a time machine on ebay...


Re: a time machine on ebay...

i think they took the toast on a tour , in a big bus , they must have made more than 25,000 off it , good publicity stunt , win-win


New Member
Re: a time machine on ebay...

Interesting note to this, especially if the toast and time machine seller are indeed the same person.

Have a look a the Time Machine on E-Bay and the winning bidders name, and read the BBC Article again, the winning bidder in both cases is the same person (or in this case firm), Golden Palace Casino.

Ah the wonders of E-Bay, and the workings of it for Publicity purposes by Business.


Senior Member
Re: a time machine on ebay...

SOLD!! To the skeptical man with the questions running through his mind.....


New Member
Re: a time machine on ebay...

Some questions from other bidders for this listing

Q: If I bought your time machine and got it running, then the "Tomorrow" that I talked about yesterday would not necessarily be today, it could be tomorrow and today would be yesterday, tomorrow?.oh brother, this time travel stuff is very confusing. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: i know

Q: Hey! I have seen the wiring diagram for one of these units, they really work, The basic idea is if you touch it while standing beside it for 24 hours, you will be one day in the future. I do not know how to get to the past though. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: so thats how it works

Q: if i buy this and go back in time with it and buy it agains will i have two, or will the first one disappear when i travel back in time, and if it doesn't i could just keep coming back, buying yours and stock pile a mountain of these things....to pay for an infinate number of these i would of course have to bring back the lotto numbers with me and use that money to keep buying these from you over and over again , i will keep getting more and more of these and you will only get paid once...that kind of sucks for you but i will be RICH Answered on Mar-11-05
A: sounds like a great plan, good luck.

Q: Are you sure it is not an old stack heater in disguise? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: i dont know, thats what i thought it was when i first found it. i guess a time machine has to be built out of something.
Q: It's design is rather primitive, and even by looking at the technology of today, one can note that is clearly not of the future. It could be a failed attempt to get back to the future, considering that his time machine burned. However, even if you could get it to work, you would need a sufficient supply of power, which, at this day and age does not exist. But even so, time is not something that you can mess around with. The Wiseones hold that power and the Timekeepers assure it. I'm afraid that you are violating a key rule, and you may disrupt balance. I know that you're one of us; I know that you're an Occultist, one possessing secret knowledge, and experiencing its wonders, but I'm not sure if you know these rules. Time = Balance and one must know when to go back to change something or not, that's why the Wiseones are the only ones allowed to go back in time. They have earned their title and they are where they are for a reason. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: ?

Q: Why does the little brass plaque with the "Time Machine" engraved on it look new and clean compared to the rest of it? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: because i cleaned it more then the rest of it.

Q: What time is it? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: 4:21 pm

Q: If you turn the knob at the top (that looks like it came off of a water spigot), does water come out? I think it would be nice to have a fresh water supply when time-travelling. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: i got an email a few days ago, from a guy that said the time machine could have been powerd by the flow of water. what do you think?

Q: I know why the machine looks old J.S. Strauss traveled back in time, but when he got here the machine caugtht fire. after trying to repair it with parts from the 40's - 50's. He then tryed to go back to the future, but the machine caught fire again and he was stuck in the past. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: this very well could be what happend, thanks for your view on it.

Q: The date on the engraving is "2239". Why do you assume this is the year 2239. Could it also be short for February 2, 1939 (2/2/39)? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: very interesting, i never look at it that way. something eles i just thought of is that the house i found it under was built in 1939. i wonder if there is some link to this?

Q: I can't decide whether you are a comedy genius, entrepreneur, conman or just a complete twat. Which is it? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: im just an average guy who just happend to found a time machine under his house.

Q: have you done any research on J. S. Strauss. i have tried to find some research on him but they are no research on J.S. Strauss. So if know anything on him would please send me some information i would like that. thank you Answered on Mar-11-05
A: well the pictures show him in palm canyon, ca in 1926 and spring valley lakes,ca in 1930. the check with his signiture says san jose, ca. dated 1926. we also he worked on a farm. but thats about all i know

Q: I would like to see the picture of the inside and what does it say exactly on the brass plate on the front? My Great-Grandfather was an inventor and I have a collection of odd devices. Some I would be afraid to power up. Thanks Answered on Mar-11-05
A: i would agree, powering up old devices is a scarry thing.

Q: Do you have any more pictures that you could send me I would really like to see the wooden chest you found this in. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: the wood chest was not much of a wood chest when i found it. the bottom and sides had rotted away. i cleaned up everything under the whole house.

Q: Why is there a picture of your water heater in the auction? Also for an instrument that is supposedly built in the future it looks awfully analog, why weren't digital components used? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: im trying to show the door to under the house,the water heater just happen to be in the picture. and as far as no digital components, maybe we go back to analog in the future.

Q: Is that you in the picture? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: no

Q: In reading questions and comments with regards to other items found in home, why aren't there any other items up for bid? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: they might be in the future

Q: If I was to win, and then I fixed it would you like me to come back and fix it for you? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: no, time travel scares me. but thanks

Q: Hypothetically, IF the machine made toast, would it have a dark/light setting so I could vary the toastiness of my toast, and I suppose a good follow on question is, if my toast were to get burnt, could I jump back a few minutes in time and make the setting lighter? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: hypotheticaly, no.

Q: I cant see that if the house was built in 1939, then why are you the only one to find it surely someone that lived in the house before you would have found some of the stuff you say you found. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: well the house was rundown somewhat, it didnt look like anybody has been under the house for a long time. but i do think the original owners hid it under there.

Q: In reading questions and comments with regards to other items found in home, why aren't there any other items up for bid? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: well they did not relate to the time machine. but i might sell them in the future.

Q: do you offer any kind of legal protection in the event of the purchaser becoming stuck in a temporal paradox? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: no i dont.

Q: Hi, my friend bought this off you tomorrow, we managed to get it working, many thanks. Mike. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: thanks for the fast payment

Q: Hello Again- The Time Machine looks very old and rusty as you described. However can you explain why the Brass Plate and all the information that's engraved on it is extremely legible and shiny? It does appear to have some scuff marks and surface scratches, but it's not rusty and doesn't look no where near as old as the Time Machine. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: i dont think brass will rust.

Q: If Dr. J. S. Strauss's name is on the time machine dated in 2239, then there would be no history if him being born yet, so that can't be his right social security number. There's no way you can track someone's history if they came from the future, and went back in time! DUH!! Answered on Mar-11-05
A: well people think that he came to the past, early 1900's and made up a fake name and got a social security number. so, the question is what did he register his name as, and where did he finish out his life?

Q: why did no one else find this stuff before now. are you the only one that has lived in this house. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: I bought the house from the original owners who built it in 1939. but they have died since then.

Q: The time machine sounds very interesting. Could you tell me how the machine is powered?If I sent someone over to the USA to fix it would it be possible to fly the person back to the uk using the machine. If I made him fly back in time I would get a free flight. Also could I use the machine to win the lottery if I fixed it? Answered on Mar-11-05
A: alot of people tell me that you cant travel from place to place, only through time. i guess thats one of the time travel rules.

Q: In looking at the pictures you provided in the auction, I believe I know what is wrong with your time machine....it's missing the flux capacitor! Ingenious auction by the way. Good luck. Answered on Mar-11-05
A: the flux capacitor? where do you get one?

Q: Does it make toast? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: no

Q: im highly interested in the time machine, but im afraid i might become a time travelen junky, similar to a drug addict. i may deside to do some out of the ordinary things, like make it so the owner of the lions isnt Mr. Ford and maybe they might win a few games. but if i do this, wouldnt it change, in essence present day. could you tell me the reprocutions that might be involved with me doing things like that, and if i was to go back in time and reproduce with multiple woman, and they get pregnant, if i return to the present day, would the be alive, but older than me, so would the legally bind me to being there father? please tell me what the rules to time travel are. i think it would be the best if you did for all of us. thanks Answered on Mar-10-05
A: i did not invent the time machine, i just found it. so i would not know the rules of time travel.

Q: Why haven't you given it in to a scientist so that he can figure it out with his intelligent mind. To me that would be the logical thing to do if you really believe this time machine worked at one time. I'm sure if you do a little research, you could find a place that will tell you if it could be real or not. Answered on Mar-10-05
A: i have contacted some scientists but they just brush me off. alot of them just dont email me back. but i still should keep at it and try to get this thing checked out. so if any scientists are out there reading this, please email me. thankyou

Q: Will you use this time machine to go back in time and set the reserve higher if you're not happy with the bids? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: no, im fine with what i have or get.

Q: I already won this machine two days from now and paid you. Can you ship it today? Thanks! Answered on Mar-10-05
A: we will wait a few days and see. but thanks for the fast payment!

Q: Are those USB ports on the front? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: what is USB?

Q: If this "time machine" was (or will be) built in the year 2239, then why does all of the external components (knobs, switches, etc.) appear to be from the 1950s or so? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: maybe he went to the 1950's and gave the time machine a 50's makeover. i dont know

Q: Is it safe to rub my backside on the time machine? what if my backside is REALLY really itchy? can animals use the time machine? what if i use the time machine to go into the past, but i dont own the time machine in the past, so will i be stuck there? am i now 82 years old? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: yes,yes,no,no,i dont know

Q: I don't question your intentions in any way but this sure looks like a wall heater to me. Answered on Mar-10-05
A: thats what i was thinking when i first saw it....alot of people are calling it the "giant toaster". its funny

Q: Is it safe to have sex with? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: i would not recommend it

Q: If he is from the future, how can he use old parts??? Answered on Mar-10-
A: maybe because old parts are from the past and the past stays with us.

Q: was the plaque on it when you found it? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: yes

Q: sorry, me again, had another question, will the book ?Electronic Inventions 1745-1976? help repair the machine built in 2239? is there any mention of the 2239 machine in the book? does the book mention any inventions around 1930? they could be key to fixing it. Thanks! Answered on Mar-10-05
A: i couldnt find anything in the book but it might be in there, its hard for me to understand that scientific language.

Q: world dominator? some of these questions are pretty scary. how will you be sure that who ever buys it uses the machine for the good of all mankind? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: the trust system

Q: How can a person of normal height/weight fit inside a machine that's 18"Hx23"Wx11"D? If this was truly a "REAL TIME MACHINE" don't you think the government would TAKE possesion of it IMMEDIATELY?! Answered on Mar-10-05
A: good observation but i dont think you get inside of it, i think you just hang on for dear life....and as far as the goverment goes, i dont know how they deal with time machines.

Q: Ya know I actually believe your here story and it's hard convincing me. But one thing I might ask is why would somebody label the date and say time machine on it? If I was a scientist that invented a time machine I would not label it or say some little mysterious quote. First of all I wouldn't make one to begin with. Answered on Mar-10-05
A: a good question, maybe he labeled it so other people would know what it is. without that label one might think it is a giant toaster or something.

Q: if you can't get it to work our knowledge of it works is in the future that is why your friend couldn't get it to work because our information in the present time isn't accurate so we have to wait until future tense in order to work it right? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: that could be right. well put

Q: Why dont you put it in a delorean ?? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: i dont know? i did have it in the bed of my truck though.

Q: About the J. Strauss you have listed in the item description...the part from Mr. Rice regarding a J. Strauss that died in Orange County, CA in 1992. I have researched that person (I live in O.C. too)...the person you listed is not the same person, because your 'Strauss' is "Dr. J. S. Strauss". However the person who died in Orange County was "Julius Jerrold Strauss. The Dr. Strauss's initials do not match up with Julius Jerrod. Also, Julius was born in Colorado. There are several 'J. Strauss's' listed with the Social Security Death Index, so it could be a few possibilities. P.S. Could you please forward a photo of the inside of the contraption? Thanks Answered on Mar-10-05
A: well dr j.s. strauss was inscribed on the time machine in the year 2239. but he could of changed his name in early 1900's. if you can, go around Orange county and find where j strauss lived. ask the old timers, they always know. this goes out to everyone in O.C.,lets find this guy.

Q: Is it possible for me to travel back in time and assassinate Hitler and save the human race? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: sorry, but no.

Q: If it is from the future, why does he use old parts??? Answered on Mar-10-05
A: because it is also from the past

Q: hi will you consider a buy it now and i will pay for it yesterday,when i fix it Answered on Mar-09-05
A: i dont know

Q: The picture shows the time machine was built more than 200 years in the future. What's the deal with all the 1930-50's pictures? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: if you read the story. he traveled into the past to the early 1900s

Q: How come the guy is from the future but he didn't bring back a more advanced camera with him? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: maybe you cant travel with additional items. only you and the time machine.

Q: if it is a time machine, then it is obviously a valuable thing/object to posess ! why do you sell it if it can be of big use to you ? you can fix it in the near future and USE it to alter history and become a world dominator !!! ??? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: a world dominator...thats a scarry thing to think about. in fact i was thinking about destroying it but then i decided not to.

Q: Why can't you just use it to go to the future in an age where it is possible fix the broken time machine, and bring it back in working condition? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: because it does not work right now.

Q: What is the powe source for the Time Machine? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: who knows?

Q: Can you save (warn) Kennedy? Answered on Mar-09-05
A: no i cant the machine is in an non working condition, sorry.

Q: Hi, can you email me the bigger picture, with more details, of the front? Also the picture of the inside? Thanks Answered on Mar-08-05
A: yes, and if anybody else wants to see a picture of the inside, please email me and i will send you it.

Q: Is it possible to get Marty McFly to deliver the time machine to me in person? Answered on Mar-08-05
A: im sorry, i have never used marty mcfly to deliver anything, im just going to deliver the package with UPS or fedex. thanks

Q: Does the time machine come with or use any crystals? Answered on Mar-08-05
A: there are no crystals in the time machine but there are alot of places inside where they could have cliped into.
