Brain Wave Generator


New Member
Brain Wave Generator

I found this site when searching for frequencies to experiment with for consciousness alteration.

It offer a software (shareware) download which produces binaural tones you can listen to with headphones attached to your computer. Various programs are used for meditation, etc...

Users can make their own programs, and there are plenty on this site for free download. Users claim these programs induce OOBE's and all sorts of things. Take with a pinch of salt.

Apparently, you can save the programs as .wav files, and later convert them to mp3's, save them to a portable mp3 player for use away from the computer.

I haven't used this software yet, although I have downloaded it. I have no association with it, or the site, so use at your own risk.

Brain Wave Generator
Re: Brain Wave Generator

If you have ever seen the movie Meetings With Remarkable Men, or get a chance to do so, I believe there is a scene where once a year, there is a very large 'meeting' in a certain valley where all the participants chant a specific sound.

It's a pretty ancient notion that specific sounds, at a specific frequency will produce specific results. Something like chanting Aum.

If I am not mistaken, OBE's are produced by your directed thoughts and visulization, not sounds from a computer. Simply thinking about the fact that OBE are possible will instantly alter one's consciousness.

Re: Brain Wave Generator

You shouldn't need special software for this....."Godsmack Live" works for me....

