Alternate perspective on Steven Gibbs and the HDR

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Long post alert not to contradict your post @Silent_Starling - but to provide a lay person's view with some other points. For starters, I've also spoken with Gibbs, have read and listened to most of his interviews, have also interacted with some HDR Users (who are not popular like HDRKid) - who had mixed experiences.

My Take: I can neither debunk, nor have full belief in it. In my own HDR experiments, I have had some VERY strange experiences, but that's for another time.

Devil's Advocate View:
You had a sour experience with Gibbs as some of his users said "I got robbed of my $366, it never worked and he did not refund".
This particular POV would be known to you given your deep knowledge of HDR and Gibbs. So we will not try to dissect this POV. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's only fair to put it on the table :)

On some points, I would agree that he did come across as Eccentric, Weird or seem to be talking mumbo jumbo. But I can give many such examples of geniuses, so that POV is also no decision maker.

Another point is that he spoke about "you must pray to Jesus" before using HDR. To that I asked, What if I'm a Muslim, Hindu, or an Atheist? Why should human made morality or belief in Jesus - drive my usage/belief in the HDR.
  • To this Gibbs had no answer. A caller into Art Bell show asked him "why should morality" matter here (talk about betting, gambling, etc). To this Gibbs said (IIRC) - "why would God allow such a person to travel through time" > Hence HDR will not work for you = you've wasted your $366
  • Another POV is his strong religious background, which was overwhelming in this respect. I have personally met "highly elevated spiritual beings in my 15+ yrs of wandering in remote HImalayas" who also had "somewhat influence of religion" on them. But did that make them any less elevated? No.
To your point about HDRKid vs Carlos Novella > I am inclined to agree with you here. But I don't think this topic deserves so much attention and no one seems to care much about who he is.
  • However, the way HDRKid writes (I've been reading his blogs for last 11+ yrs) - does not align too well with Carlos (at least how he speaks). So I'm not sure if they're the same person, but who knows and it doesn't matter. But they both do seem to be strong Gibbs supporter.
  • May be Gibbs paid Carlos off to speak about how he almost died, and then was revived fully through HDR Healing?
Your point about "no-safety" is also well acknowledged.
  • Many users and critics have raised the same point. Some very senior folks here (I won't name them) have also spoken about this (my knowledge here is very basic).
  • To the point if his device is UL Approved > Gibbs just laughed it off. He also said that any Doctor who tried to use his device - were noticed by "authorities" and their medicine practice license was suspended, as a result.
Francis - whom you're referring to -I think is same as Dr. Z? > No opinion as I have no experience with him or his devices, so it would be unfair to bring that up.

I have only one question for you @Silent_Starling - have you used HDR yourself (Sorry if I missed this)? Or is your opinion only based on your interaction with Jim Girouard, Steven Gibbs and other folks?

Thank you :)


New Member
Long post alert not to contradict your post @Silent_Starling - but to provide a lay person's view with some other points. For starters, I've also spoken with Gibbs, have read and listened to most of his interviews, have also interacted with some HDR Users (who are not popular like HDRKid) - who had mixed experiences.

My Take: I can neither debunk, nor have full belief in it. In my own HDR experiments, I have had some VERY strange experiences, but that's for another time.

Devil's Advocate View:
You had a sour experience with Gibbs as some of his users said "I got robbed of my $366, it never worked and he did not refund".
This particular POV would be known to you given your deep knowledge of HDR and Gibbs. So we will not try to dissect this POV. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's only fair to put it on the table :)

On some points, I would agree that he did come across as Eccentric, Weird or seem to be talking mumbo jumbo. But I can give many such examples of geniuses, so that POV is also no decision maker.

Another point is that he spoke about "you must pray to Jesus" before using HDR. To that I asked, What if I'm a Muslim, Hindu, or an Atheist? Why should human made morality or belief in Jesus - drive my usage/belief in the HDR.
  • To this Gibbs had no answer. A caller into Art Bell show asked him "why should morality" matter here (talk about betting, gambling, etc). To this Gibbs said (IIRC) - "why would God allow such a person to travel through time" > Hence HDR will not work for you = you've wasted your $366
  • Another POV is his strong religious background, which was overwhelming in this respect. I have personally met "highly elevated spiritual beings in my 15+ yrs of wandering in remote HImalayas" who also had "somewhat influence of religion" on them. But did that make them any less elevated? No.
To your point about HDRKid vs Carlos Novella > I am inclined to agree with you here. But I don't think this topic deserves so much attention and no one seems to care much about who he is.
  • However, the way HDRKid writes (I've been reading his blogs for last 11+ yrs) - does not align too well with Carlos (at least how he speaks). So I'm not sure if they're the same person, but who knows and it doesn't matter. But they both do seem to be strong Gibbs supporter.
  • May be Gibbs paid Carlos off to speak about how he almost died, and then was revived fully through HDR Healing?
Your point about "no-safety" is also well acknowledged.
  • Many users and critics have raised the same point. Some very senior folks here (I won't name them) have also spoken about this (my knowledge here is very basic).
  • To the point if his device is UL Approved > Gibbs just laughed it off. He also said that any Doctor who tried to use his device - were noticed by "authorities" and their medicine practice license was suspended, as a result.
Francis - whom you're referring to -I think is same as Dr. Z? > No opinion as I have no experience with him or his devices, so it would be unfair to bring that up.

I have only one question for you @Silent_Starling - have you used HDR yourself (Sorry if I missed this)? Or is your opinion only based on your interaction with Jim Girouard, Steven Gibbs and other folks?

Thank you :)

Hi Hermit,

I’m not sure if you were implying I had a sour experience with Gibbs?

If so - no I have not.

I spoke to him at length on a couple of occasions. My current opinions were formed later and in retrospect. Without emotion, though I have a strong inclination to ensure people are informed better.

I did not have a negative experience with him. I have met with people later in life, learnt many things and ‘revisited’ older times and topics with that more balanced mindset, filling in blanks and piecing together related topics. One could level the argument that this (natural process) comes with a heavy dose of reasoning bias. Barring in mind I am accusing Gibbs of the same thing.

However, there is a form of ‘healthy’ reasoning bias in the common population. Then there is that which can be categorised as symptomatic of delusional disorders. My opinion of Gibbs is different to that of my more childlike like mind. Baring in mind this is over 20 years ago.

Gibbs took the time to speak to me. I would be grateful, if it were not for the fact he clearly got more out of these interactions than the listener did (keeping in mind the delusional disorder slant). It simply is what it was. I recall at one stage he got rather flustered in himself, and became almost manic suggesting that the people behind the Montauk project were calling him for his esoteric and electronics expertise. As if such a scenario was at all remotely likely. Directors of an alleged multi billion dollar series of connected underground projects, wanted access to Steven Gibbs via phone call, a man with simple ‘boy scout’ knowledge and who crudely taped caduceus coils to plastic boxes in order to sell them as TT devices. It was as laughable as it was disturbing to listen to. I have known him accuse others of being reptiles and all manner of things. This only ever occurred when they queried an element of his theory or he mistook their curiosity for challenge. Again at which point he would become manic and hyper-aroused (again a different form of reasoning bias was at play). He was a man on the edge and I don’t mean this in a ‘trouble genius’ way. He was not an overly smart man. His ‘materials’ and ebooks were low level electrical engineering skills mixed with fantasy and - at the time - pop-culture esoteric sci-fi with notions of lost Atlantean technology.

As with regards to the Art Bell interviews. Art Bell was for entertainment at best. Some of the dross he put out there is plain embarrassing. However, in my younger years it was like Netflix…before netflix.

I have met a few spiritual creatures in my time. Some quite prominent ones. while they may have their quirks (we are all human), ALL were very grounded underneath it all. Even when discussing what others might seem fantastical. Some of them had tempers and short fuses, but one thing that never set them off, was a disbelief in what they were saying.

Gibbs, on the other hand was prone to becoming near hysterical. I can’t stress enough, Gibbs should not be put on the same playing field as either ‘spiritually enlightened’ or a ‘genius’. There is nothing about his spirituality that is evidence of self-development and compassionate understanding. Rather it’s is classic religious doctrine, clearly instilled in him since childhood. The reason why he was stumped at religious questions, is that most of them references a world outside of his box. He would find a way to eventually link it back, crudely. Which is often when he made the least sense.

Your point about Gibbs (I now recall this myself as you jog my memory) once stating a doctor used an HDR and authorities suspending his license, was just classic Gibbs. Pure conjecture and there is no substance or detail delivered with this tale. Gibbs had a habit of spouting what came into his head, or things misconstrued by other people which then became something else in his mind (the HDR unit itself is very much that).

That being said, If a doctor is using an HDR on patients, they should be struck off without hesitation. There’s no ‘men in black’ angle to this. They are simply a terrible and dangerous professional.

There is no evidence for any of these radionics machines working in a way that they are billed. All are sold as experimental electronic devices for a reason. Of all the countless hundreds and thousands sold, no one has ever relayed anything that wasn’t anecdotal, highly subjective or simply an account told by a friend of a friend. It make sound like I am targeting Gibbs, but I have not personal dislike of Gibbs. He’s simply a bit of a poster child for this sector of snake oil. My comments could be levelled at many others.

Experiences with an HDR will be due to disruption of the bodies own EM fields.

Initially you may take this as an endorsement for them. It’s not. The specific narratives behind them are fake. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t cause changes within you. It’s akin to handing someone a grenade with a load of alternate pseudo science about Kenetic energy, then saying this device can cause you to change shape or go into a different form entirely, within a split second.

As for HDR kid and Carlos, i would have to agree to disagree there. Peope do not speak and write in the same tone entirely. However there are SO many more nuanced similarities that do coincide. I’d happily put money on this. And I definitely not a betting man. The reason I mention this, is because this character does get mentioned alongside the HDR. And they/he have acted almost like a PR mouthpiece for the HDR for over 20 years. Carlos’s even going as far to release absolute mess of an ebook. Possibly one of the most self-indulgent, delusions of grandeur I have ever had the misfortune of reading.

As for whether I had an HDR, yes I do I have a few radionics devices from the old days. Relics really. Some of the HDR elements do still interest me, but certainly not for astral or Time travel.
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Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Hi Hermit,

I’m not sure if you were implying I had a sour experience with Gibbs?

If so - no I have not.

I spoke to him at length on a couple of occasions. My current opinions were formed later and in retrospect. Without emotion, though I have a strong inclination to ensure people are informed better.

I did not have a negative experience with him. I have met with people later in life, learnt many things and ‘revisited’ older times and topics with that more balanced mindset, filling in blanks and piecing together related topics. One could level the argument that this (natural process) comes with a heavy dose of reasoning bias. Barring in mind I am accusing Gibbs of the same thing.

However, there is a form of ‘healthy’ reasoning bias in the common population. Then there is that which can be categorised as symptomatic of delusional disorders. My opinion of Gibbs is different to that of my more childlike like mind. Baring in mind this is over 20 years ago.

Gibbs took the time to speak to me. I would be grateful, if it were not for the fact he clearly got more out of these interactions than the listener did (keeping in mind the delusional disorder slant). It simply is what it was. I recall at one stage he got rather flustered in himself, and became almost manic suggesting that the people behind the Montauk project were calling him for his esoteric and electronics expertise. As if such a scenario was at all remotely likely. Directors of an alleged multi billion dollar series of connected underground projects, wanted access to Steven Gibbs via phone call, a man with simple ‘boy scout’ knowledge and who crudely taped caduceus coils to plastic boxes in order to sell them as TT devices. It was as laughable as it was disturbing to listen to. I have known him accuse others of being reptiles and all manner of things. This only ever occurred when they queried an element of his theory or he mistook their curiosity for challenge. Again at which point he would become manic and hyper-aroused (again a different form of reasoning bias was at play). He was a man on the edge and I don’t mean this in a ‘trouble genius’ way. He was not an overly smart man. His ‘materials’ and ebooks were low level electrical engineering skills mixed with fantasy and - at the time - pop-culture esoteric sci-fi with notions of lost Atlantean technology.

As with regards to the Art Bell interviews. Art Bell was for entertainment at best. Some of the dross he put out there is plain embarrassing. However, in my younger years it was like Netflix…before netflix.

I have met a few spiritual creatures in my time. Some quite prominent ones. while they may have their quirks (we are all human), ALL were very grounded underneath it all. Even when discussing what others might seem fantastical. Some of them had tempers and short fuses, but one thing that never set them off, was a disbelief in what they were saying.

Gibbs, on the other hand was prone to becoming near hysterical. I can’t stress enough, Gibbs should not be put on the same playing field as either ‘spiritually enlightened’ or a ‘genius’. There is nothing about his spirituality that is evidence of self-development and compassionate understanding. Rather it’s is classic religious doctrine, clearly instilled in him since childhood. The reason why he was stumped at religious questions, is that most of them references a world outside of his box. He would find a way to eventually link it back, crudely. Which is often when he made the least sense.

Your point about Gibbs (I now recall this myself as you jog my memory) once stating a doctor used an HDR and authorities suspending his license, was just classic Gibbs. Pure conjecture and there is no substance or detail delivered with this tale. Gibbs had a habit of spouting what came into his head, or things misconstrued by other people which then became something else in his mind (the HDR unit itself is very much that).

That being said, If a doctor is using an HDR on patients, they should be struck off without hesitation. There’s no ‘men in black’ angle to this. They are simply a terrible and dangerous professional.

There is no evidence for any of these radionics machines working in a way that they are billed. All are sold as experimental electronic devices for a reason. Of all the countless hundreds and thousands sold, no one has ever relayed anything that wasn’t anecdotal, highly subjective or simply an account told by a friend of a friend. It make sound like I am targeting Gibbs, but I have not personal dislike of Gibbs. He’s simply a bit of a poster child for this sector of snake oil. My comments could be levelled at many others.

Experiences with an HDR will be due to disruption of the bodies own EM fields.

Initially you may take this as an endorsement for them. It’s not. The specific narratives behind them are fake. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t cause changes within you. It’s akin to handing someone a grenade with a load of alternate pseudo science about Kenetic energy, then saying this device can cause you to change shape or go into a different form entirely, within a split second.

As for HDR kid and Carlos, i would have to agree to disagree there. Peope do not speak and write in the same tone entirely. However there are SO many more nuanced similarities that do coincide. I’d happily put money on this. And I definitely not a betting man. The reason I mention this, is because this character does get mentioned alongside the HDR. And they/he have acted almost like a PR mouthpiece for the HDR for over 20 years. Carlos’s even going as far to release absolute mess of an ebook. Possibly one of the most self-indulgent, delusions of grandeur I have ever had the misfortune of reading.

As for whether I had an HDR, yes I do I have a few radionics devices from the old days. Relics really. Some of the HDR elements do still interest me, but certainly not for astral or Time travel.
Sorry, you did not address my direct question. Have you used the HDR made by Gibbs yourself?
Or have you used Radionics devices that have the components that HDR has?

Wasn't clear, so just want to be sure. Because I have used the Gibbs HDR and my experiences - are purely based on it, as I have not used any other devices. I rely more on meditation, and techniques I've learned over the yrs. Not to mention Crystals.

Appreciate the other points, well noted and acknowledged, no further discussion on that for now.


Junior Member
Gibbs’ generation of radionics is all but dying out. In an attempt to balance the scales somewhat, and ensure such a device doesn’t lead itself to ‘legendary’ status. Here are a few facts (yes facts) surrounding the HDR.

1.) Gibbs (possibly with the aide of Patricia Ress - who helped peddle the low-grade Gibbs ebooks), lied about the origins of the HDR and created a narrative that the schematics were given to him by two time travellers. He also disseminated the idea that his ‘older self’ gave it to him….it was not.

I had previously interacted with the guy who did, indeed, give Gibbs the schematics. It was a much more innocent and mundane process. Gibbs - a conspiracy nut - then ran with whatever whim took his fancy. I think that this chap, if anything had quite regretted it. And the intention was not for him to be selling, dangerous, overpriced speculative ideas.

2.) the HDR puts quite a colossal (in everyday relative terms) scalar field around (and through) the body. It is not Gibbs hocus-pocus that messes with your subtle fields. It is simply the effects of that kind of EM. It’s random and unchecked. There will be many devices that potentially cause us to ‘go astral’. The only ‘intended’ programming that goes into the HDR other than throwing basic components together, is by ‘Jesus’ and the ‘Christ consciousness’. Can you see where I am going with this? Do not mess with the body’s subtle energy fields. Neither is this information aimed to endorse the HDR. It is not dangerous in a ‘cloak and dagger’ sense. It’s simply a basic piece of electronics powering a very strong magnet (which may or may not also inadvertently achieve Tesla and Reich concepts).

3.) the claims of physical travel are unfounded and there is zero evidence it works in this regard. Gibbs sold these with the ultimate get out: Doesn’t work? You haven’t found the right ‘grid’. It is clear he was using terminology from Preston Nichols’ Montuak narrative. Gibbs never made any attempts to understand what phenomenon this term relates to. He used 80s and 90s pop culture to introduce these terms and never elaborated on them in a way that showed any understanding beyond the babble already put out by lesser minds. He also describe them as Ley lines. Ley lines do not exist and the so-called ‘grids’ are more than he could possibly imagine.

There are many Radionics ‘pioneers’ from circa 2000 how have, thankfully disappeared. I have kept track of many of these. Thankfully their digital footprints have reduced or entirely gone.

A few speculative points:

1.) much like the New age movement which was created in the late 40s and 50s in preparation for wider dissemination in the 60s, it’s highly likely that the field of ‘Radionics’ as described here (radionics is also used in other sectors to describe legitimate processes) was orchestrated and perpetuated by the same people.

That is, you take young people with potential, and hook them into spurious, psuedo-science occultism. Just as they warped occultism and traditional spirituality before melding it with the ‘new age’, they perpetuated the same endeavour with ‘radionics’ and within a different demographic. They took the sexual adventures and theories of Wilhelm Reich (popular with young people at the time) and meshed it with the little understood scraps left behind by Tesla. All of a sudden, tech-savy males with an open mind flocked to the topic in their droves.

This was effective two-fold. It eroded the minds of young people with the notion of ‘reality engineering’ (it has now switched to the psycho-social model of ‘Law of attraction’). As well as send people down a spiritual cul-de-sac along with misunderstood (but potentially valid) information - clouding it further.

2.) Gibbs was not normal. And I don’t mean this in a special, conspiracy kind of way. Having spoken to him personally (an extensively) on two occasions and being experienced in relevant fields, I would suggest he had symptoms of psychosis possibly with accompanying comorbidities, but likely of a delusional disorder nature. His interactions and conversational mannerisms are far from eccentric, rather something deeper and psychologically maladjusted.

On a base level you also have to be delusional to sell items that have zero electrical safety measures. And then suggest healing can take place with powerful electromagnets that are to be placed inches from the brain for minutes at a time. If you think this won’t warp the brain’s own subtly and intricately balanced electrical fields…you aren’t thinking straight. Or are ignorant. It is delusional, because he was putting people at potentially great risk. He did this because his own phantasy (I used the word in the traditional sense for a reason) was the priority here. This could be easily construed as a type of delusional insanity in the field of Psychology. It is impulsive and takes precedent over common sense.

3.) I would argue that HDRkid who is also quite likely to be the so-called ‘Carlos Novella’ …may have much in common with Gibbs. Much like a delusional fan stalks their favourite artist to the point they later create a ‘connection’.…there are glaring parallels. Of course, these are merely opinions. I’m also happy to take this up with either character should they also post here.

It’s truly time the Steven Gibbs nonsense was put to rest. Otherwise people will be chasing their tail well into their adult years, when ultimately they COULD have actually achieved something worthwhile in such areas.

The astral projection accounts by various ‘proponents’ are also utterly nonsensical and always mirror new age conspiracy nonsense - no doubt that which they have been filling their heads with at 3am in the morning, before jabbing themselves in the solar plexus with an HDR and falling asleep.

Just an alternate perspective to balance out this thread.
It doesn’t look like you want our humanity to move forward. You said you are glad that some digital devices have slowly disappeared that could help a man to time travel.


Senior Member
what about the Grey alien did you encounter them? are you a psychic?

you don't need a device to encounter the greys if they wanna see you they will
and it ain't too pretty. They zoom through walls and yank yaz out of yer bedz
and teleport you clear across rooms. Might sound exciting to some
but it's very shocking and overwhelming.


There's some truth to what you're saying, but Mr. Steven Gibbs is dead, so don't go on. As for HDR and Kozyrev mirrors, who is more nonsense? Kozyrev's large mirror is based on the scientific and technological theory of Russian scientist Kozyrev, and studies mirrors that make people hallucinate. HDR is said to allow you to do starlight projection. But this is an attempt at a time machine. Personally, I think that the Kozyrev mirror reveals the existence of God. Earth is an alien testing base. Aliens are gods. This is what Kozyrev said in the big mirror. However, the Russian experimenters went to Moscow to experience the Kozyrev Mirror, and it felt very good. Kozyrev theory I believe.
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