An experiment


New Member
An experiment

Okay, in around fall or early winter this year I went to the house of a friend of my parents. According to the friend, the house is haunted. They say that a lot of weird stuff happens there (i.e. "shadow people" appearing). Anyway, my dad and my older sister were going upstairs to the attic to get something and I followed them. When we were going back down the stairs we were going down a narrow hallway with a few doors. While slowly going down the hallway, I decided to do a small experiment. I wanted to see if I could talk to ghosts by thinking. I then thought something like "Hi, if there are any ghosts here could you please appear by that open door over there?" as I looked at a certain door in the hallway (near the end of it) hoping something would happen over there. At first I expected nothing to happen and for the room to be empty and for no activity to happen there. We approached the door moving at a steady pace. When we reached that particular door my dad and sister stopped. I asked why they stopped and they said that they saw an orb fly by them quickly at that point. They both saw it. I was too busy thinking to pay attention to it, so I didn't catch it fly by.

Does this mean that that ghosts can read human minds and/or communicate with us telepathically? I believe that they can.
Re: An experiment


I would think that they could. I believe that they are energy and your brain works off of electrical impulses so, it would make sense. I bet your dad and sister were really freaked out. LOL


Re: An experiment

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"virtualgirl\")</div>
I would think that they could. I believe that they are energy and your brain works off of electrical impulses so, it would make sense. I bet your dad and sister were really freaked out. LOL

I don't know if that's really the best analogy. It would kind of be like saying, "If I thought about electricity really hard in a lightning storm, I might get zapped." (*makes me think of ball lightning*)

I've seen quite a few orb videos and pictures. One of the best I've seen is where a guy is filming one in his front yard and it's flying around a tree. If they're flying in the air, outside of a house, they're usually considered UFO's, which they are by definition I suppose.

Re: An experiment

Here are some pretty cool orb pics. Thought I might share them. The one with the kid in his boxers looks like light refracting off of something in the camera, but the other two don't look like light refracting to me. It seems that in most of the orb pics that I see, they are taken with a digital camera, maybe there is some kind of phenomena with a digital camera that produces these images. Not all the ones I seen though were taken with a digital camera, but really have no way of knowing for sure. I've seen thousands of regular photos, but don't think I've ever seen one of these in any. Next time I'm looking at random pictures I'll be sure to keep an eye out for orb activity.
Re: An experiment

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"virtualgirl\")</div>

I would think that they could. ?I believe that they are energy and your brain works off of electrical impulses so, it would make sense. ?I bet your dad and sister were really freaked out. LOL

What are orbs? Are they spirits, fairies, or ghosts? Or are they just a whole new thing??
