Angry Women

Re: Angry Women

I like how having an orgasm while having sex with a man is turned into a woman 'eroticizing her own oppression'


Re: Angry Women

Yes, sad isn't it?

The extremes that some women will go to to keep from having to admit they are just as much a hoser and picklehead as men are.

Angry Women

I'm willing to bet some of those women were reeeeeaaaaallll lonely too. Unless they were hirsute taco freaks.

Be prepared for some funny ass quotes.

How To: Deal With Angry Feminists -

Could you please post the article? I don't click on outside links anymore due to viruses.

About women (not all women, some are very good)...they can be so viscious that it amazes me! Petty, catty, kaniving, selfish, envious,'s crazy! They stir the pot, plot, and create trouble! I prefer men to women. I've always had great relationships with men. I believe that's why God blessed me with 3 sons. When I was younger, women were very jealous of me (and did horrible things to me), but I didn't come to that realization until I was much older. When I figured it out, I was surprised, because I have never been jealous of other women or people.

I think Cosmo's generalization is right...Guys are stupid, girls are crazy! (But there are definitely exceptions with both sexes.)
The article is pretty long, I won't entirely post in on here.

Feminism is a great thing. As a movement, it has allowed women to be seen as people every bit as worthy and deserving of the privileges that men enjoy. Women still don’t earn as much income as men in comparable occupations and there is still a tendency to think that women belong in the kitchen, but the feminists that have fought for equality over the years have had a huge effect on gender roles in our society.

While most women who identify as feminists these days are champions of equality, there is another type of feminist that despises anything male and claims that women are superior in every way. These man-hating feminists are rare and sometimes refer to themselves as “radical” or “militant.” We just think they’re angry. When you come across an angry feminist, you may find yourself instinctively shielding your balls while trying to figure out what to do next. AskMen has your guide to dealing with angry feminists.

Don’t claim to also be a feminist
“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”
- Robin Morgan: civil rights, antiwar and radical feminist activist, writer, poet, and editor of Ms. Magazine

Don’t ever try to empathize with angry feminists by claiming that you are also a feminist. These women think that by simply being a man you are part of the oppressive male-dominated system that is keeping women down. So, even if you’ve always respected and loved the women in your life, the angry feminist will say that men are privileged in our society and, whether you actively choose it or not, you’re to blame for participating in the patriarchy.

I can assure you that there are no viruses on that website, like about every other websites we post links to.
The article is pretty long, I won't entirely post in on here.
I can assure you that there are no viruses on that website, like about every other websites we post links to.

Thanks for posting the article. It is an accurate depiction. (About the viruses, I have picked up some when others posted links. It has happened, and until I get moved to Texas, I'm not taking any chances.) :) Thanks again.
