Am I "Awakening?"

Oh yeah I'm always trying to find peoples recent sessions through the various forums and groups but I only usually find the odd posting that has a few words and was recorded in a haunted location. There is a group on facebook that has quite a few members, I think we are about 2000 strong and it's busy enough - The Worldwide Radio Sweep Ghost Box EVP Alliance. I've not found anywhere else online that tackles the subject on any kind of a regular basis :)
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Thanks. I will be careful. Is it also normal to get this? I kept hearing "Be careful" from a female voice.

Not that normal which is why I'd urge you to slow down a little just in case you might be too open. It can also be environmental too in that every home has a history and you might have tapped into something that would prefer to have been left alone. Frankly when I get a warning I slow down and try to keep my mind and moods on only positive influences. If it's the same female voice repeating the warning then they could be watching out for you and are concerned you might not be ready for what's out there.
Thanks. I'll check out the video once I get home. And I technically didn't do it at my home, but at my grandparent's house since I am staying there to help her after her surgery. I shouldn't have done it there, but I kind of got really excited and wanted to try it out. The voice was the same, so I wonder if it told me to be careful because like you said, it might be protecting me? I don't know. If I faced a ghost, I would not be afraid, but these dang feelings I get of things next to me when I do these sessions really freaks me out. I just got the Zoom H1 recorder. I can not get a new micro SD card yet, so I am limited to around 56 minutes on the highest quality. Should I bump it down to 48kHz and 24 bit depth so I can get close to two hours? I just want to keep 24 bit depth so I can capture a wider range of frequencies and accurately represent them.
So I have always tried to astral project and have lucid dreams. Dot would never work. So now, I started watching ghost hunting shows like Ghost Adventures. A week ago on my 19th birthday, I had a really strong urge to buy tarot cards. I gave into the urge and bought a deck. I am still finding the meaning of the cards. I bathed the cards in white light, and asked my spirit guides and guardians for help, and to deter any negative entities. Then when I touched the cards, I felt a string presence in the room. It was like everything was vibrating. It then moved into me and it felt good. I ended up being unusually happy the rest of the day. Now last night, everything felt "off." It was almost like everything was alive, but not alive? Then when I looked in the mirror at my face, my eyes looked different. It was like they were more narrow and farther apart? It also looked like they were slowly shifting positions. I thought I was going crazy, but I didn't think of it more. It also felt like something was surrounding me? That night when I went to sleep, I woke up and could not go back to sleep for a while. I finally ended up going to sleep. That night, I had my first lucid dream. It felt so real. I ended up saying in the dream "Wow. My first lucid dream." All I did during the lucid dream was teleport to random people. I couldn't teleport to some people for some reason. I then created a random landscape so I could destroy it with energy. This morning, I developed a strong pressure in my third eye and head that stayed for more than 10 minutes. I'm also starting with ghost hunting. It almost feels like a lock was taken off of me, and I am being guided towards something. Does anyone have an experience like this?

it sounds like you have an awesome ability possibly a remove viewer in the making if you have heard of it, i belive most people are cable of it its just most havent unlocked there third eye, as i know i havent yet.
