Brain Waves of Alien Abductees Analyzed....


Senior Member
People are now starting to learn more about the phenomenon. For example, many humans are part alien, and that should surprise no one. BTW, I just saw today a girl that was part alien walking out of the mail - they are starting to come out of the saucer. :)



Senior Member


Senior Member
It makes you think that some of these 'crazy' types of today's society are having their minds controlled to make them do what they do. The governmental programs, MK-ULTRA could have come from alien technological exchanges with governments for future concessions? Or maybe the aliens are just reprogramming our brains to do their deeds, whatever they may be. I've often thought that the various pilots or flight attendents that lost it during flight were possible experiments that could have come from alien brain wave interference. What if a signal is sent and we behave as depicted in the flick, The would be a strange world.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Relating to the aliens, the typical Zeta Reticuli type, well they have been around here for thousands of years. There's something going on, a two-way connectivity among us and the aliens, a continuous state of interactivity, and when I say 'interactivity' I mean that our civilization, our culture, our tradition, our religion, our customs have been deeply influenced by alien cultures, the impact of their presence among us expresses, manifests in our behavior. Remember the impact of the Marian Apparition of Lourdes and Fátima, through a hi-tech procedure, the aliens generated computer images (CGI) emitted the frequencies from their craft and created an illusion that seduced the simple minded crowd. Their intent is clear= keep human beings in the dark, hide knowledge keeping them ignorant. Why did Mayan priests offer human sacrifes to the gods? Were these gods aliens? Now they take what they want, they mutilate our Fauna. Returning to Marian Apparitions what we see after the show is the revival of faith in people. The Elite that rules the World would not act differently since knowledge is power and educated people cannot be manipulated easily. So keep the crowd ignorant. We know of a lot of reports of animal mutilation. And what about human mutilation? Do you really think there has been only one documented case in Brazil? What if people knew there have been dozens of human mutilations. Where are the evidences? Concealed in secret drawers from the eyes of the public. Why? Knowledge is power. Will the elite give power to the people?
Gonna tell you what, we are hybrids, and the process of hybridisation is neverending, it never ceases. Owe it to the aliens, that is their job, genetic engineering.
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Senior Member
When Aliens talk (they look just like us) - no one listens...that is amazing...yet people talk around them like crazy...thanks.
