ATF doesn't think people should have explosives..

I would have thought that this is common sense. Firearms and Explosives are both things which in my opinion are something which should be and are very rightly tightly controlled. Imagine if some lunatic who isnt fully "in control" got hold of some c4 or something, it would be a very real risk. Maybe I miss the point of your post though?

Note; ATF in this post I assume means "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives"

We can't have what? Not that I need them but I have relatives that use them for large stump removal that would give a John Deer tractor fits trying to relocate. Granted it isn't the explosive that is the danger but the "person" using it. As hard as it is to get handguns, it out to be sooo much more difficcult to get chemicals that can make up "weapons of mas destruction" or as the militart defines them "WMD".

PS. Leave my handguns alone.

Down in Mississippi you don't have to have a license for a gun, unless you intend to carry it concealed. The way it should be - gun's don't kill people, people with a loose trigger finger kill people.

You don't blame the drunk driver's car for hitting somebody else, you blame the driver. Same concept. Are we supposed to ban all cars not made from Jet-Puffed marshmallows?
I'm sure that's somewhere, xstuck in sideways in The Bill of Rights but then again, not everybbody should have rights as others, now shoulddddd theyyyyyy.!!
