Artificial War...


Artificial war...

Chapter One
The death of peace...​

Existentialism, it is hard to imagine that we still by into this ideology and yet we all know it is the ideal that it represents and thus depending on perspective this is an idealism.

claiming an identity it seems is more important then ever and yet if others do not agree with your identity social exclusion is implemented with a devastating and sometimes deadly effect.

People have died in the name of ideology and more wars was started then ended with monsters at the top and humanity suffering at the very bottom.

We all know there is the so called "art of war" but have you ever wondered what the rules are for sustainable war? Imagine what "sustainable war" represent and more to the point what it means for your overall health and imaginary safety. People will say we are as close as we have ever been to total peace and the end of suffering and yet our weapons got new and terrifying names. Names like biological weapons, chemical weapons and nuclear weapons. Our sticks became more powerful our stones more deadly and now the most powerful weapon of all have moved forward. Social manipulation.

A device to draw you into a thought system that will destroy your peace, add stress to your body and will shorten your life considerably. Why? because we are economically assassinated. By adding mass stress our lives are shorten to the point that we will not see old age. This help the economist because now they can get their hand's on your pensions property and offspring. They don't need old people so they kill us in our prime. If there ever was a crime against humanity this is it.

Economic warfare is a terrifying and upsetting reality that each of us face. But this system is not just at war with other nations it is at war with us as individuals as well. It is us that pay more for our food, get less healthcare and is pushed into more stressful situations. It is us that go to sleep with one eye open and never truly rest.

It is us that feels that scary numbness on our heart or worse we just die by the hands of this well designed weapon of war.

The death of peace is the ultimate weapon. It needs only a device in your hand and some sort of social application feeding you fear. We hit like and we subscribe for more thinking we are informed but we don't see the true price that we will pay for all of this.

Our children live under a microscope, our employers are forever looking for a reason to let us go, so that they can get young blood into the company without having to retire the old. The rules are rewritten to be anti-human and we follow like and subscribe to it all the time.

Still think it is imaginary? Still think you free? Put that device down and you will notice withdrawal! Again carefully designed to make us want more... Still believe you are free, safe and can say no? Can you say no?

Well can you ?

As we feed ourselves to this monster and as it chew on our bones it hungers for the youth now entrenched in this "new" old way of thinking. Still think it is a conspiracy? Still believe you are "fine"... You know you are not, you know they have your number, they call you by name and enter your home each night to kiss your children goodnight as they place their phones down... What is the last thing your child see before they close their eyes? A loving face or a worry that "that" person will put something nasty about THEM on the social pages?

Still believe you are fine playing a video game that introduce stress and violence as the only answer? Still think it is harmless to look at pictures of attractive people and inside you die little by little? Don't look now but you are a Socialized Zombie vampire looking for that "next thing" spending hours consuming "content" thinking it is "fun" while your sanity degrade away!

Peace is dead it's blood is on your hands because you took part unwittingly...

Still think war is war? People come back from war traumatized then the media will pick up on their suffering and weaponize it to burden your soul a little bit more... Still believe it is for your own good? Bad news equals views and that equals money for them and hell for your soul.

I hope now you can see the unholy hand demanding your attention, I hope now you see the reality that even entertainers don't last anymore... they walk away, unplug and fade from memory because they couldn't handle it anymore. Some run so far away never to be found, others suffer or worse. Don't forget to like and subscribe and tell them what you think as if they read thousands of comments and those that do change sometimes for the better but sadly mostly for the worse.

Live love love love... Keep your peace and step back and put that glowing rock down... your life doesn't exist just because they tell you it does. You are alive, you are living thinking and you took the time to question the narrative and realized the dangers within the answers. You understand now that your peace of mind is more valuable than all those subscriptions. Teach your children value, truth and help them grow and understand that this world is really a bad place and they need to be careful but also they need to be free from this evil that is making them stressed out and shortening their lives.

It is time to see this is real...

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Senior Member
Its now a reality, no escaping it.

Those above need to control the masses that call out so its a way of shutting them down somewhat.

But your right at every turn someone is calling out a issue on social media whether its right or wrong or in some eyes warranted or unwarranted.

Big companies have been shamed as well like this, a war can be easily a reason to hide what may be going on under the surface.

We still really havent seen China move yet, cant be too far away.


Chapter Two

The Sum of Humankind.
Humanity was analyzed, divided and controlled for as long as we have recorded history. Every ruler that used and abused its power have shown us how brutal rulers can be. As our history continues to be written in blood, pain and dismay it is hard to imagine that things are "better" or "getting better" and "poverty is slowly being wiped out" when none of this is actually true.

War became a business and death is just part of it. The wealthy and mighty don't care for the fallen broken and mental disruption they cause. They don't care who's life is sacrificed as long as it is not their own. It is truly horrifying that people still wish war upon each other and yet we claim to want change.

We see our compassionate side on display as a carefully measured reminder to respect law and order while our lives stolen from us bit by bit hour by hour and it continues on and on until we finally give-up the ghost and move on. Slaves till we die? Are we? The simple answer is yes and we all know it. We are slaves to technology and greed that has been integrated into our lives without permission and we are expected to conform or suffer. And suffer we do... Even when we follow the rules we suffer... We see our dreams die, we see our bosses get more wealthy we see our friends die due to stress and other horrific conditions created by pollution and acts of violence.

But even this is nothing new... The world as we know it, the world as we see it is the world what was... All that changed is we have comforts that those before us didn't have. We have more allowed freedoms but only until it is revoked. Example something as simple as owning a pet can be turned into a financial nightmare. Something as simple as walking in a park can end in a tragedy.

Going out with friends can be the last choice we make.


The answer is simple, the value we hold as humans is measured by the eye of the beholder. If they decide they will spike a drink, murder a family or bring forth a war... We react to it as best we can but for the most part we are powerless.

People addicted to drugs will say "they thought they could handle it" but clearly their lives is now consumed by this horrific and deadly addiction. An addiction that exist because our rulers failed to protect them from it. Would they be addicted if they had no access to it? Do you honestly believe they had a choice once the drug dealer got them addicted? No... They are victims... It wasn't a bad choice but rather a bad situation that caused them to think "i can say no" Few have the strength to say no...

Saying no is the road to loneliness in many cases but not all. Because those that said no eventually find each other as well. Their path became a different one but they are still slaves to the system.

So what is the sum of humanity?

The sum of humanity is not the choices we make... It is the choices others make for us. We just believe we accepted it, but deep down we know that it is all just an illusion of choice. Thus our rulers, those that we trust to protect us and uphold the law failed to do so. And yet they promise the same promises they have always made. Told the same lie they always did and we are to powerless to truly say no to them. Even if we succeeded to say no, it will not last for the wealthy have power, weapons and tools to bring us back into the fold.

Thus the sum of humankind is that of obedience in the name of conformity and structure... It wears the mask of peace but whatever and who ever is behind the mask is a monster. The same monster that demanded the blood of our children in the days of old. The same face that demanded obedience or death.

Technologically and philosophically we as human kind have truly moved forward but the same dark rules in the ages of old still rules to this day. The same evil still lust for blood and war... It is is just much harder to see.

The truth once seen cannot be unseen and once we know what we know we question what we don't know...


Chapter Three

Truth vs Accepted Truth.

I have looked for answers in technology, science and even entered into the spiritual world. It was the spiritual world that opened my eyes but not in a good way at first. See today science will have us believe we are blood and bone robots with awareness and our choices is nothing but a construct based on input and desired output.

Are we more then bone? do we have the breath of God in us? For me the answer is simple and only a simple yes we do. Once I realized how fragile and remarkable life is I understood why we have trouble finding more life. Life should not be understated or made cheap. In the movies we see people acting and their act is to take life. It is just a movie and rarely do anyone truly get hurt. That said in reality, we are at war. From the criminal wanting whatever you have to more extremes like slavery to full on war, we see how life is squandered but as long as it is squandered for justifiable reasons we are forced to accept it.

The half truth of truth is what we get from social media, media and is repeated by rulers world wide. Like a chant they speak the words we want to hear and offer our lives and obedience to them. We take our flags, our pride and put it above the value of life itself.

The whole truth however is that we have one life to live and all life should be held to the highest regard for it is our only life on this world. We only get to live once... Despite the fiction and science that want to blind is the answer remains the same WE ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE. This life is ours and yes they want it. Think of the odds and how this truly rare this opportunity is to experience life. However corruption made sure our experience will not be a good one. We live under laws designed to trap and enslave us, when our leaders demands blood thousands go to war and life gets extinguished.

"But we are heading to global over population" I hear them say, "we must slow down" I hear them say... "Health care must cost more and life must be worth less so that choices can be made easier" I hear them say... I hear them say... Who are they? Is it the tongue of our leaders, board-members and government entities that is chanting these things?

Life is finite and yet these decisions are made without our consent. It is known that many young couples face infertility and their numbers are in the millions that means millions will not have children. With each generation this situation becomes more apparent and humanity in its arrogance and greed-filled lust for wealth don't realize we are heading towards extinction.

Billions now will be millions later and millions will diminish into thousands... People say this can't happen? It takes only one war, one disruption in food production... Only one "real" pandemic and humanity can truly become a thing of the past.

This is not the whole truth but only a tiny bit of it... I doubt anyone can truly summarize truth as a whole. We can point to bits and pieces of it and hope we can spell it out to the point that others will look at it in a serious way.

So what is the "whole truth" ?

God is real, demons wants us dead or worse... The wealthy want to enslave all of us and they want to mitigate the need to bestow upon us law and rule over us with an iron fist. We must see them feed while millions are starving, we must die for their whims and pleasures and we must accept it or face exclusion or worse. We are made to fight each other for entertainment like a global blood sport... We are nothing but a problem to them for they want all of us dead or broken to the point that they can simply sustain their rule. They don't want us to be, happy, free and is actively destroying the family unit by attacking both the feminine and masculine. They know the harm they do and do so with impunity because they cannot be challenged in the court of law for they own both the court and the law.

The truth becomes ugly once we look at it long enough... But it is only ugly because it was made to be... It is only hurtful because it is real and we know this but we have to push it away or we cannot function. We will not be able to truly accept the reality of the situation and we see that this is real so very real...

So what now? How do we do this?

I mentioned that God is truth... It is time to find God again... Because no corruption can stand before divine truth.

This is not a call to action, it is not a demand to change your believes. It is a simple truth that was taken from us and replaced with questions that give doubt more power then truth.

It is time to look beyond humanity into the real reality and find our spiritual selves again. Learn to truly understand what this live is about. Find value in your life and live it because it is YOURS TO LIVE. Not some corporation...

