Boriska, the boy from Mars
Have you ever heard of that kid who "knows" a lot of stuff about what he claims to be our past ? He claims to be from Mars, and explains our origins.
The first time I read about this was a few years ago, and it still sounds weird to me that the kid was making all this for fun. He was 7 at the time. As they say, the boy was answering every question, just like he talking about anything that is normal to him. Looks like he was really there at that time. He sounded much more intelligent than a normal 7 years old kid. The link above is the original story about the boy.
Perhaps it's just a hoax, there's an interview on Youtube: The interview is not that interesting though.
The boy looks pretty normal, maybe he just have a lot of imagination. It's hard to say if a kid is making up all this stuff, even on a video. His story contains many details, I can hardly believe that this kid invented all this stuff himself. His mom maybe...I doubt.
Have you ever heard of that kid who "knows" a lot of stuff about what he claims to be our past ? He claims to be from Mars, and explains our origins.
Boriska, the Boy from Mars"Can you imagine, while everyone was sitting around the campfire at night, some little boy (about 7 years of age) suddenly asked everyone's attention. Turned out, he wanted to tell them all about life on Mars, about its inhabitants and their flights to earth", shares one of the witnesses. Silence followed. It was incredible! The little boy with gigantic lively eyes was about to tell a magnificent story about the Martian civilization, about megalithic cities, their spaceships and flights to various planets, about a wonderful country Lemuria, life of which he knew in details since he happened to descend there from Mars, had friends there....
The first time I read about this was a few years ago, and it still sounds weird to me that the kid was making all this for fun. He was 7 at the time. As they say, the boy was answering every question, just like he talking about anything that is normal to him. Looks like he was really there at that time. He sounded much more intelligent than a normal 7 years old kid. The link above is the original story about the boy.
Perhaps it's just a hoax, there's an interview on Youtube: The interview is not that interesting though.
The boy looks pretty normal, maybe he just have a lot of imagination. It's hard to say if a kid is making up all this stuff, even on a video. His story contains many details, I can hardly believe that this kid invented all this stuff himself. His mom maybe...I doubt.