Alien visitation?


Ok. So. I've always been intrigued by these stories of alien abductions and visitations. Yah I know most people are probably lying and delusional. But they're fun to read anyway right :D

Well, I've always been open to the idea of aliens. Never really dug too deep in to it. I've recently concluded that aliens more likely than not reside slightly out of phase with our reality. Maybe a more 'mental' plane or simply less corporeal. Kind of like how ghosts and spirits are if you believe in that sort of thing.

Last night I think I got a visit from one. I'll tell you what I was doing and what happened and YOU be the judge.

I've been experimenting with my meditation lately. I have always had troubles with focusing and obtaining a more relaxed altered state of mind. My ability to visualize and create imagery is awful. My mind is mostly dark and blank. Everything in it, from daydreams to imagery even to dreams even are extremely washed out, dim, and faded. Even then it is not very immersive.

As you can assume, meditating is not something that comes easy to me.

I've introduced binaural beats into my routine again after having no noticeable affects with them years ago, and I have recently obtained a large amount of crystals. The crystals are a whole other story, but I have to say they are very interesting. Together is not enough to create a very profound experience but it is something.

I do not condone the next part. This is MY life and MY choice. I do not advise anyone do this. Spiritual enlightenment and growth should come very naturally over a period of time.
I began partaking of a particular herb. A few times mixed in my food but mostly smoking. The last two nights I also drank half a bottle of cough syrup.

The first night was very profound. Most people report terrible experiences with such things, but I have worked endlessly to conqure my fear of new things. Since my sight is weak, I focused more on the sounds of the binaural beats and let them create images in my mind for me. Geometric shapes and symbols grew and shrunk and morphed in the back drop of darkness in my mind. Overall it was a pleasing and desirable experience.

But LAST NIGHT? Things got a little weirder. First weird thing I saw was a.... it looked like a shop vac with no wheels. Rocking back and forth to move coming through my door. Then a shadow that resembled an eel crawling on the floor. Then a figure of a person, shadow but see through walked in and to the side of my bed who I promptly punched at. "Announce yourself" ya know? It's rude to just walk up on someone in bed.

Then. I opened my eyes and saw an abdomen. 0_0. Very clear. Ribbed like an exo skeleton. Best reference I've got is like a cockroach. (Franz Khafka anyone?) Using my bed as reference, I was looking at its body around 4 ft which was it's middle, but I blinked and jumped back and it disappeared but I still /felt/ it there. It had a very "doesn't care for me but doesn't dislike me." But it was more generalized towards humanity. An Annoyance. "Don't care for how they choose to live, but it doesn't affect me none. They'll either kill themselves off or get it together" was it's attitude towards humans. But the rest was "We came here because their home was destroyed. We found earth and colonized. We visit some humans who show ability to recruit them to fight off the threat to this planet" The being had a feeling like "I don't care what happens to humans, but we are outnumbered. We come to humans because they will destroy us all." It wasn't ominous just a very matter of fact tone. "Humans help or we all die then we'll go back to our corner." I felt it... tweaking with me. My eye and something in my head. I heard something like a radio program coming in and out of focus.

Thoughts anyone?
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Senior Member
Well being as you were partaking in Herbs and Cough syrup it is really difficult to tell fact from fiction, could be your mind playing tricks on you, could be your own thoughts manifesting with the help of the substances.

From my understanding ET's choose us by our Aura, the stronger our Aura through Meditation and self healing the more likely we will be able to see them, this also coincides with knowledge, the more you know the more likely you are to be visited.

Your technique is your technique but other than maybe a few passing spirits or even demon who feels the need to mess with you, this would not be the way to get ET visitation.
