Bruce Jenner Becomes Caitlyn Jenner — Illuminati Goddess Ritual?


🤖 Think outside the mind
There isn’t much we could say about Bruce Jenner’s transformation that hasn’t already been said. Oh wait! Have you considered that perhaps this is an Illuminati goddess ritual? Believe it or not, there are people that don’t just think Bruce Jenner is one confused dude, and that this is actually him blossoming into an Illuminati high priestess.
We know this may seem like an outlandish concept at first glance, but it isn’t completely unheard of in conspiracy circles. Remember that many believe that the recent transgender movement is part of a plan by the powers-that-be to reduce or eliminate the concept of gender in the first place. We have repeatedly addressed why that would be important for the government or a New World Order, but if you believe in that stuff, it’s only a hop, skip, and a jump away to get to the Illuminati and the invisible influence over culture that so many people out there believe is very much real and happening all around us. Is Bruce Jenner part of the Illuminati big picture? Let us know what you think.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
I'm pretty sure the producers just told him he wasn't interesting anymore and we're gonna kick him off...
Besides the illuminati wants you to be fixated on trivial things like this, that's why I don't watch television or care about news, especially when it comes to celebs or the 1 %.
And the only reason I was attached to this post was because I had just heard about this guy through the grapevine earlier today lol

Yeah, I agree with Ike... The Kardashians/Jenners were becoming old news... No better way of grabbing the spotlight than changing sexes!

Now that Bruce is Caitlyn, he really resembles Jessica Lange (who I've always found to be pretty).


Could you imagine going on a blind date with her/him? The small talk would be interesting. She/He could also be on a show like the old Dating Game...full of surprises, like my first trip to the Ladies Room...the contestants are thinking wtf as they think they are with a real lady. I know...what we need is another sick reality show.
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When I was growing up, Bruce was a 1976 Olympic decathlon men's event champion and an American television personality. Can you say "male role model". So... what does this do for the millions of young men that looked up to Bruce? I guess I just don't/can't understand...
When I was growing up, Bruce was a 1976 Olympic decathlon men's event champion and an American television personality. Can you say "male role model". So... what does this do for the millions of young men that looked up to Bruce? I guess I just don't/can't understand...
Exactly! Yet now he claims he's always felt like a woman?? I'm calling BS... And everyone saying how brave he is, c'mon now... The sad thing is, if you don't accept people like this, you're considered the bad person...

I don't mean to come across as hateful or anything against the transgender community... I just can't understand Bruce. But I guess I don't have to...
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When I was growing up, Bruce was a 1976 Olympic decathlon men's event champion and an American television personality. Can you say "male role model". So... what does this do for the millions of young men that looked up to Bruce? I guess I just don't/can't understand...
Exactly! Yet now he claims he's always felt like a woman?? I'm calling BS... And everyone saying how brave he is, c'mon now... The sad thing is, if you don't accept people like this, you're considered the bad person...

The sad thing is, if you don't accept people like this, you're considered the bad person..

The way I see it if people can live with themselves doing something like this more power to them and they have to know before doing it that it's not going to be acceptable to everyone. They are the ones that have to live with the decision and how society views them.
Someday he may have to account for his life and how many people he was able to help with all his fame anf fortune. God asks, "Were you able to help feed the poor and homeless, Bruce... with all that money you were provided with?" "Nay, I changed my body to be a woman because I am a woman! I bought some new clothes and my name is Caitlyn, not Bruce."
Someday he may have to account for his life and how many people he was able to help with all his fame anf fortune. God asks, "Were you able to help feed the poor and homeless, Bruce... with all that money you were provided with?" "Nay, I changed my body to be a woman because I am a woman! I bought some new clothes and my name is Caitlyn, not Bruce."

True, one day he may have to answer to a higher power just glad it's him and not me.
Someday he may have to account for his life and how many people he was able to help with all his fame anf fortune. God asks, "Were you able to help feed the poor and homeless, Bruce... with all that money you were provided with?" "Nay, I changed my body to be a woman because I am a woman! I bought some new clothes and my name is Caitlyn, not Bruce."
Names are not sentient. God doesn't care wth his/her name is.
