Alien races book

I think that is very interesting, .... I have a very open mind.

I knew that...Like mind think alike...

Well, we could talk not know how that works in this website...

Once you understand "Reincarnation", everything gets straighten out. I believed in too but did not connect the dots until I had a mentor who explained to me the whole affair and everything we do in life is related to it...past, present and future...

The other part is "Deep Meditation". That is another part where you know more about the Universe around you. It is a slow process but over years you get more and more. I used to do TM for 20 minutes over many years. It did make me feel good but did not get to the higher realms...then about 1.5 years ago I started doing Deep Meditation. Now I know a lot including my post in Our Universe...Half of them I still do not understand it...but there is data...

One thing you get is access to do Data Mining from Universal Quantum Computer that is over 13 Billion Years Old. There is a lot of data and it is seriously updated and not like our present day Computer system that have a hard time getting data. That is how Edgar Cayce got the information and I did pick up some items on the two past civilizations by connecting the dots.

Thank you.

Once you mastered those two, the Universe is yours....plain and simple...that is why, Religion people do not want you to deal with it...that is natural...even in Hinduism, they have the same problem...Organized Religion verses Self-development and growth...It happens to our Organized Governments too...(in Healthcare that I saw)...
I enjoyed reading this book. It seems not that official, but it connected me to some more extraterrestrials. E.g. I didn't know how to find that guy who spend a time in ussr and usa.

now I found the emether on youtube. One of my favourite videos btw... so thanks for sharing this information :)
