any Flat Earth adherents out there ???

Flat Earth proponents fail to take into account simple things like the propagation of radio waves, the presence of orbiting satellites, and airline flight paths, all which are real and proven and which are predicated on the gravitational pull and curvature of a sphere. The whole of physics breaks down under the flat earth theory.

The concept of physics breaking down is sort of the point of those who genuinely believe the earth is flat, or at least not the sphere theorized in Copernicus 500 years ago. They believe the heliocentric solar system is an intellectual concept, and that other concepts also account for the same physical phenomena we can see and touch. They base their beliefs upon observing things like the picture of Chicago taken from a distance of 60 miles, which is impossible according to the laws of physics.
When was the last time you observed satellites orbiting earth from an observation point in space?
If you answer you've never been in space, that you trust photos taken by NASA, you've proven their point. Our belief that the earth is a sphere circling a star is based on the schooling we received when we were young, and on our willingness to trust authorities and evidence they may present; evidence we were not present to observe for ourselves.
Here's another one if you feel curious: Go on-line and try to get a reservation for a flight from South Africa to Australia. Measure the distance between South Africa and Australia on a map. Are you able to book a flight non-stop? How many mileage points would you accumulate if you actually took the flight you were able to book?
Figure of the Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your benefit I'm posting the link below; it's the same link that was posted in the thread entry above. Here's the like again:
Figure of the Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which shape pictured at that link represents the actual shape of the earth?
I see what you're getting at but the measurement of the circumference is defined regardless of what shape the earth is.

I'm not saying the earth is flat. I also don't "know" that UFO's exist, or that earth is/has been visited by physical or inter-dimensional beings from a solar system other than our own. I simply don't know, but that doesn't mean these things aren't real.
If the circumference of the earth is 25,000 and we board an airliner and fly at 30-35,000 feet, we should be able to see the curvature of the earth. Thinking back on it now, I've never actually seen the curvature of the earth. I've always assumed it's there, because I "knew" the earth is round, or spherical, or ovoid, or some similar round-ish looking shape. But how did I "know" the earth is a sphere? The only thing I can come up with is that I was taught that in school, and I accepted it as being true.
The guys in the flat earth videos are showing filmed images of the earth taken by NASA from space. And then they point out various aspects of those films that can't possibly be real. The only conclusion a reasonable person can draw from that is one that informs us NASA is deliberately falsifying the information they publish by doctoring the images they show. The big question is to ask is "Why?" Why would they do that? What do they have to gain? Who profits?
Do I believe our government is always honest and trustworthy, and always has the good of the general public at heart? No. Do I believe our government lies and engages in illegal activities for undisclosed purposes? Yes, definitely. Is NASA controlled by the U.S. industrial military complex? Yes, it is.
I'm not saying the earth is flat. I also don't "know" that UFO's exist, or that earth is/has been visited by physical or inter-dimensional beings from a solar system other than our own. I simply don't know, but that doesn't mean these things aren't real.
If the circumference of the earth is 25,000 and we board an airliner and fly at 30-35,000 feet, we should be able to see the curvature of the earth. Thinking back on it now, I've never actually seen the curvature of the earth. I've always assumed it's there, because I "knew" the earth is round, or spherical, or ovoid, or some similar round-ish looking shape. But how did I "know" the earth is a sphere? The only thing I can come up with is that I was taught that in school, and I accepted it as being true.
The guys in the flat earth videos are showing filmed images of the earth taken by NASA from space. And then they point out various aspects of those films that can't possibly be real. The only conclusion a reasonable person can draw from that is one that informs us NASA is deliberately falsifying the information they publish by doctoring the images they show. The big question is to ask is "Why?" Why would they do that? What do they have to gain? Who profits?
Do I believe our government is always honest and trustworthy, and always has the good of the general public at heart? No. Do I believe our government lies and engages in illegal activities for undisclosed purposes? Yes, definitely. Is NASA controlled by the U.S. industrial military complex? Yes, it is.
The thing is, the earth does not have a flat surface. It's jagged, ups and downs, from mountain tops to bottoms of oceans. If you take a snowball and make it cube-shaped, and roll it down a hill it becomes spherical. But look closely and you can see the jaggedness; uneven roundness to it.

We assume the earth is spherical because of gravity and what we know happens when gravity effects mass.

I believe the earth is round because I've used a telescope before. You can see only one side, of say, the moon. but if you keep looking you eventually see another side. It doesn't look flat like a piece of paper, it's circular and I see the shades that make it spherical
I'm not saying the earth is flat. I also don't "know" that UFO's exist, or that earth is/has been visited by physical or inter-dimensional beings from a solar system other than our own. I simply don't know, but that doesn't mean these things aren't real.
If the circumference of the earth is 25,000 and we board an airliner and fly at 30-35,000 feet, we should be able to see the curvature of the earth. Thinking back on it now, I've never actually seen the curvature of the earth. I've always assumed it's there, because I "knew" the earth is round, or spherical, or ovoid, or some similar round-ish looking shape. But how did I "know" the earth is a sphere? The only thing I can come up with is that I was taught that in school, and I accepted it as being true.
The guys in the flat earth videos are showing filmed images of the earth taken by NASA from space. And then they point out various aspects of those films that can't possibly be real. The only conclusion a reasonable person can draw from that is one that informs us NASA is deliberately falsifying the information they publish by doctoring the images they show. The big question is to ask is "Why?" Why would they do that? What do they have to gain? Who profits?
Do I believe our government is always honest and trustworthy, and always has the good of the general public at heart? No. Do I believe our government lies and engages in illegal activities for undisclosed purposes? Yes, definitely. Is NASA controlled by the U.S. industrial military complex? Yes, it is.
The thing is, the earth does not have a flat surface. It's jagged, ups and downs, from mountain tops to bottoms of oceans. If you take a snowball and make it cube-shaped, and roll it down a hill it becomes spherical. But look closely and you can see the jaggedness; uneven roundness to it.

We assume the earth is spherical because of gravity and what we know happens when gravity effects mass.

I believe the earth is round because I've used a telescope before. You can see only one side, of say, the moon. but if you keep looking you eventually see another side. It doesn't look flat like a piece of paper, it's circular and I see the shades that make it spherical

You're free to believe what you want. No one's trying to convince you of anything. I do fail to understand the reasoning that says because I look at the moon and see that it is round and light shades to darkness near the edges at times that proves the earth is round and spherical instead of flat.
You're free to believe what you want. No one's trying to convince you of anything. I do fail to understand the reasoning that says because I look at the moon and see that it is round and light shades to darkness near the edges at times that proves the earth is round and spherical instead of flat.
How could you not understand that? The moon rotates and you can see shaded areas come to light. but that's how I see things. You say conspiracy is why most belive the earth is round but it's not just America that teaches this. And nasa doesn't have global control. In the link I provided earlier... even the ancients believed the earth was round. This is not as new as you think. The earth was flat at one time to keep people from learning the truth and to keep the rich wealthy. Your belief is yours but those conspirical forces want you to remain ignorant and keep distracted.
One could say that he moon is a flat circle because it doesn't seem to rotate. That's because it's tidally locked with the Earth, but it doesn't change the fact that the moon always looks the same, always showing us the same exact face.

Moon phases give us a clue that the moon is a sphere. What do you think?
One could say that he moon is a flat circle because it doesn't seem to rotate. That's because it's tidally locked with the Earth, but it doesn't change the fact that the moon always looks the same, always showing us the same exact face.

Moon phases give us a clue that the moon is a sphere. What do you think?

Nice image. If you ask me if this proved to me the moon is a sphere, at this point, I'd have to say, "No, it doesn't prove that at all." The image, if it is genuine, shows that the moon appears to have a round shape to it. I say "if it is genuine" because I was not there when they were taken; neither did I take them myself.
The surface appearance changing over time with repeating phase patterns, are consistent with what would be expected with a sphere. It would also be consistent with a dome or hemispherical shape. Which is it?
The simple fact is that it is impossible to know for sure without traveling there our self, or watching it rotate from an observation point which we do not have.
We are taught in school astronauts from earth travelled to the moon, orbited the sphere, landed on the surface, and returned to the earth, bringing samples of moon rocks back with them. These are the same schools that taught us it is impossible to view the skyline of Chicago from the shore of Lake Michigan on the Michigan side of the lake.
The stories of the moon landings are reported by NASA, an organization founded on behalf of the U.S.A. and run by Nazi scientists for decades. This is the same agency that continues to lie about the images they publish of earth taken from low earth orbit. This is the same NASA that offers no rational explanation for how those astronauts travelled through the Van Allen radiation belts that circle the earth. These radiation belts should have bombarded the astronauts with lethal doses of radiation if they had travelled through them. (At the time, the radiation belts had not yet been discovered. They were an unknown danger, and no precautions were taken to protect the astronauts or the space capsules they reportedly used from the effects of that radiation.)
Can we trust the U.S. government and its agencies that operate behind curtains marked "national security" to be truthful and honest with the American and world populations? I think not.
As far as I can see, the flat earth philosophy is based on one simple premise, that being: Trust what you can verify for yourself; question philosophical beliefs that may seem to make sense but exhibit some unexpected behaviors that do not conform to the philosophical beliefs and theories you have been taught. I fail to see where or how this differs from the vaunted scientific method.
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There is a simple and cheap way you can prove (or disprove) that the earth is flat or spherical, using classical physics. All you need is a gyroscope mounted in a set of gymbals and some patience.

A gyro spinning at constant angular velocity will tend to maintain a constant orientation of its axis with regard to a distant point in space, rather than the earth, due to conservation of momentum. This simply means that the gyro doesn't actually rotate about a secondary axis, as long as no external torque is acting on it.

The experiment is simple. First align the gyro axis to point in the east-west direction. If the earth is actually spinning, then the gyro will appear to rotate through one full revolution in 24 hours. However, the way that it rotates will tell you whether the earth is flat or spherical.

Flat earth proponents say that the earth is essentially a flat disc. If this is the case, the gyro will slowly rotate in a horizontal plane. That is, 6 hours after the experiment begins, the gyro axis will point north & south.

However, if the earth is more or less spherical, the gyro will slowly rotate through a vertical plane throughout the day. That means that 6 hours into the experiment, the gyro axis will point up & down.

I haven't done this experiment, but it could be done in less than a day and settle the argument once and for all. Rather than argue about it, why not go and see what kinds of results you get? I'll be waiting.

I am assuming you are using a spinning gyro mounted in gimbals that will allow the gyro to freely choose its own orientation.

I don't know if you are aware that as the earth spins, it will apply a torque to the gyro. Within a 24 hour period the gyro will align its spin axis with the spin axis of the earth. After that the gyro will be pointing toward the north star. This is the principle behind a gyro compass.
