A Story I would like to Share....


Active Member
A Story I would like to Share....

Before I begin let me give you a little bit of background about myself. As long as I could remember I have had an animal like sixth sense. I get a erie feeling and it usually serves me well to leave the area. The story I am going to tell is about an incident that happened when I was around 10 years old.

My grandmother had decided one day to take me and my mother to a large home that she used to work in. She explained she helped clean and take care of the family who had lived in the house many years ago. She still had keys and would go in on occasion to clean up and make sure everything was in place. Now from the moment we stepped out of her car I did not like this place. The house did not look imposing and it was a warm summer day. But I had in my gut this feeling of fear. The house caused me to feel scared. She led us into the house, honestly going in with her and my mother seemed a better option than standing outside alone. Besides the mention of me staying outside had my grandmother insist that we all stay together.

We entered the House and walked slowly room to room. My grandmother would stop occasionally and fluff a pillow or but a random items inits place. She seemed very nervous. My mother asked what was wrong, and my grandmother decided to tell us why she doesn't come to the house alone. Her story was somthing out of a movie. She began at what would be considered the start.

Some years ago she was hired by the couple who had the house built. They were your typical couple for the time. They had 2 Children and moved into the home which was set a decent way out in the country. It was a few miles to the closest town where the husband ran a law firm. Since the first day they moved into the house, strange occurnces were the norm. Objects disappearing and reappearing in random parts of the house. Strange figures seen randomly through the house and in the backurad. The worse was doors closing and locking themselves behind you. The husbnd was the only one who coudl ingore these things. Since he spent most of his time at his office and out of town it was easy.

My grandmother talked about what the house had done to the family and how it tormented the wife and the children. Over the years the wife delved in to an unexplained depression. Not quite sure how to handle it the husband hired a fill time nurse to take care and "medicate" his ailing wife. My grandmother explained that the wife had warned the husband about the house on numerous occasions, but he chose not to listen. My grandmother explained incidents of the wife and children by this time teens getting locked in there rooms. More strange figures appearing to them. The years were not kind to the family. Even the servants reported issues.

As the wifes depression grew worse, so did the events in the house. Where before the incidents were annoying, know became dangerous. Including one of the children getting thrown down a staircase by an unknown force. The maid who seen it, described the boy being picked up and thrown by shadowy figure. Fortunetly he walked away with some nasty bumps. But he refused to stay in the house. The husband decided to have him sent to a boarding school. The younger son was also sent to the same school. With the kids gone, whatever lurked withen the house decide to focus its attention on the wife.

My grandmother had a very strong relationship with the lady of the house. She talked about her fondly. The wife's depression got worse and worse. After the children left she was afraid to by anywhere in the house by herself. She had told my Grandmother that she was being watched at all times. Her paranioa wasn't helped by a portrait of her husband which hung in the living room. I seen the painting on our walk through. It was very disturbing and I decided to push foward and in attempt to have my grandmother move on.

I apologize for stopping here. Its late and I shall continue on when I get some rest.
Re: A Story I would like to Share....

That is so creepy, but if the couple had the house built then where do the hauntings come from? There sure wasnt no body living in it before them if they had the house built. Maybe it was built on some sort of barrial ground?

Re: A Story I would like to Share....

I'd like to read the rest of it!! It does sound like it was barried on top of something.

Re: A Story I would like to Share....

I was kind of over analyzing things as I like to do and thought of something. If a house were "possessed" and you were to strip it or tear it down afterwards would the "spirit" be divided amongst the seperated 2x4s and sheets of plywood? I would apply the same logic to things that are buried. If there are spirits, I am sad with all that freedom of being released from your mortal body they would be confined to less then an acre. What if the world just popped like a firecracker?, would they just kind of hang out in space looking for something to do? or a spaceship to haunt? I too wish I knew what happened after my heart stops beating, I just hope the world doesn't explode while I'm busy haunting it.

P.S. I though it was a good story and would like to read the rest of it too.
Re: A Story I would like to Share....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Whitelight\")</div>
I apologize for stopping here. Its late and I shall continue on when I get some rest.[/b]

Where's the rest of the story?
