A solution to grandfather paradox


New Member
So, I'm not sure if this is already been covered up in the terms which I'm about to use. Let's admit that you managed to go back in time to your Grandfather's youth.
1. The moment you land on the past, the paradox is already there: The very matter that composes you at that moment, is not where it should have been in that exact space-time moment and so, the past is already changed, the events will be different, and at the moment that your grandfather will have sex with your granmother it's not going to be the same moment with the exact universal conditions that produced that exact dna, that exact molecular positions which should have produced your father. So everything will already be different and you would have probably never born in the relative future.
2. If you were to kill your granny there, what exactly should happen to you? Your body is there, you are already not supposed to exist in that moment, as the matter composing you should be distribuited in the bio-environment. That means that you are not the nephew of your grandfather in that moment. You are simply a translocation of organized biological matter. Then totally nothing would happen. The world would go forward with a new randomness pattern slightly different than your original timeline.

Giving that the matter composing you is travelling with you (you) in the moment that you decide to go back in time ( travelling faster than light? ), WHERE is going to be that matter in the moment that the whole process of inversion of cause-effect in your relative universe takes places? So, if you disappeared from the system that you want to observe in the past, it's not possible that you will ungrow to a little sperm again, and also all the events that took place with you until the moment that you left your system cannot happen in rewind. (Not sure if you can understand me here). So, how is time travel EVEN theorethically possible.


Active Member
Your journey is a permanent one, you can never return to the original timeline that you left. It no longer exists.


The multiple timeline theory completely solves all problems regarding paradox.
