Believers and non-believers


Believers and non-believers

Our community, as any natural affiliation of individuals, have those who believe in time travel, those who don't believe in time travel and those who just like our community atmosphere.

We need all three groups, they each play a vital role in shaping our interactions. My question to the believers and non-believers is why you choose your view. Remember that you don't have to support your stance with facts, just your opinion. One could easily say they believe in time travel because they hope it will be because of personal reasons (a relative, hope for immortality, etc).

Either way, this is an open line to simply posts your reasons for your beliefs in regards to time travel.

Also, I have noticed that when I log in our total users online seems to drop. Once I logged in and their were 85 users on line, I hit refresh twice and that number dropped to like 20. So the sub topic is, do I or my posts smell? OR what do you suppose is the correlation between me logging on and the drop in visitors?
Believers and non-believers

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff . . . smells fine in here to me John. You are the finest site Admin/owner I have ever met and it?s a pleasure to be involved in this community. I think I would hang out here even if time travelers weren?t top on my ?who to meet? list.

Somewhere in my young past I started using ?time travel? as a possible alternative to ?ufo?s and aliens?. I found the TT option preferable. I was around and posting at Art Bell?s P2P when John Titor was posting there and unfortunately that didn?t really get my attention at the time. I was into end times and mad cow and the voice in the wilderness thread ? so you would have thought I might have gravitated to that thread too, but no. Prior to that I had heard Art?s time traveler lines and at least one of those faxes read on the air.

Last January I had a ?time slip? that really shook my confidence in the stability of my ?reality?. I woke up one day in world where Steven Hawking was alive when I knew without doubt that he had died a couple of years previously. My husband also remembered his death and reminded me of another instance regarding Lawrence Welk that we had been through together. We were so stunned and intrigued by these anomalous memories that we googled and talked and googled and talked for a couple days about this subject only. I posted about it on a board I was then posting on and no one bit. I was disappointed. I was pretty sure this couldn?t happen to ?us? only. My hubby found TTF1 for me and said I might be able to discuss it there. I knew something very odd was going on with time in my own life. So from the days when I substituted time machines for space ships to the recent instances of incongruent memory and history I think it?s safe to say I am True Believer.

Around that time Alex started posting and I saw people getting hammered for asking questions that had already been answered or for not being familiar with the John Titor story so I went to John Titor school and Alex school. I read everything I could find. Looking at it from my current perspective I found a lot that intrigued me and now I?m an addict. My original motive of wanting to understand what is going on with Time Slips in my life has grown into a personal mission of sorts. I know, I know ? STOP LAUGHING. It is my mission now to talk to a time traveler. It is my mission to obtain proof of time travel. It is a mission to save the information we get from possible time travelers. It is a mission to change the John Titor future in this timeline, if possible. Yep ? I got it bad!

So ? Now I am completely out of the closet. I really don't care how foolish it looks to unbelievers and fence-sitters and debunkers. Who would you come talk to if your were a time traveler? Some mean mouthed crank or someone willing to believe? I will entertain the possibility that any time travel claimant is real clear up until he is proven fake - sometimes even longer than that! :unsure: I will solicit and accept ?proofs? from any time travel claimant. I will keep whatever confidences I am asked to keep for as long as I am asked to keep them. I will pass on anything I am asked to pass on. I will save it all for the rest of my life and leave it to my daughter and hope it makes it to the future. I will hope that in the future they know some internet old lady named Snow Fire Watches in the early 21st century really wanted to meet a time traveler. I will hope one pays me a visit someday or at least PM's me ;) (hint hint) . And who knows . . . maybe one already has.

From the edge or maybe a little beyond . . .

Snow Fire Watches

edits: typos - sigh

Believers and non-believers

I think I'll be placed in the non believer group then.

I simply don't think we have the knowledge to build time machines yet. We don't know what time is, we dont know how the natural laws are connected, we dont know how matter and energy and matter works. To be honest, sure we know some stuff, but we are probably not even near understanding where we are and how our surroundings work.

Some people say that there are time machines. I find it hard to believe. Lets go back a few hundred years in time. Lets say someone claimed to have a working, stable nuclear powerplant in the 11:th century. Sure, nuclear power sure is possible but would it be possible to build by "mistake" when you dont know about atoms? when you dont know about thermo dynamics or don't even know what a gas/steam turbine is? when you don't even know what electricity is? Not likely.

I do however think sometime in the future, when science figures out more about how the universe(s) works we might be able to start scetching on some possible designs for time machines and then later on perhaps we can actually build them.

If I saw a UFO (I've never seen one or any credible evidence for one but IF i saw one) perhaps I would speculate about it not beeing ET but perhaps a time machine from centuries ahead in the future with technology beyond our comprehension (just like someone a 1000 years back wouldn't have a clue what a cellular phone or a F-16 fighting jet is).

However I like to think time traveling _might_ be able some time after we learn more about our surroundings. Right now? - Nah.

Believers and non-believers

I am more in the line of giving time travel a purpose a reason for being an application.

I feel when it happens it will give jobs to lots of people who use time travel, just like Henry Ford when he massed produced the car that gives many people today a job that help them live in this world.

Henry Ford and Edison. May have had no idea that today you can walk into a shop and buy parts for cars and bulbs for light and all the people who have jobs today because of this.

Time travel will do the same thing i hope.

That is all any one can ask.

Best Regards
Blair Styles
Believers and non-believers

I simply don't think we have the knowledge to build time machines yet. We don't know what time is, we dont know how the natural laws are connected, we dont know how matter and energy and matter works. To be honest, sure we know some stuff, but we are probably not even near understanding where we are and how our surroundings work.

Woah! Hold on a minute there! You don't think we have the knowledge to build time machines yet? There's a temporal oxymoron if I ever did see one; if a time machine is ever built, we'll know about it. That's the pure and simple truth; in a universe where time travel is possible, there will never be an end. If time travel was possible, we WOULD know about it, because there has been and is left an infinite amount of time in which for just ONE person to come back in time and tell us all about it.

The only other option is the parallell universe theory, which in my opinion has already been proven wrong by the fact that the amount of mass in the universe has to be constant, exactly. If a person were to leave this universe and travel to another parallell one, the balance in both universes would be off, and both would collapse.
Believers and non-believers

So it appears I am a non-believer. Oh well. I enjoy the hoaxes anyway. All you time travellers out there: please prove me wrong.
Believers and non-believers

I guess I'm sort of both. I believe that travel to the future is possible, but not the past. I believe that time slows and eddies with gravity, and that it is not constant. Time travel like in Back to the Future or the stories we see here...not likely, in my mind. I have yet to see a member post here and convince me that they were legitimate time travelers. Actually, they usually prove me right and end up falling on their own faces.
Believers and non-believers

I'm a believer in the need to surpass time. Time is OK for the most part, but there's not enough of it. Also, the imagination beats the hell out of it in a close contest.

So I ask you, who needs it? Soon we'll be able to skip over it if we want to.
