Are Timelines Multi-dimensional?


This is from my website,

Let's discuss.

An acquaintance of mine brought up an interesting question once. Where exactly are we when we travel through time? Is it the space/time continuum? Is it the blackness of space? Regardless of “where” we are at that moment, a timeline exists inside the time travel device itself while headed to its destination.

If a chrononaut is not frozen while he or she is “traveling” to another worldline, then events are taking place inside the device. The measurement of “time”, as we know it, is happening. He could be sleeping, eating, or reading a book, but another timeline has been made. Does this make timelines themselves multi-dimensional?

Add another chrononaut to the scenario. If two are traveling at the same time, are there not now three timelines? Each chrononaut possesses their own consciousness and their own set of limitless, possible, scenarios. We now have three timelines that are going to meet at the same point and then branch into other timelines once the journey is complete.

What are the implications? Imagine the web this makes in space. Wouldn’t it make it easier to pinpoint exactly what timeline you’d like to pursue since so many apparently meet and cross each other? Perhaps it is even better to travel with a partner to ensure that you can return home. After all, the more timelines you create, the more that cross, correct?


Active Member
The dimensions of displacement within the overlapping "area of effect", known as the Kerr field, regarding the gravitational distortion of the micro-singularities, follow their own relative time. Just as the space station and orbiting satellites follow their own relative passage of time, slightly slower than ours, due to a slowing of time due to increased velocity. Remember, satellite clocks require constant re-sync due to the slowing effect on relative time within each object. As objects approach the speed of light, time slows down. Time does not exist for objects traveling at the speed of light, or faster. The real world application is that when John makes his first jump, directly from 2036 to 1975, at a rate of 10 years per hour, relative time passes for him, inside the 1967 Chevy Camaro, at a relative rate of roughly 6 hours, due to performing a 60 year jump. All 177th members are required to travel with personal 02 respiration systems and sleep during jumps so that the body requires less oxygen during the jump. The Samsung miniature fuel cell electrical power system that power the C204 and C206 actually uses the ambient O2 supply within the car to produce electricity by pairing H2 with O2, generating DC electrical current and purified H2O drinking water/coolant. Never use a C204/C206 without a respirator/re-breather with CO2 scrubber, as the lack of O2 in the ambient air supply within the Kerr field will kill you.


Time does not exist for objects traveling at the speed of light, or faster.

Using Titor's technology, is the time travel device traveling at the speed of light or just the singularity? Regardless, inside the device (i.e. car), time has to be happening or the traveler would be "frozen" in a sense. It is a timeline inside a timeline.

I'll post some more stuff in the general Titor thread concerning oxygen and temperature.


Active Member
It would appear that time and gravity are directly correlated. I'm not sure that velocity regarding the speed of light is a even a factor in dimensional displacement.


Senior Member
Hi Paula:

According to Steven Gibbs you see a flash of white light and then hear a click or a pop. Then you are in another timeline different from our own. I believe that you carry with you a bubble of air. Transfer is instant or near so.

What you would see is similar to this movie.


Did I miss something? I saw a neat VW concept car, I heard people speaking German, which I don't speak, and I did not see any time travel or multiple timelines.

Neat video, but what did I miss?



Senior Member
Did I miss something? I saw a neat VW concept car, I heard people speaking German, which I don't speak, and I did not see any time travel or multiple timelines.

Neat video, but what did I miss?

I don't think you missed anything... All I caught were that the sprinklers have Volkswagen logos.
