A Personal Encounter with Aliens


Junior Member
I was running a fever one night and sleeping. My wife and I had the fan blowing on us that night and could easily smell things in the room. My fever began to suddenly rise and I began squirming in bed violently. I was awakening when I smelt their scent. It smelt like something that comes from the water. They quickly left the bedroom and their scent went away. Why they were there and what they wanted - I do not know.

My wife said that she felt something pulling on her leg that night.

I believe that it was God who intervened by making my fever go up and chasing them away.


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing your story.
Did it smell anything like Sulfur?


Senior Member
Doesn't sound like Aliens by any means.....
No Lights
No Paralyzing
No Tingling Sensations
No Time loss

Sounds like you were sick and had a hot flash


Junior Member
Thanks for sharing your story.
Did it smell anything like Sulfur?

No sulfur smell. I got a good smell of them. It smelt as though they came from the water. Maybe squid or something similar.

I knew it was aliens by their presence and scent without seeing them.


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing your story.
Did it smell anything like Sulfur?

No sulfur smell. I got a good smell of them. It smelt as though they came from the water. Maybe squid or something similar.

I knew it was aliens by their presence and scent without seeing them.
You "Knew" it was a ET because of it's smell and presence? Then you sir are the Blood Hound of UFO Hunters.

If a ET is going to take or visit you they are going to do it whether or not you remember it or not or if you Shiver a bit.

I see allot of your posts lowlyservant and all of your posts and topics are very very vague and at some point praise God for doing nothing. This happens to be one of them, the odds of it being a Extraterrestrial being who was scared off by you shivering is not very likely at all, a wondering Spirit? Yes possibly i would even swallow a Demon trying to take advantage of your Weekend State, BUT your trying to get us to believe "And trust me we believe allot here" That a Alien was Chased of by GOD making you shiver and overall body core temp raise and wake you up? Come on, I do hate to be so critical with you but ya gotta stop and think at some point.

My most likely Scenario's are

1. Assuming you are sick what most likely happened is you had a fit due to ether breathing "hence the smell" or stomach issue which caused you to figet and over heat in return bumping your wife which to her may of felt like someone pulling her leg.

2. Night Terror, keep in mind we don't always remember our dreams, it is very feasible you had a bad dream and woke up due to it, the smell can be anything to be honest, i know i have had a lack of tissue and sucked a buggie in and recalling it to smell like Chlorine from a pool

But 2 things i can assure you of is

A. If was not a Alien chased off by God who made you hot and shiver.
B. had it been a Alien who wanted to take you, their is really nothing you are going to do about it as you probably wont even remember or realise it took you.


Junior Member
Thanks for sharing your story.
Did it smell anything like Sulfur?

No sulfur smell. I got a good smell of them. It smelt as though they came from the water. Maybe squid or something similar.

I knew it was aliens by their presence and scent without seeing them.
You "Knew" it was a ET because of it's smell and presence? I believe that you would have known as well. Then you sir are the Blood Hound of UFO Hunters.

If a ET is going to take or visit you they are going to do it whether or not you remember it or not or if you Shiver a bit. I turned my head from right to left in a violent fashion. I believe that this scared them away.

I see allot of your posts lowlyservant and all of your posts and topics are very very vague and at some point praise God for doing nothing. I hadn't ran a fever for many years and I believe that it was more than just a coincidence that I happen to run one that night. This happens to be one of them, the odds of it being a Extraterrestrial being who was scared off by you shivering is not very likely at all, a wondering Spirit? Yes possibly i would even swallow a Demon trying to take advantage of your Weekend State, BUT your trying to get us to believe No one has to believe me. I'm just sharing my experience as I saw it. "And trust me we believe allot here" That a Alien was Chased of by GOD making you shiver and overall body core temp raise and wake you up? Come on, I do hate to be so critical with you but ya gotta stop and think at some point.

My most likely Scenario's are

1. Assuming you are sick what most likely happened is you had a fit due to ether breathing "hence the smell" or stomach issue which caused you to figet and over heat in return bumping your wife which to her may of felt like someone pulling her leg.

2. Night Terror, keep in mind we don't always remember our dreams, it is very feasible you had a bad dream and woke up due to it, the smell can be anything to be honest, i know i have had a lack of tissue and sucked a buggie in and recalling it to smell like Chlorine from a pool

But 2 things i can assure you of is

A. If was not a Alien chased off by God who made you hot and shiver. I definitely believe that there was divine intervention here.
B. had it been a Alien who wanted to take you, their is really nothing you are going to do about it as you probably wont even remember or realise it took you.

Considering that you were not there and I was, I do not think that you could interpret the situation better than I could.


The Bearded One
Possibly see a hypnotist and record the story... I'd love to watch it, but it would atleast bring the true story to the surface that your subconscious could be supressing...


New Member
I was running a fever one night and sleeping. My wife and I had the fan blowing on us that night and could easily smell things in the room. My fever began to suddenly rise and I began squirming in bed violently. I was awakening when I smelt their scent. It smelt like something that comes from the water. They quickly left the bedroom and their scent went away. Why they were there and what they wanted - I do not know.

My wife said that she felt something pulling on her leg that night.

I believe that it was God who intervened by making my fever go up and chasing them away.
This really, really, really sounds like an encounter with a demon. Convulsions and a rising fever would not be inconsistent if you are sick by any means. I more often encounter them in my dreams than in waking. Demons can come with certain smells (normally unpleasant) that leave when they leave. Depending on the demon, these smells can be different. Demons often come at night, and between 1 and 3 seems to be a favorite time of theirs (that's when the majority of my encounters have taken place). If I were you, I would be careful. They are clearly interested in you. If you are particularly prone to one or more 'sins', you may want to start repenting of them.

When I first started resisting my sins, I was frequently visited by demons who would try and tempt me into returning to them. As a kid, I did not know what to do, so until I found a Church in my college years that knew what to do about them, I was normally defeated by them in some way. Once I started asking God, and the Mother of God, the Saints, and the Angels for help, and dedicating myself to a lifestyle of grateful repentance, the attacks actually increased (in number and intensity), but then I also had the power to resist if I prayed for help.

If you are visited by an angel, don't trust it. Demons can disguise themselves with the intention of eventually driving you mad. Angels, well, no matter how persistent you are against one, it will find a way to let you know it is the real deal. Be as skeptical as you can in this situation, and don't keep it to yourself - tell someone with experience right away.

I know this sounds very cliche, but crosses and holy water do help if you don't treat them as magic objects (although, sometimes they work anyway). It is never as much about what you use as it is how your spirit reacts to it. If it warms your heart with love and compassion, and the virtues, it will ward off the demon.


Junior Member
Hmm I don't know about this but I do like the idea of them being from water. There's an idea I've never heard before and it could make perfect sense. Why wouldn't a water world evolve a creature smart enough for interstellar travel?
