Astral Travel...


New Member
Astral Travel...

Are colours significant in dreams? Back when I was about six or seven years old I dreamt that I was walking in my backyard, and I saw my two dogs there also. Suddenly i was flying around and I became excited. I sometimes control my flying/Floating in my dreams, but sometimes I just cant get it right. (By the Way I experienced the whole dream from a first person view and everything was red. It seemed as if i was looking thru red glasses!):)
Re: Astral Travel...

I heard that colors in your dreams do mean something. I don't know what they mean specificly though.

Re: Astral Travel...

There is a story about a student who hears about other's experiences in the dream state and where they experience colors. He is doing all he knows about to learn and yet no colors. One night, he meets his Master on the inner in the dream state and asks why he does not experince the same thing, and feels that he should have 'color' in his dream state experiences also, where upon his Master hands him a large bucket of Paint and a brush.

I have seen what I would typtify as 'washed out' coloring, in reds, greens, greys. I have also seen where the Houses or buildings were transparent, the strongest loadbearing beams were of solid lines of color and you could see into them. I have seen very vivid colors, just like looking at actual pictures.

Flying dreams are a lot of fun. Try 'seeing' in your mind where you wish to go rather than 'forcing' the steering because in certain places the harder you 'strive' to do something the worse it gets.

It may be that the 'coloration' is just a 'sign post' for you to pay special attention to the expereince. You may wish to research the Aura for indications as to what specific colors MAY denote. Each of us are different so thats just a place to start, and may not be set in concrete for you.

Re: Astral Travel...

What is the story behind those dreams that you get startled awake? Like when you drift away to sleep and suddenly you awake because you thought of falling off a building etc.?
