Aware me on Titor. His real claims and what he failed to predict.


Temporal Engineer
To begin with I don't think it can happen. The ET's have demonstrated that they can disarm a warhead while in transit.

And so far nothing that happened on Titor's timeline has happened on our timeline.


New Member
To begin with I don't think it can happen. The ET's have demonstrated that they can disarm a warhead while in transit.

And so far nothing that happened on Titor's timeline has happened on our timeline.

Still. If it did happen and shit went south and millions of people from both US, Russia and possible nearby countries died in it, casualties perhaps reaching the billions (doubtful), what would you think about it because even though it's not that likely to happen, it still can.


Temporal Engineer
If it does happen, there wont be survivors. The dust cloud will create a nuclear winter and wipe out mostly all life on the planet. The nuclear fallout will kill the rest. But we already know this to be true. This was taught to us in school. There aren't any winners in a nuclear war. If you think you can survive in an underground bunker, the food will eventually run out. No one has a way to manufacture food in quantity without the sun. The surface will be uninhabitable. This is what happens in nuclear war. John Titor's version is a fantasy.


Active Member
An important thing to consider with regard to the Titor story is that nothing in it is new. The US and Russia fully expected to go to war for decades during the cold war. The seeming inevitability of such a conflict was a fact of life for people in the older generation who grew up with duck-and-cover drills. Anyone who knows about physics can also tell you that relativity does not allow time travel to the past. People talk about faster than light speed travel, but that actually results in imaginary or complex values of mass and time dilation, which is a clear indication that the formulae are not valid at such speeds. There are plenty more examples to give, but the most telling thing is that Titor didn't reveal any future knowledge or technology that couldn't be reasonably anticipated by someone from the past. His original posts are full of spelling and grammar mistakes which make me wonder why anyone believed him at all. Oh, that's right, someone has a copyright on the Titor story, so they have a financial motivation to keep the story alive.


New Member
An important thing to consider with regard to the Titor story is that nothing in it is new. The US and Russia fully expected to go to war for decades during the cold war. The seeming inevitability of such a conflict was a fact of life for people in the older generation who grew up with duck-and-cover drills. Anyone who knows about physics can also tell you that relativity does not allow time travel to the past. People talk about faster than light speed travel, but that actually results in imaginary or complex values of mass and time dilation, which is a clear indication that the formulae are not valid at such speeds. There are plenty more examples to give, but the most telling thing is that Titor didn't reveal any future knowledge or technology that couldn't be reasonably anticipated by someone from the past. His original posts are full of spelling and grammar mistakes which make me wonder why anyone believed him at all. Oh, that's right, someone has a copyright on the Titor story, so they have a financial motivation to keep the story alive.

Hmm I see however I do recall seeing one of his posts saying that his machine DID NOT use the travel at light speed time machine people talk about.

There are numerous experiments going on at CERN. In order for them to make a black hole they would have to travel faster than light.
I'm pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I'm referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so.
There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try. The time travel I refer to does not require faster than light travel and due to multiple world "reality", paradoxes do not occur. Natural time machines do exist.

Even though US and Russia have always had problems, it seems a bit far fetched that he would just hit 2015 by pure chance when the relations between US and Russia have never been this heated before.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending, just want to get everything on a clean sheet


New Member
Also just one thing I don't understand about this thing that his lawyer said he would return in October/November 2014, didn't John himself say that it would be "impossible" to travel back to his original timeline? Then how will he return back to ours if he already left it?


Also just one thing I don't understand about this thing that his lawyer said he would return in October/November 2014, didn't John himself say that it would be "impossible" to travel back to his original timeline? Then how will he return back to ours if he already left it?

No, actually, he didn't. I'll provide some quotes.

Is it possible for you to return to this time line once you leave?
Not with the machine I have now.
(this implies that he could with a different machine. See statement below.)

It seems impossible that another you would return to the worldline you originally came from.
I’m not sure I said another time traveler “will” return, I think I said they “could” return. The location/gravity “map” I have of my path getting here could be duplicated with a fairly high degree of accuracy. It’s just that my machine was not designed to do that.

And then, for some reason, he contradicts himself:

Why wouldn’t it be possible to use that recording to go back to your original starting point without any divergence at all?
Perhaps it’s better to say it’s so highly improbable as to be considered impossible. A good example is the concept of trying to get closer to something by cutting the distance in half for every step you take. Since the computer is basically making calculations from an imperfect model of reality, there are no absolutes. I also believe there is a theory that states you would have to violate the speed of light limit to have a perfect ZD.



Also just one thing I don't understand about this thing that his lawyer said he would return in October/November 2014, didn't John himself say that it would be "impossible" to travel back to his original timeline? Then how will he return back to ours if he already left it?

It would be another copy of him. Here is an example. There are an infinite number of PaulaJedis typing this response to you. Due to divergence, there may be one copy that decides, aw, screw it, I'm too tired to type, and walks away.
