Are you aware of aliens who appear as talking orbs, with an interest in mind control, work with the DoD and have some sort of connection to cats?


New Member
Picsart_22-02-26_16-22-33-112.jpgI always insist that the ones targeting my family are human, though I suspect they may be using non-human technology. I live in Military City, USA and more than one of my targeters have told me they are being paid by the military. Other known agents work for the military, so it is unquestionably military funded.

My daughter's father came to me and told me that all the horrible things I was experiencing were due to this program and that he was paid to date and impregnate me, in 2019. I didn't believe him until late 2020 after I'd researched and scientifically tested his claims. He also sent me several videos of a disturbing nature, which featured a lot of cats, dead and missing girls and allusions to events which would later come to pass. At first, I assumed the cats were a reference to his pet name for me. Then I got a security camera and realized that when strange stuff occurs in my house, cats are gathering outside. I've also heard them meowing at the door or window, exactly on the hour, in the wee hours of the morning. I've got a hunch those are not normal cats. I haven't posted any videos about them yet but I've posted a ton of orb videos on my Curious Target YouTube channel and a lot of audio on my website.

I do kind of wonder sometimes whether they REALLY are all human. According to them, they're aliens who have been here since before humans. While some of them have human sounding voices, others sound very alien indeed. I've recorded them speaking English, Spanish, old Latin and what I think may be Romanian. Some of the English-speaking ones have accents that sound like a pacific islander. Maybe aliens are working with the government. My daughter's father claims that's the case, adding, "aliens are what some people call demons". A lot of people involved in this have a clear interest in the occult.

The orbs swim through the air, sort of like jellyfish, sometimes also flashing as they do.

On Reddit, I just get laughed at and trolled for asking questions like this but it is heavily JTRIG-patrolled and I'm hoping maybe someone here has some useful information. Does any of this sound like any sort of aliens of which you've ever heard?
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New Member
This is one of those videos containing a bunch of cats that my kid's dad sent me:
(don't listen to the audio, as he has insinuated that it contains mind control signals).

You can hear what they sound like on under not so silent sounds and silent sound audio. Unfortunately, I'm hacked out of that site now, so I'll be posting on from here on out.

Most of the most recent videos on my YouTube page are about the orbs, such as this one:

Looking forward to hearing your input.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
orbs look a bit like small psi balls to and if you look through the orbs pictures youll see a very large clear on in the night sky to
