Blinding flash and wake to screaming...


Junior Member
Blinding flash and wake to screaming...

Well I just had a bizarre dream.

It's rare that I remember my dreams.

I was having an extremely long (unusually long) dream that was contiguous even through some minor waking. I was dreaming I was a freedom fighter, seemingly in America but indistinguishable what year it was and I'm not sure what the details of it were but it was in the future but I was still the same age or close to how old I am now.

Then I dreamt just almost suddenly it changed and I walked into a practice room that was about 30feet by 30feet with three people all standing in line with instruments or mic stands or something and the light slowly dimmed from bright to nill. The matrix code or something like it appeared streaming down the wall behind them and an ominous voice which changed from mine saying, "guy's you can't find your fate" and transitioned to the ominous voice saying "your fate finds you", and then an overwhelming and blinding flash occured and I woke up screaming.

A little chilling.
Re: Blinding flash and wake to screaming...

Either you've been watching to many matrix movies or you're really from a parallel world where machines have taken over and we all live in a computer simulation and you are really Kenu Reeves's character and your fate is finding you.

Re: Blinding flash and wake to screaming...

This is something that can have many reasons behins it. One of which you are seeing a little into the future. No matter how far back or forward you go in your dream, you will look the same to yourself. Dreams aren't "our" reality, but a very important reality that people neglect too much. If you are possibly looking into the future, your subconcience may not be letting you see the fate of yourself. Do you fear change? Death? You may possibly have stopped from seeing the fate of yourself from fear. That is possibly the cause of the screaming. In dreams you discover fears that you are unaware of in this reality. The message sent to you, never forget that. Because it is very true. You will never find your fate, because fate is set like stone and predetermined fate may not exist. Outcomes are limitless. But some situations are bound to happen no matter what. That is where fate finds you. The tie-in with the matrix is your imagination including something familiar to our reality.

Re: Blinding flash and wake to screaming...

We all have our set of what could be termed a 'lesson plan'. It is made of the experiences we need to unfold. Because we always have free choice or free will (we think) then this lesson plan may not necessariy be followed here in the physical world and so will take place in the dream state which is just as valid karma wise.
Re: Blinding flash and wake to screaming...

me too! :)

To me you are expressing a fear about the future......something in your life and your future does not gel...You are certainly worried about the future and how you will have to survive.

As to your age....You will always feel that you are eigthteen or somewhere in that ballcourt.

Walking into a practice room almost certainly means to me that you need to learn some skill that you feel you are defient in. Looking at the code in the back that seems to suggest that you are lacking in some computer need to see the whole picture.

I do not know if that helps. I hope it does.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Hemoman\")</div>
Well I just had a bizarre dream.

It's rare that I remember my dreams.

I was having an extremely long (unusually long) dream that was contiguous even through some minor waking. I was dreaming I was a freedom fighter, seemingly in America but indistinguishable what year it was and I'm not sure what the details of it were but it was in the future but I was still the same age or close to how old I am now.

Then I dreamt just almost suddenly it changed and I walked into a practice room that was about 30feet by 30feet with three people all standing in line with instruments or mic stands or something and the light slowly dimmed from bright to nill. The matrix code or something like it appeared streaming down the wall behind them and an ominous voice which changed from mine saying, \"guy's you can't find your fate\" and transitioned to the ominous voice saying \"your fate finds you\", and then an overwhelming and blinding flash occured and I woke up screaming.

A little chilling.[/b]
