Auditory Encounters


New Member
Auditory Encounters

I definitely believe these are the most common types of "hauntings", as I've never seen a ghost, but have encountered this phenomenon. I'll briefly explain one specific encounter. I had been living in an older home with my brother, while we were remodeling it, preparing it to be a rental. As most people know, older homes have a propensity to creak and groan from time to time, it's just less noticable when there are several people around and more activity. Well my brother took a couple of weeks off and flew out of state, and I decided to stay alone in the house to make sure it wasn't broken into or anything. The first night staying there...not alot happened...just typical creaks mostly covered up by the TV. The second night I started hearing what I could only describe as footsteps...they were muffled which was odd because there was only carpet in the room I was in and this was coming from another part of the house..all hardwood floors. The third night I was actually getting totally freaked out because the steps where no longer muffled...very clear on the stairs heavy steps. I kept muting the TV when I'd hear them and then they'd stop. Well I managed to make it through the night solo...but returned to my parents home across town every night to sleep until my brother returned. The last night was the hardest I think because I couldn't get to sleep being so disturbed.

Anyone else have any experiences to share regarding this topic? Let's explore!
Re: Auditory Encounters

I pretty much know what you are talking about, but I never encountered it like you did.

Do you think the heavy steps in the stairs were actually "something" that was there and made some noise ? If you describe the sounds as footsteps, I guess it's because the sounds you heard were too precice and clear to be only creak sounds caused by the wood right ? If you ever decide to get out of your bed and find out what made the creaking noise, it's almost 100% certain that you're not giong to see anything.

I've known some places where I could hear creaking noises, and I'm sure I'd be able to make the difference and say "wait... that's not an ordinary creak..!"

Can a ghost make a wood stairs creak ? :eek:

So, my question is, what the hell is that ????

Re: Auditory Encounters

These sounds were very clear, I first heard a heavy step and then the stair creak, and again in succesion at the same pace a person would make walking up the stairs. The second night I was there alone I did go and look after hearing the sounds...just thought it was no biggie but worth looking into. The third night I was there alone it was so clear I was just to freaked out to go and look. I didn't even use the restroom that night as I would have had to pass the stairs..instead opting to pee outside via the backdoor. I worked on this house for many months and noises happened during the day as well...anytime I was alone there working I always turned the radio up pretty loud because I was worried about hearing the steps again. It really put me on edge, but I really only heard the footsteps distinctly those 2 times.
