Asking about Lucid dream


Junior Member
Long time no meet up.
I wanted to say that now I can do lucid dreaming everyday(Is this common or rare?)
Ooh man i can remember that I was surrounded by 6 people and I killed them instantly by my imagination.
I was able to fly but not able to control my fly fully!
There were some past memories in dreams,I felt so good.
When my dream started to fade up I try to imagining to push up exercise and dream becomes stable(I am able to do so long lengthy lucid dreaming by this technique)
Now I will try to do some experiments in dream!!
Can anyone give me suggestions!!


Active Member
Long time no meet up.
I wanted to say that now I can do lucid dreaming everyday(Is this common or rare?)
Ooh man i can remember that I was surrounded by 6 people and I killed them instantly by my imagination.
I was able to fly but not able to control my fly fully!
There were some past memories in dreams,I felt so good.
When my dream started to fade up I try to imagining to push up exercise and dream becomes stable(I am able to do so long lengthy lucid dreaming by this technique)
Now I will try to do some experiments in dream!!
Can anyone give me suggestions!!
Ok magic give me some trick of lucid dreams how did you do it..,


Junior Member
I do something in that way.As I am still a student,I study on late night,In this way i make my mind so tired(This is key point),then just nothing,Go to Bed, and i have full confidence that I can do it and concentrate on my mind.It eventually took me to lucid dream and one more thing if you want to increase duration of lucid dream,then when your dream starts fading away then imagine to do push up and you will be again in lucid dream.
Remember:Tired mind is so necessary for this process,it's your way how can you do it ,I do it by studying


Junior Member
I was able to fly but not able to control my fly fully!

What do you mean by this? Do you mean; you can't control the movement (a.k.a changing path to another direction), or you can't control your flight speed?

For your flight path, I think you can easily change it with the movement of your upper body, if you know what I mean.

Just move your upper body towards the direction you wanted to go and your flight path will be adjusted by itself and you'll go there.

As for the speed, you manage it with your mind. Thinking to go faster will accelerate your flight speed, and thinking to slowing down will do otherwise.

But I think the closer you're to the ground, your flight speed will be reduced greatly, as if in anticipation in case you want to land there.

Well, that's what I did in my own flight dreams anyway, and it worked quite well for me.

if you want to increase duration of lucid dream,then when your dream starts fading away then imagine to do push up and you will be again in lucid dream.
But why it has to be push up?
Remember:Tired mind is so necessary for this process,it's your way how can you do it

Not for me, I guess, as tired mind has always been led me to something else; sleep paralysis.


Junior Member
What do you mean by this? Do you mean; you can't control the movement (a.k.a changing path to another direction), or you can't control your flight speed?

For your flight path, I think you can easily change it with the movement of your upper body, if you know what I mean.

Just move your upper body towards the direction you wanted to go and your flight path will be adjusted by itself and you'll go there.

As for the speed, you manage it with your mind. Thinking to go faster will accelerate your flight speed, and thinking to slowing down will do otherwise.

But I think the closer you're to the ground, your flight speed will be reduced greatly, as if in anticipation in case you want to land there.

Well, that's what I did in my own flight dreams anyway, and it worked quite well for me.

But why it has to be push up?

Not for me, I guess, as tired mind has always been led me to something else; sleep paralysis.
No,I am telling to imagine of doing push up when dream start fading away.This will bring stability to dream.

And yes thanks for your advice for control flying in dreams.Before,I move whole body to fly.Now I will try to just move upper body.

And sorry to know that tired mind not work for you in doing lucid dreaming.But you said that you have sleep paralysis in tired mind state,then you can easily change this into lucid dream,Right?


Junior Member
How about having a lucid dream inside a lucid dream...?


Having a lucid dream inside a normal dream... perhaps?
Yes,I have experienced that too,
Usually when I am in some danger state in my normal dream, suddenly my mind awake in my dream and i become conscious.


Junior Member
No,I am telling to imagine of doing push up when dream start fading away.This will bring stability to dream.
Yes I understand it, what I meant to ask however, why it has to be imagining the push up?

I'm curious and would like to know what's with the push up, or if there's something else you can imagine to achieve the same effect besides of push up.

Before,I move whole body to fly.Now I will try to just move upper body.

Yes, I can imagine that trying to move your whole body could make things rather complicated and difficult in this matter.

But you said that you have sleep paralysis in tired mind state,then you can easily change this into lucid dream,Right?

Maybe, but I don't know. I haven't tried to before, nor would I like to try it, tbh 🙂
I've explained to you why.

First, it was due to the fact that in sleep paralysis state, I know that I'd be seeing the real state of my surrounding, in real life, and real time. It'd just led me to consider that I'm still fully awake (and aware), thus, I'm not dreaming, if you know what I mean.

Besides, it's been too long now, since the last time I had an episode of sleep paralysis, even way long before I've even started to develop a way of protecting myself from negative energy through my dreams.

Thus secondly, my focus now when it comes to dreams is about how to shape it into a more effective and efficient tool to protect me even better instead of trying to gain lucidity in dreams.

It's mainly due to my curiosity if my subconsciousness can protect me in case I'm having some bad dreams.

With bad dreams, I mean about the dreams with bad omen in them, especially bad omen for myself.

In other words, I'd like to know if it's possible to prevent the bad things that might come (in real life) after having such bad dreams from happening, either by blocking the bad omen dreams to happen in the first place or even completely eliminate it, if that makes sense to you.

In case you ask, yes, in some cases, I'm using my dreams to receive messages as well, since in spirituality, some important messages could come through dreams.

It's especially useful for the people with no ability to establish direct contact with the other side, so to say, pretty much like myself.

Thus, the more reason for me to be careful with my own wish when it comes down to gaining lucidity in dreams, since it may mess with how my dreams functioned for me 🙂


Junior Member
Yes,I have experienced that too,
Usually when I am in some danger state in my normal dream, suddenly my mind awake in my dream and i become conscious.

It means you turned your normal dream into a lucid one, while you're still having only one dream at a time, no?

That's not what I meant.

I meant to have a dream in a dream; a layered or double/triple dreams at a time if you will, either it's having a lucid dream inside of a lucid dream or a lucid dream inside of a normal dream.

I've had a few episodes of this kind of layered dreams before, where I was waking up from a dream only to find myself still dreaming, and I'm kind of curious if it's possible to plan ahead to achieve it, so to say, and if it turns out to be possible, how far can one possibly go with it.


Junior Member
Yes I understand it, what I meant to ask however, why it has to be imagining the push up?

I'm curious and would like to know what's with the push up, or if there's something else you can imagine to achieve the same effect besides of push up.

Yes, I can imagine that trying to move your whole body could make things rather complicated and difficult in this matter.

Maybe, but I don't know. I haven't tried to before, nor would I like to try it, tbh 🙂
I've explained to you why.

First, it was due to the fact that in sleep paralysis state, I know that I'd be seeing the real state of my surrounding, in real life, and real time. It'd just led me to consider that I'm still fully awake (and aware), thus, I'm not dreaming, if you know what I mean.

Besides, it's been too long now, since the last time I had an episode of sleep paralysis, even way long before I've even started to develop a way of protecting myself from negative energy through my dreams.

Thus secondly, my focus now when it comes to dreams is about how to shape it into a more effective and efficient tool to protect me even better instead of trying to gain lucidity in dreams.

It's mainly due to my curiosity if my subconsciousness can protect me in case I'm having some bad dreams.

With bad dreams, I mean about the dreams with bad omen in them, especially bad omen for myself.

In other words, I'd like to know if it's possible to prevent the bad things that might come (in real life) after having such bad dreams from happening, either by blocking the bad omen dreams to happen in the first place or even completely eliminate it, if that makes sense to you.

In case you ask, yes, in some cases, I'm using my dreams to receive messages as well, since in spirituality, some important messages could come through dreams.

It's especially useful for the people with no ability to establish direct contact with the other side, so to say, pretty much like myself.

Thus, the more reason for me to be careful with my own wish when it comes down to gaining lucidity in dreams, since it may mess with how my dreams functioned for me 🙂
Exactly I don't know the reason as it comes subconsciously to me(that pushup thing),you were seen many other tricks like imagining to be rotating and many other,but one day I am trying to do lucid dream and that push up thing subconsciously to me stablise my dream.

I am also using my dream power to do some mysterious things like to gain message from other side and doing many other adventurous things.
