Al bielek debunked


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Al bielek debunked

those questions are irreleveant since i dont care, lol
who awesome , ?


Senior Member
Re: Al bielek debunked

???? who care really ,

Wow. There in lies the the whole problem in a nut shell. "Who cares really"...

I was going to start this in the punch & judy thread, aka the hdr debacle.

I'll be the first to tell you that I don't know a damn thing and I'm probably the last person you want to listen to.


Here is the foundation of Brent's question to which, IF you knew what you were talking about, IF you had a PROPER foundation, IF you had actually had learned this from a teacher and studied the Laws that govern the Physical Plane and the Astral Plane, you would automatically know exactly what level.

Your "teacher" / Guide / Master can only take you as far as they have attained in conjunction with your own level of experience and what you have earned...

In other words, they will not put more on your plate than you can handle. To do so would be counter productive and of little benefit to you and those around you.

Typically, in teachings of this sort, Cause & Effect is usually one of the First Laws covered. Another word for it is Karma.

What goes out, Must come back to you. It's Law. The Universe must maintain a balance.

It's probably why there is/was such a high rate of turnover with early cold war "peepers" / psychics used by the Soviets and Americans. Using abilities like that for something other than serving Spirit tends to be costly in the long run. Invasion of space without that person's permission is one of the big spiritual no no's out there.

I'm sure if you read between the lines deadz74, you are intelligent enough to see where this train of thought leads.

Being confused and lost due to being trapped psychically, which is what I highly suspect is the case, is one thing.

Consciously / knowingly passing information that has no foundation is something very different.
