Bill 1, American Health Care Act




I think things are going to heat up this week.

I'm anxious to see how fast things go.

There seem to be two possible scenarios.

One they start taking down the Republicans that are anti-Trump and Ryan saves his own butt and goes along with Trump.

The other scenario would be to take down Ryan and be rid of his bs.

We'll see how it plays out. I hope you get what you need.

Third scenario - Congress votes yes for the bill and Trump signs off on it. :( Then, I probably will never be able to afford health insurance. But according to a so called friend of mine, I'm not supposed to care because I'm not supposed to expect the government to take care of me. What? Agreeing or disagreeing with a bill that congress puts forth is expecting someone to take care of me? Usually, people that have everything in life they could possibly want say things like that. Let's face it. The poor get free or very discounted health care. The illegals get free health care. The rich can afford it. And if a middle class person asks for AFFORDABLE insurance, they want someone to take care of them. I just don't see the logic there. It's a weak argument. People get personal when they run out of facts.

Sorry, that was sort of a vent. Had to go off on someone on Facebook. She has a fantastic job and probably wonderful insurance, so she couldn't possibly understand my situation.


LOL..... I hate it when people compare their situation to yours. You know? When someone has the best of everything and put you down because you can't do it as well.


By the way, when does congress vote on this?

And don't mind me --- I literally woke up one day interested in politics and am now VERY passionate and opinionated about it. LOL


Active Member
By the way, when does congress vote on this?

And don't mind me --- I literally woke up one day interested in politics and am now VERY passionate and opinionated about it. LOL


I don't see him signing off on Ryan's bill. I'm on your side and I truly believe you won't have to live with Ryan's bill.


Active Member
well Trump's pretty good at negotiation..I think he's allowing Paul Ryan's plan to make the public angry then he can negotiate from a higher place with more influence. It's a pretty good idea.

Since congressional republicans don't really want to repeal Obamacare as is clearly demonstrated they will block everything Trump will try to do. Perhaps Ryan is pretending to be contentious with Trump to unify the republican party behind a bill Trump secretly helps craft with Ryan. Ryan did say that Trump is deeply involved and is being helpful.

So Ryan care's final incarnation will be most likely crafted by Trump. That's how I would do it. Trump still needs congress behind him to do it and they will absolutely stonewall him, he needs a proxy.

Anyways well known that Paul Ryan was chosen as Speaker of the House after John Boener was pushed out rather quickly late 2015. The rumor is the elections were going to be suspended and Paul Ryan appointed as interim president after Obama stepped down after 'the event'. Some proof to indicate this, before Ryan, General Dunford Obama's joint chief of staff was the interim president of the restored United States republic, then Ryan was but secretly. This was the plan because they all predicted Hillary was going to be president and they were right. What was unexpected was divine intervention occurred defeating the votefraud system to help us have an honest election. As Cobra mentions, Trump is cabal but has the potential for light within him which has obviously emerged.

Dunford advised Trump during the campaign even though he was still part of Obama's administration and now is Trump's joint chief of staff. I think the battle between Ryan and Trump is all for show. Ryan was Romney's VP choice in the 2012 election but I still say he's not a bad guy or used to be and was converted to the right side.

Like how Reagen's VP was HW Bush who had him shot, might be a reverse situation that time, a good guy as VP with a bad guy Romney. There's some indication this might've happened in the example with Putin. Everyone knew Putin was a serious bad guy in his earlier days but Cobra mentions he had a spiritual awakening with the Pleidians and became highly benevolent. They advise him now on how to prevent ww3 and take down the cabal. Which is clear that's what he's doing with his Syrian interventions against ISIS and as leader of the BRICS alliance.

I think Paul Ryan is trying to do the right thing.
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Active Member
well trump's pretty good at negotiation..I think he's allowing paul ryan's plan to make the public angry then he can negotiate from a higher place with more influence. It's a pretty good idea.

Since congressional republicans don't really want to repeal Obamacare as is clearly demonstrated they will block everything Trump will try to do. Perhaps Ryan is pretending to be contentious with Trump to unify the republican party behind a bill Trump secretly helps craft with Ryan. Ryan did say that Trump is deeply involved and is being helpful.

So Ryan care's final incarnation will be most likely crafted by Trump. That's how I would do it. Trump still needs congress behind him to do it and they will absolutely stonewall him,he needs a proxy.

I think you're right. He's letting it play out.

I think right now he's drawing them in with the spying scenario. He's letting them build it up the way he did with the taxes and then he'll release the proof all at once.

There's three intelligence committees that want Roger Stone to testify and I think they won't like what he has to say. He's wanted to testify and now he's got his chance.


well Trump's pretty good at negotiation..I think he's allowing Paul Ryan's plan to make the public angry then he can negotiate from a higher place with more influence. It's a pretty good idea.

That's all he can do, unfortunately, at the moment. Besides, they need a couple democrat votes so they have to kiss their asses too. It's never about what the people want. It's all about what the politicians want. We just have to hope Trump doesn't sign off on another disaster.

Sadly, even with the new bill, it will take about 10 years for prices to fall naturally, so I personally won't be able to buy insurance for 10 years.

I think Paul Ryan is trying to do the right thing.

We have a recording and witnesses of a phone call where Paul Ryan said he'd never support Trump. Again, no concern for the American people. There is only concern for themselves (congress).

What pisses me off the most is that here is a mandate in this new bill that says if you lapse coverage for 63 days, you will have to pay 30% more for insurance. Well, if you absolutely could not afford Obamacare (like me) and dropped it like me, you will not be able to afford insurance.

Liberals, people like me need surgery. Where is your humanitarianism? If I set up a Go Fund Me would you help? I didn't think so.

Oh, here ya go.

Sorry, I can't find the actual phone call --- but it does exist


Active Member
well Trump's pretty good at negotiation..I think he's allowing Paul Ryan's plan to make the public angry then he can negotiate from a higher place with more influence. It's a pretty good idea.

That's all he can do, unfortunately, at the moment. Besides, they need a couple democrat votes so they have to kiss their asses too. It's never about what the people want. It's all about what the politicians want. We just have to hope Trump doesn't sign off on another disaster.

Sadly, even with the new bill, it will take about 10 years for prices to fall naturally, so I personally won't be able to buy insurance for 10 years.

I think Paul Ryan is trying to do the right thing.

We have a recording and witnesses of a phone call where Paul Ryan said he'd never support Trump. Again, no concern for the American people. There is only concern for themselves (congress).

What pisses me off the most is that here is a mandate in this new bill that says if you lapse coverage for 63 days, you will have to pay 30% more for insurance. Well, if you absolutely could not afford Obamacare (like me) and dropped it like me, you will not be able to afford insurance.

Liberals, people like me need surgery. Where is your humanitarianism? If I set up a Go Fund Me would you help? I didn't think so.

Oh, here ya go.


Don't give up yet.

I think once everything plays out, Ryan will see the writing on the wall.

I don't know how many people picked up on it, but Trump said as an aside during his speech, that he may just release all the information he has on the spying Monday.
