's all being placed under the guise of The Patriot Act.

This act of Congress has no foundation in Constitutional law; it is an unconstitutional act of Congress that curtails the Rights of Citizens guaranteed by the protections of the U.S. Constitution. The correct term to apply to this act is usurpation.

The Constitution limits the authority of Congress by specifying what it can and cannot do. Chief amongst these limitations is the prohibition against making changes to the Constitution; this authority is reserved to a referendum by the People acting apart from Congress.
