Calling all contactees

walt willis

Senior Member
Would all alien contactees please come forward and share just a little of what you know about the gray aliens.
Even if you know a person that has told you about seeing an alien would help me feel better about this forum.
I would also ask that the jokers and hoaxers please reframe from your left handed comments.
It would help to know that I am not the only person here that has been in close contact with grays.
OK, so I am alone on this issue!
And there are either no contactees or they are not ready or willing to come forward at this time...

I'll tell you a true story if you like. My ex-husband was in the boys home in Jacksonville Florida in the 70s, he was 11. He was sitting in a tree during time out for fighting. The other boys got to go in for lunch but 'C' had to stay in time-out. As he was sitting up in the tree, a flying saucer came out of nowhere and hovered silently. 'C' said he felt like they came down to check on him. The next thing he remembers it was dinner time and the adults were calling and couldn't find him and one looks again and 'C' is back in the tree. When he went to bed that night a few of the boys by the window also seen a ufo over 'C' in the tree. He also happens to have rh- blood-type.

Thank you so much for sharing that story.
I helps to know others are willing to talk about things that many people may make fun of.
I now wonder just how many are keeping their sighting private because of the peer pressure and grief they know would surly follow.
I am surprised to see few if any forum members here that know for a fact that aliens are real.
If we are ever going to have disclosure there needs to be more brave people come forward and the hoaxers to go away.
Hey Walt...I know BlastTyrant would have some information for you. I base this on some of his pevious posts and writings. He hasn't been on the site lately but pops in from time to time. Maybe you could send him a PM and tell him I sent you, if you wish.
Funny you should say that!
That is exactly what happen when I told other family members.
They were shocked that I would bring that up out of the blue and then told me about what they say.
Still other family members still made fun of us and some no longer wish to speak with us.
You see? Look how much ridicule Travis Walton has endured. He's stuck to the same story, all these years. In the interviews I've seen he's been sane, and believable.
Just thought of a good movie I saw called "Timeline".
I spoke with Travis and told him why I thought he was taken.
After that he seems to understand that they had to take him to save his life.
The high energy discharge hit him as he stood and he would have died if not for aliens intervention.
Just thought of a good movie I saw called "Timeline".
I spoke with Travis and told him why I thought he was taken.
After that he seems to understand that they had to take him to save his life.
The high energy discharge hit him as he stood and he would have died if not for aliens intervention.

Please explain? Did the 'Aliens' not fire the high energy discharge?
