Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Hey, it'z no biggie Kath. I will look at the movie again as well and see if the quote is correct. If I am wrong I will gladly adjust your score.

Keep Playin!!!!
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Ok Kath, you are correct. I stand corrected. Your point total is 20
points. Plus, I will throw in an additional 2 points for challenging me and winning A total of 22 pts!!!

Now, who post the next correct quote?

Keep Playin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Who ACTUALLY played the guitar solo for bill & ted ( it's the shot of the close up and the bluring fingers as they rip through the arpeggios)
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Awww, thanks Zeo!! You're the best!!!!

Star - That's a toughie.....are you asking or do you know?? i suppose i could check the credits??
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Originally posted by StarLord@Dec 16 2004, 04:47 PM
Who ACTUALLY played the guitar solo for bill & ted ( it's the shot of the close up and the bluring fingers as they rip through the arpeggios)

Sorry Starlord, I don't really know myself. But, can you post the quote following Kath?
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future


being a guitar player myself, I can hear licks that are just like a signature, unique to each player and his style. Example, Carlos Santana has a very unique style and once recognized is hard to miss, same goes for John McGlauflin (sp?), Stevie Ray, ZZ Top, Kenny Loggins, Ingwie Malmstein, Bo Diddly, BB King, and even ABBA (shudder) sounds just like ABBA and is unmistakeable, unless of course it is a very good cover band, anyway, the list is endless. Each players style is just like a finger print, unique and all their own.

So, me knowing who the player is, only needed to be verified by looking for a specific name in the credits, it was there.

Still, I bet George Carlin would just love to be able to shred like that. I know I would.
Bill and Ted, and Back to the Future

Right on Starlord. It'z good to know that fellow musicians can still have a great taste in movies...........Moving on tho.

New quote my gaming friends, and this one will keep ya up unless ya know the next quote. Remember, for maximum points, please respond to the next qoute following the one I will now post.

<span style='color:red'>" Dude, if I die you can have my Megadeath collection."

So, who can name the next qoute and the movie for 25 points? I look forward to the responses my friends.

Game on and keep playin!!!!!!!</span>
