Ask about the future.

Adam i have encounter the Grey Aliens and green face Replition alien so write back and tell me why did i met them and also what did they do to me. thank you and write back.
Why don't you tell us all the story of your experience first. I'm sure everyone would like to hear it.

ok but you can tell me what there goal on me...because i did not like them they are scary,sulfer smell i believe that they came from hell realms possible so i have see giant grasshopper outside of my apartment but that a was like 3-5 year big and they were on the next to the apartment outside at 3-4 am in the moring and doing someone like a alien abduction i was watching them but i like that was strange and then saw this flying stars like some kind of magic anyway
i just went back to sleep and forget it .
Alien races have only two logical reasons for abducting someone. The first is to gain knowledge of you because they are curious, the other is to gain knowledge of you for the purposes of making you or your planet a resource of some kind. Since a handful of abductions would be more than enough to satisfy curiosity and there is an ongoing epidemic of abductions it makes me think that they are intending to use our planet or us or both as resources of some kind. In my opinion, none of those sons of bitches space people or subterranean are out for our best interest, they are most likely out for themselves.
1.Who stole Shergar? the horse
2.Is the phoenix real?
3.Will there be another company that will be bigger than apple in the next 30 years?
4.Do you know anything about the pyramid of mars?
The only one I'm going to answer is #4.
Mars had life and civilization on it and at one point it was Terraformed and used as a space station. The moon was also used as a space station that was designed as a assembly station where very large spacecraft can be assembled easily due to less gravity. Also they can be more easily launched from the moon than the earth because of lower gravity. There are the remains of these guys on the dark side of the moon. At some point several alien races have used both the moon and Mars as space stations.
Do different alien race share the space stations?
They might if they are friendly with one another. But it seems to me that those space stations have been used by different races over time one race uses it to harvest some resources then moves on and some other race comes by and uses it then moves on and so forth right now there is a mining operation happening on Mars by some race living underground and doing deep mining.
1.Will AI take every day jobs by 2050?
What jobs?
2.Will we have to eat bugs if we can't sustain 15 billion people?
Bugs are the best food on the planet just so you know. People who eat bugs rarely suffer the heart and cholesterol problems that beef eaters do. We should be eating bugs already. Did You know that spiders taste like lobster? There is a reason many bugs are seen as a delicacy in many countries around the world. But no not everyone will have to eat bugs.
3.When will the first AI have full awareness?
I'm not about to touch that with a 20 foot pole! But I can tell you this, in my opinion (I'm sure others would disagree) you can't have full awareness unless it has not just an artificial intelligence but it must have artificial heart and soul and that science can not do.
1.Will AI take every day jobs by 2050?
What jobs?
2.Will we have to eat bugs if we can't sustain 15 billion people?
Bugs are the best food on the planet just so you know. People who eat bugs rarely suffer the heart and cholesterol problems that beef eaters do. We should be eating bugs already. Did You know that spiders taste like lobster? There is a reason many bugs are seen as a delicacy in many countries around the world. But no not everyone will have to eat bugs.
3.When will the first AI have full awareness?
I'm not about to touch that with a 20 foot pole! But I can tell you this, in my opinion (I'm sure others would disagree) you can't have full awareness unless it has not just an artificial intelligence but it must have artificial heart and soul and that science can not do.
1.Will AI take every day jobs by 2050?
What jobs?
2.Will we have to eat bugs if we can't sustain 15 billion people?
Bugs are the best food on the planet just so you know. People who eat bugs rarely suffer the heart and cholesterol problems that beef eaters do. We should be eating bugs already. Did You know that spiders taste like lobster? There is a reason many bugs are seen as a delicacy in many countries around the world. But no not everyone will have to eat bugs.
3.When will the first AI have full awareness?
I'm not about to touch that with a 20 foot pole! But I can tell you this, in my opinion (I'm sure others would disagree) you can't have full awareness unless it has not just an artificial intelligence but it must have artificial heart and soul and that science can not do.
E Normal every day jobs like cooking cleaning ect
1.Will AI take every day jobs by 2050?
What jobs?
2.Will we have to eat bugs if we can't sustain 15 billion people?
Bugs are the best food on the planet just so you know. People who eat bugs rarely suffer the heart and cholesterol problems that beef eaters do. We should be eating bugs already. Did You know that spiders taste like lobster? There is a reason many bugs are seen as a delicacy in many countries around the world. But no not everyone will have to eat bugs.
3.When will the first AI have full awareness?
I'm not about to touch that with a 20 foot pole! But I can tell you this, in my opinion (I'm sure others would disagree) you can't have full awareness unless it has not just an artificial intelligence but it must have artificial heart and soul and that science can not do.
1.Will AI take every day jobs by 2050?
What jobs?
2.Will we have to eat bugs if we can't sustain 15 billion people?
Bugs are the best food on the planet just so you know. People who eat bugs rarely suffer the heart and cholesterol problems that beef eaters do. We should be eating bugs already. Did You know that spiders taste like lobster? There is a reason many bugs are seen as a delicacy in many countries around the world. But no not everyone will have to eat bugs.
3.When will the first AI have full awareness?
I'm not about to touch that with a 20 foot pole! But I can tell you this, in my opinion (I'm sure others would disagree) you can't have full awareness unless it has not just an artificial intelligence but it must have artificial heart and soul and that science can not do.
E Normal every day jobs like cooking cleaning ect
Yeah, but most people won't be satisfied with automated services for a long time so it never truly takes off as a thing.
