Buying an HDR Machine


New Member
I just got off the phone with Steven Gibbs about buying an HDR machine. I'm curious about these and have read through practically every post about them on here but have yet to hear straight out from someone whether they work. I'd like to order one ASAP (tomorrow) if possible so I will receive it by the full moon so I can travel but I'd like to hear from you guys if you think it is a worthy purchase and if it works?


Senior Member
When it comes down to TT, that is a rough subject, you will hear about people who have TT but they will offer no proof. From my understand the HDR is used mostly for Astral projection kind of like Strong Meditation, so your soul goes but body stays. To me if i could ever find the patience and actually relax for 5 minutes the HDR would help get the goal quicker while meditating. As for full body TT, needless to say allot say they have but not 1 can offer solid proof.


New Member
Is it possible that the when people physically travel back in time they do not remember when they return? If you mess with your timeline you would erase all memory of even buying an HDR.
I talked to Steven and he told me that HDRKid talked to a woman who bought a machine to travel back in time and save her son. When she returned she had no recollection about it. Apparently, HDRKid called her a few days after she had set her date to travel and she had no clue who he was and her son was safe and in college.
Could that be the reason we never hear of successful time travel? Because the people who do go back and change their past don't remember trying in the first place? I mean it's kinda hard to prove something you don't remember doing...


Senior Member
I would assume they would make notes of it, if i were to go back in time to save my Dog i would make note of Time/Date and events just to log, no one is going to go back in time and not log it. Assuming doing so altered their history and therfor erased the future she had before she went back in time possibly.

But i stand by the "For every action their is greater or equal reaction" What are going to be the consequences of such a feat that you completely change the course of not only your history but everyone else's.


New Member
It's quite a mind-boggling thought. As for the log book: if you erased your present by changing your past then you would never have written you log. Even if you had they are just logs. Show someone a log and they are going to say 'prove it?' where do you go from there? "My son is still alive"? How can you prove he never was?

I think the idea of proving time travel is absurd. Going back in time at any point would change it even just with your presence (unless it is astral projection) At the same time that makes it incredibly hard to believe that it actually exists in a physical form.
Many of us are looking to go back in time to change an event. If we were successful, no one would ever hear about it. We only hear from the people who fail to do it and those people call it a scam or fraud.

I do not know if physical time travel is real. I cannot see a way to prove it is real though. If I were to buy an HDR and go back and change the things I wanted to (whether that were in another timeline or not, I do not know) then I would not return to this timeline to tell you about it. Either that or my existence in this timeline would be so incredibly altered that I may not remember to go and tell a forum about doing something I have no recollection (besides the possibility of a log) of doing. There is also the possibility that I would cease to exist in this timeline and would continue my life in my new timeline that had been 'fixed' of all the problems I had made.

While I am unsure if I believe in time travel I cannot discredit it for the reasons stated above. Has there ever been someone on this forum who claimed to have bought an HDR or some other type of machine only to tell you "I'm going to use it tonight and tell you guys what happens" and they never return? Sure, that could be out of shame or maybe a hoax. Or they successfully travelled back in time. I guess we will never know.


Senior Member
The whole theory with TT is to go back and change something we all wish we could go back in time and alter decisions made but that would then defeat the purpose of living would it not? If we could buy a device travel back into time and change life decisions and events every one would do and we would all leave perfect regretless lives. We would learn from nothing cause we could always go back and alter it.

Now Speaking of Newtons 3rd law, what are the out comes of you going back and changing the past? perhaps your choice will affect many others in a negative way or even affect you in a more negative way, all things must be considered.

And if i recall HDRkid said it took many years of practice to get to TT the way he does. So it wouldn't be a Buy and go kind of situation. "I do not know the whole story sorry hdrkid"

But then whats the point of going back and fixing something that went wrong if you cant experience it like you should cause your memory was erased of it?


New Member
I do not claim to know the 'point' of time travel. If we all had the ability to do it, I agree, it would destroy the world as it works now. As humans we are skeptical of anything that cannot be explained in solid terms. Time travel cannot be proven as I mentioned before and therefore will never gain mainstream usage (if it does, in fact, exist).

If I were to travel back in time and change a decision I made that new timeline would become my present. I would have no recollection of purchasing a time machine and using it to time travel and therefore, when I hear about the possibility of time travel in my new timeline, I would be just as skeptical and unwilling to try it as I was the first time - because ti cannot be proven or explained.

If it works as I think it does, then it wouldn't be something that you could repeatedly use over and over again to change every tiny mistake because every time you decided to try it you would have to re-convince yourself it is real. For all we know, there could be a small group of people who do use it over and over again and live 'perfect lives'. Our perception may be altered but in our mind it is not since 'that's how it's always been' for us. When they go back and change something it shifts our present. This shift isn't a sudden shift. It isn't like we are sitting there one moment and then the next we are running through a field because things have changed. Our mind would not remember sitting there. It would only re-create the timeline that lead up to us running... because in the new reality that is what happened. Our presents could be consistently being affected by people who decided to time travel but we would never know because we would not see that change. It would be as if that were how it always was... If that makes sense...


Senior Member
I Suppose if you are willing to lose everything from that point on then in theory you could do that, all knowledge and gain from that point on would be lost then no? Again all hypothetical but if it was recent and you are able to do it then it wouldn't have that big of a impact, but assuming you cant just go and will need to practice with the HDR first, it may be worth the time to stay in this time frame and help others, instead of losing everything and going back.


New Member
Possibly... But by going back to the past are you really losing everything or gaining? If you get to redo that one moment you have always regretted... Is that really a loss?


Senior Member
Well yes, you lose everything that could of made you stronger, you miss the life experiences the new people you lose allot you would of never got to experience had the event not happened. Sure you gain the Event back and it resumes as normal but you wont be able to know what your capable of if the event happened.

Some say it is inevitable, that ladys kid may have been alive then, but he will eventually die later, so she did gain him back for a-bit but she will lose him again, it was his time to go and interfering with it just delayed the inevitable. So now she enters a never ending cycle of trying to save the kid, and never really moving on in life, each time she gains a little more time but loses out on life its self.
