Age Reversal Research


Active Member
Gerontology is the study of aging. Politically, Biden has recently invested a large amount of money into aging research. This video discusses that and other health related topics.

Imagine age reversal.


steven chiverton

Senior Member
anti ageing nice if you try work it all out the book of aquairious is one source and also ive been reserching the deturim depleted water as a possible good source and have made some allready and will use it to do some new experiments


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Senior Member
if i could retain youthfulness, i would want to live to be about 3000 or so then eventually i'd get bored and kill myself lol


Active Member
I wonder if spirituality has some influence over longevity. Not necessarily traditional religion but rather topics that may ruffle the feathers of religious leaders. Not sure what all that would entail but it seems sometimes religion tends to hide certain info that does not agree with their traditions or comprehension of spirituality.


Temporal Engineer
I wonder if spirituality has some influence over longevity. Not necessarily traditional religion but rather topics that may ruffle the feathers of religious leaders. Not sure what all that would entail but it seems sometimes religion tends to hide certain info that does not agree with their traditions or comprehension of spirituality.

I think the strength of one's will increases longevity.


New Member
From a spiritual perspective: I have mentioned this guy before, but his name was Red Elk. He was a Native American medicine man. There are several videos of him on Youtube. He talked about a lot of very strange, esoteric spiritual things. He was also a Christian, and he believed the bible 100%. I am good friends with his grandson. We talk about his grandpa a lot.

He wrote a book called "Lessons." In this book, he talked about how to reverse aging. I also heard a video / audio of him talking about how to reverse aging. He mentioned that there were two scriptures in the bible that talk about how to reverse aging. He would not give these out. He said that you have to find them yourself. I did. These two are:

1. Job 33:25 - His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth.

2. Psalm 103:5 - Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

There are others that allude to a reversal or at least a delay of aging, but do not promise it specifically.

Others include: Records in Matthew chapter 1 (and elsewhere) that record how long some of the patriarchs lived (Adam - 1000 years, others with incredibly long lifespans as well).

Joshua 14:10-12 - 10 Now behold, as the LORD promised, He has kept me alive these forty-five years since He spoke this word to Moses, while Israel wandered in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old, 11 still as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me out. As my strength was then, so it is now for war, for going out, and for coming in. 12 Now therefore give me this hill country that the LORD promised me on that day, for you yourself heard then that the Anakim were there, with great and fortified cities. Perhaps with the LORD’s help I will drive them out, as the LORD has spoken.”

So Caleb was as strong and as able at 85 as he was at 40, even for war.

The book of Genesis 5 details some incredibly long lives - Adam - 930 years, Seth - 912 years, Methuselah - 969 years. Many scientists discount these accounts out of hand, but those who believe in the bible believe that the earth had a much thicker atmosphere and much higher atmospheric pressure before the Noah flood, which was much richer in oxygen back then (before the flood). After the flood, the lifespans dropped precipitously.

Higher oxygen levels = animals living longer and becoming larger. And people living longer. There were much higher oxygen levels 300 million years ago (and possibly after humans were created approximately 6000 years ago (from the bible). Insects from around 300 million years ago grew to enormous sizes because they lived so long, due to the very high oxygen levels.


There is a guy named Will Brink that has written for bodybuilding magazines, books, etc. He has a natural sciences degree from Harvard. He has also published research papers. He did a Facebook live stream one night (which I attended) that talked about anti-aging research. He had just gone to an anti aging weekend long seminar with some of the best people in the business. I remember a few details from the talk:

He said that they were using an anti-rejection drug (for organ transplant recipients) and it had dramatically reversed aging in mice.

They are also using Metformin (a diabetes drug that lowers blood sugar), because, when used correctly, it has anti-aging properties as well.

I asked Will if it would be possible in the future for a person who is, say, 75 years old, to reverse age back to where they look and feel just like they did at 18. He said that some of the scientists at this symposium said that was the goal, and that they thought that it could possibly be achieved in the next 10 years with tech we have now! Will seemed to think it would be possible, but it would be so expensive that only movie stars and billionaires would be able to afford it.

One more article on reversing aging:

Red Elk has a method that he claims that a woman who was 65 years old in Russia used. He said that she reverse aged so well that she now looks like she is 16 years old. Her husband didn't do this, and he said that she had said that when she goes out with her husband to eat, people think that she is his granddaughter!

I have tried Red Elk's method, and the first time, unfortunately, it didn't result in any tangible results for me, however, I am doing a different method now (I will detail this if you want me to), and it does seem to be working at least to slow down aging so far (in my opinion anyway) for me, my wife, and our pets.


Active Member
I would be interested in hearing more. An aging element in our DNA is Telomeres. They shorten over time. As they shorten, cells tend to divide recklessly which can lead to cancer. I have recently changed my diet and so I am trying to be more proactive on longevity.


New Member
I also have a Spooky 2 Rife machine and use it daily. There are frequencies on there that supposedly help elongate the telomeres (or at least stop them from shortening) and have other anti-aging functions. There are also frequencies that are supposed to stimulate the production of more stem cells. I use those as well. I do not do these daily. I have some health issues that I work on daily. When I am doing pretty well and have time, I do the reverse aging ones.
