An overview of The Montauk Project


Time Travel Professor
You're talking about Hollywood magic and I was referring to real life events. Both have a place of value within human research of these subjects of interest. But you must also keep in mind not to intermix Hollywood stories with real scientific research.


Senior Member
@timecore Well done mate for remembering that fantastic movie which was released back in 1957 into the UK..I was 11years old at the time and my father took me to a local cinema to watch it...I have never forgotten it and i have only watched it once since 1957 (y) :)


Senior Member
@Wind7 The mind who created the Beast was that of Duncan Camerons, the psychic involved in those time-experiments...Psychologically it could be said that the beast was created from within his own "ID" which is the term used for the area of our minds that contain all our nasty thoughts and self survival instincts, but is contained by our "super-ego" :)

So elegantly explain in simple terms of what happened.

The Human Brain is a very powerful tool and can be used for good or bad.
"Human thoughts are real things and real things can do things".
Now couple this statement with the Montauk chair on steroids, that amplifies
human thoughts into anything you want to manifest be it good or bad.
Thank you Prof, iam very flattered by what you have said :)


Senior Member
You're talking about Hollywood magic and I was referring to real life events. Both have a place of value within human research of these subjects of interest. But you must also keep in mind not to intermix Hollywood stories with real scientific research.
Prof in defence of timecore that Movie The Forbidden Planet, it illustrated brilliantly how a beast could materialise itself from the mind of the Professor who was living on that planet with his daughter, and the term which was used to describe the beasts appearances (which i never have forgotten), was The Monster From The Id...:)


I know believe we all are still in a singularity.And the big bang was an explosion of consciousness and nothing more.
The idea i have proves that.I believe it is correct.


You're talking about Hollywood magic and I was referring to real life events. Both have a place of value within human research of these subjects of interest. But you must also keep in mind not to intermix Hollywood stories with real scientific research.

Very good and prominent point Professor.

I have said the same to point out that Hollyweird (Hollywood) fantasize truths about most everything.

I own a copy of the Forbidden Planet movie which was loosely based on
Shakespeare's Tempest.

Sometimes science fiction reflects truth, look at Dick Tracy comics for example.

Mankind has developed flying platforms that can skim through the air and wristwatches in which to speak through. (!!)

It is terribly interesting to hear about true life experience and scientific experimentations that are not
bred from Hollywood Fantasy.

I have said it countless times about Occultism and Spiritualism in that,
It Is Not A Game,
It can become very real.

Occultism is very much based upon the individual performing the rite.
The mind indeed CAN be exceptionally creative and can absolutely conjure up realities.

The Montauk project seems to have 'scientifically' proven this.

It is best to not bring up Hollywood as some sort of reference here
and I agree , let's let scientific document reign.

The Montauk project is fascinating to me. :)


@Wind7 The mind who created the Beast was that of Duncan Camerons, the psychic involved in those time-experiments...Psychologically it could be said that the beast was created from within his own "ID" which is the term used for the area of our minds that contain all our nasty thoughts and self survival instincts, but is contained by our "super-ego" :)

So elegantly explain in simple terms of what happened.

The Human Brain is a very powerful tool and can be used for good or bad.
"Human thoughts are real things and real things can do things".
Now couple this statement with the Montauk chair on steroids, that amplifies
human thoughts into anything you want to manifest be it good or bad.

A brilliant and thought provoking posting, Professor.

There is no truer a statement of the individual than what is said of the individual's power of mind and the,
"Tapping into of the core, that part of the human brain that lay dormant... perhaps dormant for good reason."

What books are THE most recommended?

Hard copy, with no pc e-books are useless.
