Assembling a Time Travel team to build a working Time Machine

Ok. Thanks for your support. Actually it work as a free energy machine 0 hertz to some kilohertz, the light make a tic tac at start with the astable oscillator. I think this is question of power simply. I need 2 coils with mosfetts to make power of cold energy in the flat deltaT antenna. There is the other side with the other part of the antenna, and orgone accumulator with cristaloïde structure. But a computer have a lot of wire too. This is why i post schematics instead of photos, electronic need wires.
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Some gibbs invention of The ridle of time and bajak capacitor are in my machine. Thanks for posting schematics for a long times, steven, i have download all of your schematics, so thanks a lot. This forum is good for finding old schematics from the old yahoo group that have disappear. Thank you.
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No idea, I'm doing a Tesla Spirit radio. I want to verify whether scalar waves can communicate with the past through high-dimensional spacetime.
best possible idea is to review and upgrade the hdr unit, for a start your powering it with 100 to 120 volts at a cycle of 60 hertz in America now you can substitute that for a variable frequency sine wave generator and try more frequencies seems like thats the most important part is the frequencies now after that we have the diodes they each have a voltage drop and are there to convert to dc half of the ac signals input so i propose substitute the diodes for a variable frequency square wave generator and if you want to experiment with more frequencies throw in a frequency doubler now for the output to the electromagnet scrap the electromagnet an fashion a scalar beamer type emitter using 2 compressed ring shaped magnet with center holes and wind them the same way as you do with a core when making a joule thief circuit and, stick it to a coper plate that will be your navel chuckra plate and em scalar emitter all in one and for the time coil you can throw that in to and use thinner wires etc im working on it. and you can leave out the potentiometers as you already have one for the variable frequency sine wave generator and the variable frequency square wave generator
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Thanks. The goal is that the machine work. Agree with you that you must a coil for the stomach chakra. You give me somes idea. I biild joule thief for very long time, so all my circuit are in jt clockwise and anti clockwise, like in every joule thief.
3 tubes, generate a self resonant 400 hertz orgone field. According to you, the 2th tube can be connected to a other copper tube in a T fashion, so to put that on chakra stomatch. The power of caducee is more than simple thin wire, when you do 1 turn with caducee like, you make 20 turns, with Phi Ray angle, the magnetism is 100× multiplied. Tom barden agree that caducee is best.

So the electron source must exist, can a simple electron source can be found in my neighrbourg french magasin ? Like a xenon lamp ? . This ligth can be decomposed in a cristaloide. AND tge idea of you, a copper plate. Must be design this now.


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my friend dave dede is in France if ya ever met him his good at similar stuff to and if your using a spark gap in your coil all ya going to get is like an emp device which can use spark gaps to
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Ok steven, you decide me to use a simple spark gap. Thank. Steven , in 1983 space people have give the time machine schematic. I give it in attachment.
Hyoenergi kilde is a simple orgone accumulator
There is spark gap in a empty bottle to in a ferrous cavity
The rest is sinus, dephased, and amplifier.
Beware too, remember the phyladelphia bad experiment and sailor that have been killed because of lack of orgone energy ( life energy). In ancient time, people doesn't need machines to do that. So a good compromise is on the way with this forum.

Sorry it is in nordic language ( another sympatic language). You can give me email of your friend i will reply just in my french native language, bien sûr.
i have see ufo in France, in a campain very empty.
(i remenber that capacito spak gap, with glass with tiny holes, like in a ufo bottom. I can make it with the machine for the decomposition of spaceFuel particles, with a cristaloid spak gap.)


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