Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

Heinrich Hundekok

Junior Member
Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

Can anyone in this forum please confirm - or preferrably disprove - this story?

EDIT: Link is no longer available.

It was mentioned in this very forum a few days ago, but it didn't get much attention, which I found even more scary than the article itself.

Now, did this really happen? Did any of you (american) people in here actually see this on tv? I'm not really going to put my trust in net-articles like these (the light looks fake) but I'll trust you guys.

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

This is almost like the same thing the men in black use but you still remember things? Where's the damn cookie that light promised me!!!!!!

I hope this is just a joke, it's so close to what national lampoon or mad magizine mught print it just HAS to be fake.

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

Thats a good one. As far as I am aware of, that didn't happen. But then again it could have been a deneuralizer. lol

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

Exactly my thought, Starlord!

I really hope this to be fake. Otherwise I'd start thinking about getting the hell outta there! For some strange reason I find this story fa more concerning than the ones about nuclear weapons, governmental economy manipulation and the lot. But again... the picture in the article looks fake!

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

I find bright shinny objects always calm me down too. Sometimes when I get really down, it is fun to stare at really bright lights. I think I saw a confirmation of this story in the World News or the National Enquire or some other reputable publication like the BBspot.

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"BubbuClinton\")</div>
I think I saw a confirmation of this story in the World News or the National Enquire or some other reputable publication like the BBspot.


Arrgh! This is exactly what I was trying to prevent by posting this!!! You think you saw it?? Now every poor kid reading this will think it did happen!!!

Can somebody please tell what really happened?!!!

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

I saw this Happen. It was amazing! I was so pissed off when he was talking about the war, then he showed the shinny object. Life was so much better. I too tried to get through the screen and grab that object. My doctors said that I shouldn't try to grab things like this any more and upped my medications.

Good hot with butter
Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

HH Said:
Can somebody please tell what really happened?!!!

Heinrich let me be very clear as to not confuse the kids. This "DID NOT HAPPEN" this story is a satire as was my reply. I realize that you must not be in the US. The National Enquire and the World News are famous for having stories about the presidents with aliens, Elvis Sightings and the like. Somebody at the BBspot was having a little fun with the Bush Administration. Do not be fooled by satirical stroies meant to entertain.

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

Thank You!

I suspected this to be a prank, and it was. End of story.

It's just that I'm not too familiar with all these "news" websites, and since I - as you correctly guessed - do not live in the states, I have no access to american news teevee-channels.

I just wanted to be sure, since - well, you know - this is america, after all. Pretty strange things happen there, know what I'm saying....

Guess we can let this thread die in peace now.

Re: Bright Shiny Object ??!!!

You are always invited to try and understand the American Psyche. European's sometime have a hard time understanding our long tradition of political satire. In the USA, it is a god given right to criticize the President, (take my handle for example) The Vice President is the Butt of every joke and Congressmen have no sense and can never do anything right. However, that doesn't mean we don't love our country and will not stand up for our freedoms. We are just very vocal about things. There is a great divergency of opinion here on every topic and everybody feels that they have a right to say everything. This keeps us honest with each other. We feel that if all sides of an issue are discussed, it may be possible to come to the right conclusion. However, nobody can agree about what the right conclusion is.

Anyway, please forgive my satirical stance on topics like this. Also, I would guess that WonderBread has a similar warped sense of humor like I do. I was not trying to be offensive. The Internet is a great source of information, but there is a lot misinformation too. If it looks too insane to be true, it probably is.

